How Helpful Cats Can be Around the House (continued)...


Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
Afterwards, he rolled up the bath mat for me...

Later, he dusted the top of the medicine cabinet with his back (funny sideline -- to get down from there, he usually will cry for me and wait for me to come in the bathroom and bend over at the waist; then he jumps onto my back, and then to the floor!):

Then he helped his Dad build a cat-deck just for him:

And, of course, acted as Chief Building Inspector:

Besides inspecting buildings and additions, he is also a licensed Trash Inspector (you can almost see him here, diving head first into his job - that's his butt sticking up near the curtain):

After his duties as Trash Inspector are done, he often helps me pay the bills (by the way, he is a Pen Wrangler, too):

Once the bills are paid, he has to supervise the printing of the receipts for all the cat stuff I've bought that day:

Soon the holidays arrived!  Although we were too chicken
And the decorating:

View media item 406847
And, lastly, the un-decorating:

I don't know how I ever got by without him

Oh, I absolutely love it.  
  Wonderful photos and narration.  The cat deck is fabulous!  

Good job, Indy.  


Smokey at 7 months and Indy at 5 years
Young Cat
Feb 18, 2017
Christiansburg, VA
Indy says "thanks!"  We didn't even know he had carpentry skills when we adopted him

Actually, we hadn't planned to build him a deck.  I don't know if you can see very well in the picture, but the deck is built over an "outside" basement staircase.  It isn't really outside, since it is enclosed in our sunroom; there are brick walls around the staircase.  Well, the first week Indy lived here, he started jumping from the brick wall to the bathroom window -- which was closed!!!  That meant he was balancing on a narrow brick windowsill, over a 1-story drop onto concrete steps/floor.  I almost had a heart attack when I saw him there
!  I quickly opened the bathroom window, and brought him inside. 

That very night, I told my husband that we had to build a wide ramp from the brick wall to the bathroom window sill, and just leave the window open (we had already put LP heat in the sunroom for Indy, so leaving the window open wasn't going to be a problem).  Greg dutifully built the ramp, and we carpeted it with leftover indoor/outdoor carpet from our basement. [ I figured the ramp shouldn't be just wood, or it would be slippery
 (sometimes I over-think things)].  

Well, Indy loved the ramp, and it wasn't at all slippery -- instead, it was a great place to scratch, play, roll-over pretty boy, and attack the back of!  He nearly fell off the ramp the first time he used it -- from playing too hard on it.  Once again, heart attack!!!  So my long-suffering husband came up with the idea of building a deck under the ramp, so Indy would be as safe as possible.  Necessity is the mother of invention!



Smokey at 7 months and Indy at 5 years
Young Cat
Feb 18, 2017
Christiansburg, VA
I'm confused; I don't see how a screen would really do any good. 

Maybe I didn't explain it well enough.  He was jumping from the sun porch to the "outside" of the window, wanting to come in the bathroom through the window (which was closed at that time).   The bathroom window is directly above the bottom of the "outside" steps, so when he jumped to the windowsill, he was leaping over the open staircase and landing on the narrow window sill.  If I had put a screen in the window, he would still have made that leap, and be stuck on the windowsill.  Now the window is completely open, with the ramp running right up to it, and the deck below it, and he can come and go as he pleases without the danger of falling...

Or did you mean I should put a screen in now, to keep him out of the bathroom?
