Hyper when I enter the room/ biting more


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 22, 2016
Hey everyone, my 4 month old kitten is doing something that at least to me doesn't seem to normal. Like most cats he has his kitty crazy moments, in the morning and at night, but the strange thing is that his night time crazies only really happen when I am in the room with him. And before you say that oh he does it when you are out of the room you just can't hear him trust me when I say that my cat ain't quiet. He runs around jumping from his cat tree, to the floor, up on my dresser, and basically anything he can get up on while doing this mix between a meow and a pur. He is a loud little bugger. I hear him have maybe one or 2 crazy moments from the living room every so often, can't go on my laptop cause the cat wants to chew on it and I don't want to have to replace it, but overall he is just quiet and occasionally meows for me or someone else to visit him which I do frequently during the day.

I play with him as well, even tried playing with him for a straight up hour before giving him his dinner and it did diddly crap to effect his energy, he then bolted around for a hour or so on his own before getting bored and that is on a good night. Could he just be over stimulated or something? If anyone knows a reason why he is doing this or if it is just something cats do please tell me. I just applied for a job and have a interview on Wednesday and if I get it I will be gone for a chunk of the day, not to mention have to get up early, so he won't have as much time with me as he is use to. I can't kick him out of my room at night cause he gets into anything he can and my room is the only relatively kitten proof room I can do at the moment and I just don't feel safe leaving him to room the house with stuff like my dad leaving the front door open to load in groceries or him forgetting to close the dish washer among other things. Should I just try sleeping in a different room at night?

Also he has been bitting me way more lately. I will be laying there and he will come up and lick my hand, nose, or ear lobe before he just decides to bite it. Sometimes softly but other times kinda hard, I've tried walking away when he does this,putting him on the ground and other such methods. I've even had to scruff him a good couple of times cause he will full on grab my hand with all his paws before bitting it. It's gotten worst now due to the fact I moved my bed next to my old bed's headboard bookshelf, to give myself a little more space in the room, and he will just jump up on to the headboard and pull in or just straight up bite my hand if it gets to close to where he is at. I am almost certain he is just playing but like I said I have seriously played with this cat for a hour straight and his energy did not change, only time he stops is if he is fully bored. Is it normal for him to have this much energy and to only seem to have it when I am in the room with him? I mean I kid you not I could go in my room after sitting in the living room for a few minutes and he is much calmer then when I left him but if I stay in there he won't calm down for a long time, I still think the only reason he sleeps is cause he is bored.

So anything you guys could suggest to help with my problem, I assume it is the same route cause, if there is one would be awesome. And ps if you think the answer is another kitten let me stop you there, I've said on other forums my options for this so I won't repeat them here but the answer is no to getting another kitten


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 20, 2016
Ok first off when you play get him jumping. It tires them out way, way faster.
Secondly if not sexed get done, will calm dramatically.
I hadn't had a cat b4 my 9 month old kitten had her since 2 months old and she used to be feral. It can be disconcerting the noises chirps and growling kittens can make. You get used to it.
Lastly get a bag of treats. Reinforce good behaviour and scold bad behaviour. Get him to know the word "no" firmly and clearly.
And on the upside it sounds like he like you and is having a ball. Don't let it overwhelms out deal with one problem at a time.
He's young, he'll learn.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 22, 2016
Tried the jumping thing multiple times , almost since I got him, and it doesn't really work. He has tons of energy. Like I said though it only seems to be when I'm in the room, if my mom goes in there He is still pretty calm, he gnaws on her clothes and on her hands occasionally but doesn't have his crazy kitty moments. However if I enter the room he will immediately jump off her lap and follow me around like a little puppy or attack my feet. I seriously think I'm making him hyper some how.

Like I stated before if I leave the room for a few minutes he will meow for a bit then stop. When I return he is either calmly exploring the room of sprawled out on my bed, chill as can be. But after I'm in there for a few minutes he is back to being crazy kitty. He only does it with me. Is it because he knows I'm his owner or thinks I'm fun or something? If so I am happy about that but at the same time I need to be able to go to sleep before freaken 2 am. Once I am asleep he doesn't really bother me unless it's around 6 or 7 when it's breakfast time, or if he jumps on me to get on the bed or something.

So unless I can figure out a way to make me being in the room with him not be a trigger for his kitty crazies I am gonna have to sleep in another room at night which honestly makes me sad cause I love waking up to him cuddling with me........plus he is the best little alarm clock I have ever had.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 20, 2016
4 month is pretty young. Cats are nocturnal. He needs to get used to used to being awake in the day when your awake. My girl gets more feral the less sleep she has.
It's not a valid training technique my my kitten learns a lot by me loosing my sh&t. If she's up at night she knows not to wake her up at night coz she'll get roused on.
The kitten phase will pass and I guarantee you'll miss it. My girl is often affectionate/excited but spends most of the time looking at me like "ugh...you still live here?". Relax it'll come good, just takes time.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 22, 2016
The walking around at night I can handle but he seriously goes full sprint, Daytona 500, and bounces of me any chance he gets. And like I said he doesn't go all crazy when I am not in the room, he will mess with stuff as all cats do but he doesn't do the loud full sprint jumping about thing he does when I am in there. So to some it up calm when I am out of the room, purs and follows me for a bit when I re-enter the room, and then he goes into crazy kitty mode. Does not matter what time of day, if I'm up and in there he will go crazy kitty, and this is anytime during the day. He eventually settles down but sometimes it takes a long time and sometimes those settled down moments are extremely short.

I mean to me that doesn't seem normal for him to only go full on kitty crazy only when I am in the room with him, especially when he is supper chill when my mom or sister go into the room to visit him. Has anyone else had a cat that was only hyper when you were in the same room as it?

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
There is only one explanation.... he is a 4 month old kitten! Cat crazies as you know are very common, they will subside as he gets older and more mature and calm. They won't go away, I have a 9 year old that still does it every night before bedtime. If his nocturnal actions cause you to lose sleep, you might invest in a calming aide to give before bedtime before special occasions when you HAVE to sleep. I usually give far less then they recommend for vet trips and they work well. I get mine on Amazon or at Pet Meds.  Ask your vet first, they are made up from 'natural' ingredients so shouldn't cause a problem. As for just doing it when you are in the room, it is because he feels much more comfortable with you then anyone else, and he considers you his human and is inviting you to play and interact with him. He just can't contain himself because after all he is 4 months old and so full of energy that needs to be let out he can't help it. A kitten (up to a year old) is so full of energy they need an outlet and if it is not provided through play they overload and let it out. The thing is, there is NEVER TOO MUCH PLAY! You could play with him for hours and it wouldn't be enough. Like puppies chewing on things it is just being a kitten and that is what makes them special. That is why I now no longer have curtains in my house, pulling crying kittens down from the top of my expensive drapes was just too much trouble 10 times a day. The only thing to do is love them, give them guidance and protection, and say to yourself "This too will pass!"
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 22, 2016
I know that there will be cat crazies moments through out the rest of his life, that is not the thing I am trying to fix cause I know that's impossible, I'm trying to figure out why I always trigger them and nothing else does, like I said I can be out of the room for a long time and he doesn't have a single crazy moment but say I check on him every hour or so and stay with him for 20 minutes he will have a crazy moment each and every time. I reapeat, I am the only one he does this with.

I am not trying to stop his kitty crazies, I am trying to figure out why they only happen when I am in the room. I am not joking when I say his kitty crazies come to a complete stop when I leave the room, they do not start again till I come back in.

So please do not just say he is a kitten, I know that but he only and I mean only ever goes full kitty crazy with me in the room. Not trying to stop his crazies just want to make it so if I have to leave the room he will continue running around to burn off the energy and or make it so me coming in the room every single time at any point in the day isn't a crazy trigger. Doesn't go crazy with anyone else, doesn't do it when I'm outta the room in the living room, only does it when I am in the room.