How long until safe after roundworm treatments?


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 20, 2012
Hey guys, I rescued two kittens that ive had for about 2 months. At 9 weeks we gave revolution dose and the next day saw one dead roundworm pass. I was under the impression that revolution is an effective dewormer on its own and am honestly getting confused. Well when I mentioned this to the vet she wanted to start them on panacur immediately for 5 days and again in two weeks. I am almost at the 30 days of revolution and will be applying another dose, and will also be starting the second round of the other dewormer next week. She did not want to check the poop yet as she said it would be a waste of money to do it before 2 weeks after the other treatment is done. I tried to ask about quarentine time as these kittens have been in a quarentine room for almost 2 months and I have other cats to socialize them to and she will not give me a straight answer as I guess she cant predict anything. I have also been heavily worried about the people in my house getting infected. The internet is a scary place and despite me cleaning with various cleaners, changing litter frequently and hand washing it makes it sound like everything they have touched after using the litter box could be contaminated and the only way to kill the eggs is boiling water or fire? Yikes! Not all of my animals can be treated with revolution either for health related issues so all we have been able to do is wait this out. Does anyone have any knowledge on this? I never even remember worrying about such a thing with any of my pets but now I sure will. Thanks!

Edit: I also realize no one can say for sure if they are at risk of infection but at this point in their treatment it shouldnt be a high risk anymore? If I brought them out of the basement just to see the other cats for an hour a day and not use litter pans directly are we still taking a huge risk? How exactly would I clean everything with boiling water there are plently of things they have touched in my basement that would be ruined by cleaning that way. One of the things I've been using is 90% rubbing alcohol because I also read the eggs will be deactivated by "drying out".
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Rules my home with an iron paw
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Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
First, don't let roundworms make you crazy. Clean the boxes daily until you know they are under control, and keep the kittens isolated until your vet clears them.

The fact of the matter is, roundworm eggs are EVERYWHERE. Anytime anyone walks through grass or weeds, or through dirt, or sometimes even on pavement, there is a good chance that they've picked up a few eggs. This is why my cat is given preventative on a regular basis, although she, herself, never goes outside. In many parts of the country, you almost expect to treat your kids at least once in their childhoods, simply from playing outside.


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
I completely agree. Roundworms are everywhere all the time. As for infestations, there is a difference in the perceived danger of roundworms if you have wildlife such as raccoons and rodents who are continually present versus your own pet cats who have been treated. If you want another step to pursue, there are suggestions here. Bottom line is heat is effective in getting them out of a house.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 20, 2012
Thanks! I know now that they are everywhere and I hate knowing but I certainly will be more cautious after this. 😣 My issue is the thought of them walking through their litterpan/playing in it as kittens tend to do and then walking all over my belongings. I guess thats why a bathroom or empty room is best for this but that ship has sailed. I was mainly concerned of what they already touched prior to treatment. Our last hurdle is also that I would like to keep them especially after the hundreds in vet bills as they had other illnesses, but my others arent the friendliest and I fear I am missing key socializaton time and was wondering how likey it really is they are infectious after a month of two medications and more to go to be thorough. Honestly I have never quarentined a new cat or kitten and I dont know anyone who does this either. They just bring new pups or cats home and thats that. Now I know how important it is!
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Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
I really do think that once everyone is treated and cleared that you will be fine and can start the socialization process. You can get a lot of help here if you need it in the Behavior forum. I have quarantined numerous times and still those cats were able to go on to become pets and integrate into the rest of the house.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
I agree with fionasmom fionasmom . They can be socialized with each other at any time, and meanwhile, I assure you that your resident cats and these kittens are smelling and hearing each other, and this is a huge part of the introduction.