How long does it take probiotics to help diarrhea?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Sep 26, 2013
Los Angeles
Hi everyone!

My kitten Sebastian had some loose stool issues in the past, but I had him doing really well on probiotics for awhile. Then he had some kind of urinary infection and was on Clavamox for a week which predictably was a huge setback and now he has diarrhea.

So I started him on probiotics again. Mercola pet probiotics. Before I used some generic acidophilous from the grocery store, but I wanted to get something more potent and made for cats. He's 7 months old so I've started him on half a scoop split in two doses which works out to about 10 billion CFUs a day. I've done this for a day and a half and if anything his poop is smellier and greener but still really runny.

So I know it hasn't even been a full two days yet, but when I started him on them before the effect was immediate. The next poop he did was a lot better. Of course he didn't have runny stool - just cow patty type - or a full course of antibiotics last time. So I know we are starting from a worse point.

How long should I give these before I try something else? Otherwise he is very healthy, full of energy, eats plenty of wet food and is not dehydrated. He also only has diarrhea when he goes to poop at the normal times. He is not running to the litter box every hour or anything like that.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 15, 2010
I haven't had much luck with getting rid of diarrhea using probiotics only but I have been able to avoid it by using probiotics when a cat is on antibiotics. I'd give it a little longer but if it doesn't work you could try kaopectate or Imodium to firm up his stool. Pumpkin can also help - the canned kind (not pie filling).


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Yes, after giving antibiotics, I suspect it'll take at least a few days to build that good flora back up again.  It's always a good idea to give probiotics while administering antibiotics, not wait until afterwards.  The trick is to wait about 4 - 6 hours between giving the antibiotics and the probiotics.  (I just keep mine on probiotics ALL the time)

I'm not too fond of the Mercola Pet probiotics myself.  I much prefer the human kind.  But perhaps that because none of my cats would eat the Mercola, at least they would never eat a full dosage for an adult cat.  I ended up giving away most of it to a dog person, figuring dogs eat things cats won't

As Ziggysmom pointed out, canned pureed pumpkin can help with diarrhea.  You could try mixing maybe just a teaspoon into some canned food a couple of times a day and see what happens.  Some cats really like it...some not so much. 