How quirky is your kitty?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 19, 2001
I am looking for some examples of the strange, funny or unusual things your kitten or cat might do.

For example- Hurricane Charlie will take off with my watch or rings and run them upstairs and drop them in the litter pan.

Fiona my calico will steal any pens she can find and take them and hide them in an air vent.

Sharky will alert me if there is a strange cat outside by running into the room and tapping me on the ankle.

Anyone else care to share?


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 16, 2005
new jersey
My cat Ace talks to me, with everything he does. He makes little chirps when I look at him, touch or pet him and when I talk to him he will often meow back. Also if he meows to come in and I let him in he will sometimes go back out even with the window open and just meow and howl out there for no reason anyway.


TCS Member
Aug 24, 2008
North East England
Dunno if this counts but when Sooty was a kitten he used to go missing quite often still does actually - (anyone noticed black cats have a habbit of doing that lol) always in the house though never outside now Flash being the angel that she is you say "Flash where's Sooty?" she would take you straight to him

Flash walks around meeping when theres a fly in and would come and get you to brin it closer to her like when you go to swat said fly


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 22, 2009
Plano, TX
As mentioned already
my Neko has some of the same quirky habits. She will talk to you with all kinds of various meows and sighs. Its super cute! Especially when i come home from work; we chat about all the things we did that day!
She also likes to tap me on the leg with her paw when she wants my attention to play fetch with her.
And for some reason, while i know she loves her daddy (my bf), she always makes this sigh or whimper when he picks her up! As if to say "oh no, not you again, i was cumfy in mommys lap!"

She has different personalities depending on who she's with. When my bf is home with her, he says that she'll lay in the bed, or watch the birds, or lay on the couch but not directly with him. Then when i come home she's following me around, constantly meowing, or wanting to lay in my lap. According to my bf, Neko is a big girl when mommys not around


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Aug 17, 2008
Northern Virginia
My kitties can be quite silly...

Ringo likes to hide under surfaces, and run up and attack. He also likes to try to sneak up on your dinner.
Lennon enjoys playing in his litterbox right after I clean it. Not just a little bit, but like....dumping half the litter out playing. rives me nuts. Oh, also, he is an insane climber. Their scratching post is under where I hang my robe...He climbs to the top of the post, then to the top of the robe..then tries to jump to the top of the bookshelf (never successfully, to date). He also climbs the half wall in the living room (it is brick) and the bedposts. He is part monkey!
Lucy likes to chirp to the mice, and hardly ever really full out meows- she chirps! If the mice aren't where she can see them when she wants to, she chirps until Penny comes out to play- and it, oddly, works!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 6, 2010
Indianapolis, IN
What great stories!! I love quirky kitties...they're my favorites. Bella has developed a quirky new method of getting me up in the mornings (only on my days off). She will gently peel back all the covers off of me one layer at a time. Then she sits by my head and stares at me until I wake up. I just wuv her


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 26, 2009
Northeast Ohio
I don't know how I missed this! I can honestly say that I've got some quirky kitties. But, then again, that's what I love about them.

My Emory is like a ferret
. If she sees jewelry or a barrette, she's immediately drawn to it. When she sees something with any sheen to it, she develops an instant "Ooh, shiny!" look. As soon as she takes notice, there is a glint in her eyes and she begins to flick her tail back and forth. And, if I'm not careful, it's only seconds before she has taken whatever shiny item she has found and secreted it away in one of her hiding places. I can usually find her safe spots, but, to this day, I'm missing a gold necklace my grandfather gave me before he passed and I know that he has put it someplace. It's gotten so bad that I have to hide my jewelry and hair clips in sturdy drawers that she can't wriggle open. But, it's hard to stay upset with her -- she's just like her meowmy...shiny things are, well, pretty...

Cassidy is probably my least quirky kitty. She doesn't typically find herself in trouble, but she has taken a liking to teasing the other cats. Cass is quite the lazy girl and much prefers sprawling out on the floor to playing, but she has a need to take all of the cat toys that are out and hoard them. She doesn't play with them -- in fact, she just steals them from the others and then piles them up next to her while she flops down with a "come hither" look. And, she'll let the others take their toys back. But, as soon as she has a chance, she'll scurry off and grab another batch of toys to lord over the others. Cassidy's idea of playing is swatting at something from a laying down position, but if an activity includes the potential to taunt the other cats, she's all for it. And, I let her. The others don't mind and Cassie does need to exercise. So, I suppose, it's a win-win situation for all

Delaney isn't quirky as much as she is fickle. She tends to run hot and cold. One day, she'll love you, but the next you better watch out. Thankfully, my relationship with her is consistent, but my roommate often comments about her behavior. And, the other cats are definitely aware of how Delaney operates. I'd say she was the alpha, but she's also a scaredy-cat, so she's a complicated character for sure. But, I love her
. Her only real quirk is that she's obsessed with the squirrels outside. She couldn't care less about the birds perched near the windows, but squirrels she can't resist. As soon as she sees one, she throws herself against the window and starts chattering. When she realizes the squirrel is paying her no mind, she begins to yell at it. And, God forbid the squirrel scolds her! Once that happens, it's an all out war. She paws the window, yowls, and paces back and forth. And, if the squirrel particularly gets on her nerves, she will begin to try to get its attention by prancing and putting on a show in front of the window -- all while making a ton of noise. It's quite funny as she ignores most every other critter, but squirrels are a whole other animal. Literally.

And, my Finnegan. He's perhaps the quirkiest of all. First off, just looking at him makes me smile. He has a tail that is so foofy that it's comical. But, it's his silly personality that really gets me. I could write for forever about Finn and his antics, but I'll try to control myself. Where toys are concerned, he's mister tough guy. He loves to make a commotion. It's usually with wand toys or catnip-filled toys, but he loves nothing more than to steal toys away from me or the other cats, run into a corner or hiding space, and growl...loudly. He's the least fierce kitten in the world, but don't tell him that during the "hunt." It's all business then. But, I have to admit that it's pretty cute to see an orange and white fluffball hiding under the coffee table and growling at some invisible perpetrator. The other cats ignore him, but he, nevertheless, needs to prove he's a mighty hunter. Finnegan also has a foot fetish
. It's not everyone's feet, but just mine. As soon as he sees me, he tries to wriggle off my shoes or socks and then licks my feet. He'll just hug his paws around my ankle(s) and lick, lick, lick for as long as I'll allow it. Thankfully, he never bites, but he does get a little too obsessed at times. I tell him he's a weirdo, but, I guess he doesn't care. I mean, if I was as cute as he was, I'm sure I could get away with a lot of silliness too.

I know there is much more I could write. But, for your sake, I'll spare you. Just suffice it to say that I think all kitties have their quirks. That's what makes 'em special.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 31, 2005
queens, new york
I soooo love all the stories about everyone's quirky kitties! Maia also has a few quirks herself, a major one is that if a whistle she comes running to me! The same goes for putting my cell phone on speaker phone......


TCS Member
Jul 14, 2010
My cat Ginger likes to sip from my beer glass....I don't let her of course but it's funny to watch her try!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2004
SW Indiana
Topaz lets me know it's what she thinks is my bedtime by sticking a toenail into my kneecap.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 20, 2006
I grew up in a multicat home. I don't even know what's considered quirky because it all seems to be normal cat behavior to me.

About the weirdest thing going on at the moment is that Tanna has found a new way to make a mess. She loves to shred boxes and paper. Now she's discovered she can put little pieces of paper and cardboard in their water. She's tearing up the boxes in another room and carrying these pieces all the way to the kitchen.


TCS Member
Jul 15, 2003
There's no place like home
Muddy stands on his hind legs and reaches out his arms for you to pick him up. He does it with anyone, even complete strangers. If you fail to pick him up, he either bites your ankles if you try to walk away, or leaps in the air expecting you to catch him. He doesn't understand the word "no".

Koko frantically licks toes, but only if you are in the bathroom or kitchen. Her favorite are freshly washed toes as you step out of the shower. She waits by the shower door and leaps on your feet as you step out. Her second favorite is when you stand in front of the stove cooking dinner. Go figure.

Scarlett must announce herself when she walks into a room, particularly the bedroom at night. I'm guessing she just likes grand entrances. And her meowls are not normal, in fact my cat friends tell me that even thought they've owned cats all their lives, they've never heard a cat make the sounds that Scarlett lets out.

The funny thing is, these are my 3 orphaned bottle fed cats. None of my other cats have odd quirks like these 3. They are clearly not normal.


TCS Member
Feb 9, 2010
My Little girl has to get in between the clear shower liner and curtain and watch me shower and then i have to put my hand on the clear liner so she can try and get it,its funny.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Feb 19, 2010
Imogen walks/runs in circles allll the time. If she feels like I'm not playing with her enough, she'll stop in the middle of the room, spin around like she's trying to make herself dizzy (with the foofy tail sticking straight up), and growl quietly until I get up, get the wand toy, and twirl it around for her to follow. I think it's a throwback to the first game we played when I adopted her: I would stand still and drag a string/wand/something around me in rapid circles while she tears up a miniature Nascar track around my ankles trying to get at it

Also, she only did this once, but I was amazed: I was oversleeping for work one morning, hitting the snooze button and being grumpy, and my wide-awake Imogen found my bra on the floor, grabbed it by the strap, and pulled it under her body big-cat style right to the edge of the bed where I was sleeping. It's like she was saying "Here, I help you get up and get dressed. Now where's breakfast?"

Oh, and I swear she spoke English one time. A door closed behind her without my realizing (I've since learned to prop them open) and she, trapped, cried out in clear, perfect English (with a feline accent) "Let me out!" followed by "Hello?"
(Actually it sounded more like "lemmmeeeooowt!" and "ewllooo?" You could even hear the question mark in that cry. I've never before or since heard such crisp sounds from her, or any cat for that matter.)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 30, 2007
Ah, quirky behavior....

Tex runs around the house cooing and trilling to himself.... we love him but we are not sure he's "all there."

Prowler and Jake - and sometimes Ghost - love my slippers and shoes... roll around on them, sniff them, bite and bunny kick them! Socks, too.

Prowler is also a pen thief... so they MUST be put away.

P and J are also toe fanatics, which is one of the main reasons I wear slippers in the house.

Archie likes to play this game - walk around you - brush you with his tail... and flop onto the floor - giving you a come-hither look over his shoulder to summon you to rub his belly. And he will move around and flop - choosing the spots where his slaves, er... humans should minister tummy rubbings!!

He also climbs to the crows nest at the top of the cat tree and "summons" the humans to adore him.

Arch also LOVES to open cabinets and drawers. He even did it in the vet's office - much to the vet's amusement!

Ghost likes to "huff" the conditioned air coming out of the vents. Literally. He will open his mouth, too, and do the Flehmens response. He also likes to sit in the middle of the livingroom floor, folded over and grooming his tummy. I don't know how he keeps his balance. He also demands cuddle time.. and will jump up on the bed, stomp around and squeak very loudly until I stop whatever I am doing and lay down with him.

Rex will NOT eat wet food unless I sprinkle "magic fairy dust" on it, AKA crushed up, freeze-dried chicken breast. He only needs a little and then... and only then... will he eat his wet food.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 30, 2007
Originally Posted by Iambic

Imogen walks/runs in circles allll the time. If she feels like I'm not playing with her enough, she'll stop in the middle of the room, spin around like she's trying to make herself dizzy (with the foofy tail sticking straight up), and growl quietly until I get up, get the wand toy, and twirl it around for her to follow. I think it's a throwback to the first game we played when I adopted her: I would stand still and drag a string/wand/something around me in rapid circles while she tears up a miniature Nascar track around my ankles trying to get at it

Also, she only did this once, but I was amazed: I was oversleeping for work one morning, hitting the snooze button and being grumpy, and my wide-awake Imogen found my bra on the floor, grabbed it by the strap, and pulled it under her body big-cat style right to the edge of the bed where I was sleeping. It's like she was saying "Here, I help you get up and get dressed. Now where's breakfast?"

Oh, and I swear she spoke English one time. A door closed behind her without my realizing (I've since learned to prop them open) and she, trapped, cried out in clear, perfect English (with a feline accent) "Let me out!" followed by "Hello?"
(Actually it sounded more like "lemmmeeeooowt!" and "ewllooo?" You could even hear the question mark in that cry. I've never before or since heard such crisp sounds from her, or any cat for that matter.)
They most definitely ask questions... AND .... make statements!!!!! LOL!!!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Mar 29, 2010
Midwest, USA
Chester Cheetah Muffin loves to "make out" with our covers on our bed. My husband & I will make the bed in the morning and sometimes we go back up to see the covers in the ball in the middle of the bed. We finally caught Chester one time kneading them with all four paws and biting them.
He doesn't do it all the time but we always know when he has been.

Chester will also drool all over you when it is close to the sun coming up and he sees you move in the bed. Then he gets right in your face, purring loudly, and rubs on your face or hands. All the time smearing drool on you. He thinks any sign of life is time to get some attention.

Chester is such a love muffin!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 16, 2006
North Carolina
I don't know if this is unusual, but Cindy tears around the house like a nut, down the hall, up the hall, down the stairs, meowing, after using the litter box. We always know when we have to go clean out the box


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 29, 2005
SW Minnesota
As most of you know, I really prefer male cats over females. In Ling's litter of brothers/sisters I really wanted to keep a male - not a female. But Ling was the first one out of the box all the time and would sit at your feet and scream at you to be picked up. So against my "will" I kept her and rehomed her brothers and sisters.

Ling is so weird/quirky in many ways - first she (and siblings) went thru 4 color changes growing up - born a blue tabby and white, then changed to blue point with tabby body markings, then to seal point w/ tabby markings and finally at 3-4 months old the entire litter turned into black and white cats - genetically this is impossible.

Second, she wound up being spayed twice! - was spayed and about 8 months later came into heat again. Vet reopened her up and found a cyst growing in the area of where the ovaries were.

And her quirkyness - she cries for you to pick her up and then 2 seconds later she is complaining to get right back down. And she would rather you pet her with your feet then your hands.

Do I win the prize for the most quirky cat?