How To Adjust Diet Based On Kitten's Activity Level?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 26, 2017
I got my Bengal kitten, Michi, when he was just 4 weeks old and he has always been very very active. When I say very active, I mean literally always sprinting, jumping, playing, climbing. My vet could not believe how active he is.

When he was younger, I would feed him whenever he wanted to eat, which was sometimes up to 6 times a day. I have always fed him high quality dry food once a day and wet food for all his other meals. My vet has no concerns about his growth and he's maintaining a healthy weight; he's now 11 months and weighs 15 lbs (he has a very high muscle mass).

My concern is recently I've been letting him outside now that the weather is nicer. I always feed him before I let him out and when he comes back him (I usually let him out once or twice for 2 hours at a time). When he's outside he sprints at full speeds, climbs trees, and really burns a lot of calories. The reason I'm making this post is because, before he started going outside and just played in the house, he would eat a lot, but leave some behind (letting me know he's full). Now, whenever I feed him, he finishes completely, so I'm not sure if it's because I'm not giving him enough.

I'm finding it very hard to establish a concrete schedule for him, so any help is much appreciated! On a typical day he eats about a 1/2 cup dry food and anywhere from 1.5-2 cans of wet food (5.5 oz). Keep in mind that this is split between 5-6 meals a day.


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Well, it's hard to say how much he should be eating. It's really based on caloric intake, so you need to determine how many calories he needs to maintain his ideal weight, then figure out how many cans, cups he needs to meet that. If he is an extremely active cat, as bengals often are, then he may need up to 50 calories per pound of "cat". at 15 pounds, that would be 750 calories per day! Holy cow!!!! But if that's what it takes to maintain, then so be it. Anyway, as I said, it all depends on what brands you are feeding as to their caloric value. (and whether or not he really needs that many calories.)

Here, maybe this article will help you: How Much Food Should I Feed My Cat?