How Much Should I Be Feeding My Bengal Cat?

Pearly Heights

TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 28, 2017
It's my sister's cat, but she seems to not value her too much.

Anyway, Indy is a bengal and about three years old I believe. We feed her one can of Fancy Feast in changing flavors every night. For the past month, I've really been paying attention to Indy as we had recently moved and I've been in contact with her more often and I'm concerned about how much she's being fed.

She meows when she wants more food all the time, causing some irritation and aggression amongst family members. I've presented the case that one tin of FF wasn't enough for her active, bug-killing lifestyle and breed, but it's shot down. I've given her a few cans in secret lately.

The thing is, she had went in for her annual vet visit a week or so ago, and she was described as a healthy weight. She looks well-feed, but she apparently doesn't feel like it.

This has been a rather long description, but there's one more thing I'm worried about. Indy's voice is VERY scratchy; the sound that you associate with dehydration. It's worth mentioning that my sister hadn't cared enough to put out a water bowl until three weeks ago, but it seems to have gotten worse, not better, even with the water and the wet food.

I'm really sorry for the essay, but there is so many little details that I want to bring up.


Snowshoe Servant
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
Do you know how much the cat weighs? Which FF does she get?

Your typical indoor cat should be getting 20 calories per pound, a more active cat could be getting up to 30 calories per pound. It is a general approximation and individuals do vary but it gives her a baseline. If we are talking the standard small FF cans then that is enough food for a 3-4 pound cat which wouldn't be enough. If the cat has outside access she may be supplementing with wild caught items which can be a little dangerous if she gets her paws on a poisoned rat.

Voice sound is hard to say. If it has changed that is sign of concern. But I have three cats who are healthy and widely different in sound. Link is classic cat, Nightfury is a squeaky baby sound and Rocket (the little prissy girl) sounds like a frog is in her throat. Its been two years and I still double take the rare occasions Rocket makes noise.


TCS Member
Nov 2, 2016
I would suggest setting out a bowl of hard cat food (chraper, lasts longer) as well as one can of her soft food. Cats typically eat seal amounts throughout the day and maybe if you gave her an alternative that lasts all day long she could go back when she needs for more. That's what I do for my cats but I dont typically get soft food because I have too many cats for that. Your cat may start to realize that you're giving her extra because of her behavior, only making it worst. I had a kitten that mowed at my feet every time I entered the kitchen bevause she knew I'd give her a tiny piece of cheese or a piece of turkey for doing so and I finally learned that she ain't really hungry cause if she was she'd go in there and eat but she just knows she gets the good stuff for being cute so I put a stop to her fridge snacking.