How To Make Outdoor Cats Feel Safe At Home?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2017
Hi everyone,

I adopted Coconut 5 months ago. I think he has been a street cat since he was born. He is spayed and at least 8 years old (missing teeth). He had eye infection, nutrition deficiency, flea problem, and FIV infection when I took him home. After several months medical treatment, he is getting close to a healthy cat now. But since his eyesight are recovered, he feels even more nervous about me than before.

1) Coconut never raises up his tail. I tried to play with him and give him treats, but he is scared of even a tiny mouse toy and show no interest in treats.
2) When Coconut still had eye infection, he really likes me petting him. I can even pet his stomach for half an hour and Coconut purred really loud. Now he attacks me whenever I try to get my finger close to him. I can only touch his head for minutes.

Coconut is a shy but really sweet cat. He sleeps on my pillow every day when I am not at home and go back to his bed when it's time for me to use the pillow.
I have never had any pet before. I am trying my best to make Coconut to feel at home and adapt his new indoor life. So any suggestion and comment are appertained.


TCS Member
Aug 25, 2017
Hi everyone,

I adopted Coconut 5 months ago. I think he has been a street cat since he was born. He is spayed and at least 8 years old (missing teeth). He had eye infection, nutrition deficiency, flea problem, and FIV infection when I took him home. After several months medical treatment, he is getting close to a healthy cat now. But since his eyesight are recovered, he feels even more nervous about me than before.

1) Coconut never raises up his tail. I tried to play with him and give him treats, but he is scared of even a tiny mouse toy and show no interest in treats.
2) When Coconut still had eye infection, he really likes me petting him. I can even pet his stomach for half an hour and Coconut purred really loud. Now he attacks me whenever I try to get my finger close to him. I can only touch his head for minutes.

Coconut is a shy but really sweet cat. He sleeps on my pillow every day when I am not at home and go back to his bed when it's time for me to use the pillow.
I have never had any pet before. I am trying my best to make Coconut to feel at home and adapt his new indoor life. So any suggestion and comment are appertained.
Coconut is an adorable name! I wonder what made you come up with it? Is he brown and white?
I am no expert, but I think in your case, only time will heal, slowly, but it will heal :alright:. Do you happen to know his past? Some street cats are abused and suffer from trust issues (Some people are just cruel and evil beyond your imagination) Maybe when you took him in, he really needed that support as you mentioned he suffered from other health conditions and weak. Now that he is recovering and able to see you, I guess he is relating you with other humans that might have abused him? I hope that is not the case but regardless, please do not worry, just be patient and consistent with his routine as far as feeding, playing, sleeping etc.
I have heard many many successful stories about street cats that turned out to be sweetest things on earth, but with time. I do not think being indoor is the issue here. I hope he has access to hang out by a large glass patio door or a window from where he can see and explore with his eyes. You can also try associate food with his play time to build up that relationship again. He loves you, if he didn't he wouldn't be sleeping on your pillow while you are away. It shows that he loves your smell and feels safe. Some cats are just skittish like my Loki. He is my older one, has been with me over a year and a half. Barely cares for treats or toys. I got him at 3 months, I know he loves me, but he is very aloof. He has always been this way and I respected his space, but it breaks my heart when he doesn't cuddle with me, show much affection and only lets me pet him on his term, and that too, for less than a minute. Your baby has gone through a lot, and he just needs time. He loves you, he will come around with time. I don't know how picky he is with food, but if he doesn't care of dry treats, you can try purely fancy feast treats that are wet treats individually packed. That and some flavored, not all Temptations Loki likes, where as my baby girl Lily eats anything and everything! Try different treats and different toys. Maybe try laser pointer you can control being far away from him so that he can see you play with him maintaining the distance? I hope everything turns out great and please keep us posted! :hearthrob:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2017
If in a couple of months and still no progress I would try feliway & calming collars. The best thing you can do for your cat right now is give him time, a stable routine & lots of time talking to him (while not looking at him.) I do my fake puuurrr when I want to reassure my cats, get them to come to me or when I first adopt a kitten (because puuuurrrss are completely non threatening/welcoming in cat speak.) A box or two to hide in and some scent soakers wouldn't hurt :)


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 22, 2017
Does Coconut follow you around the house? Does he always seem to be in the same room with you? If he does, like Loki_lily said, he likes you, he's just got a lot of baggage. After 8 years on his own, he is probably very distrustful.

Treats: try tuna, baby food or lunch-meat. With my shy guy, I had to start by tossing the treats right at his feet or he wouldn't take them. It took time for him to take them from my hand right away (now, forget about it - he comes running when he hears the treat container).

Toys and play: again, try to get some distance between your hand and the toy with a wand/pole toy. And play with it - have it hide under tables and throw rugs, dart in and out - that should grab his attention.