How do you know you are ready to die?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 28, 2009
Derbyshire UK.
Hugs hun, I am so sorry that you are going through this when you have given up so much and changed so much already. It does sound like you had a panic attack, I had a really bad one on the day my hubbys nana passed and I tel you I really thought I was going to die, it was the most awful experience ever. I went to my docs and he gave me some diazepam to take when I felt like I was going to have one. Touch wood, I have not had one since, I think its just your bodys way of coping with certain stresses. I hope you can get to a doctor hun. . xx


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
Originally Posted by Ruthyb

Hugs hun, I am so sorry that you are going through this when you have given up so much and changed so much already. It does sound like you had a panic attack, I had a really bad one on the day my hubbys nana passed and I tel you I really thought I was going to die, it was the most awful experience ever. I went to my docs and he gave me some diazepam to take when I felt like I was going to have one. Touch wood, I have not had one since, I think its just your bodys way of coping with certain stresses. I hope you can get to a doctor hun. . xx
Ahhhh Diazepam.... Good old Valium... No folks, I am not an addict, but boy, did it made me feel better when I went through my divorce
! Big D was a good friend on my dark depression divorce days!
, Thanks Doc!

For Trillcat - please, if you do go this route, make ABSOLUTE SURE to tell your doctor about your alcoholism; I am sure you are aware that valium is highly addictive, and not a drug to play with.
If I were you, being addicted to alcohol, I would be miles away from it. Just my 2cents for what it is worth - it can be used to treat withdraw from alcohol, BUT NEVER WITH ALCOHOL...


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 28, 2007
Central New Jersey
Sometimes I am afraid of going to the Dr. and finding out bad news. I hope you will get help from someone.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 5, 2005
Normal resting heart rate is between 60-100bpm for most people. Normal blood pressure is 120/80. Normal respiratory rate is 12-20 breaths per minutes. If you want to know the normal ranges for any other levels or you have any questions, just send me a pm.

If you're having an anxiety episode, your levels will be elevated. The levels you described coincide perfectly with a panic attack sweetie (and they're really not too abnormal if you were having an anxiety attack....which elevates your heart rate, blood pressure,etc when your "fight or flight" response kicks in and you panic). If I were in your shoes I would talk to free clinics in your area (or churches...many larger churches have their congregations that volunteer their services to help the public). You need to see a psychiatrist about your panic attacks. It's not normal to live like that, but thankfully with a good diet, moderate exercise (yoga is wonderful for stress...many churches/city gyms offer free classes), and possible medication/doctor intervention- panic attacks ARE managable
You're going to be just just need to make up your mind to get help. You can do this!

(In a side note, you've mentioned using alcohol/drugs in your past. I in no way judge you for it whatsoever. I think that it is wonderful that you've stopped using those things and can talk about it- recognizing that it was an issue is the first step to recovery. Just wanted to say though that sometimes years of substance abuse (not sure how long you used eithor) can have a direct relationship to neurological/metabolic/cardiovascular issues etc, down the road. So since you have a history, when you go to see a new doctor you need to mention that to them so that they can get you the help that will give you the most benifit.
The doctors may also want to do some blood pannels before they presecibe you anything so that they rule out any past damage from drug/alcohol use to your organs. That will help them avoid giving you something that may make you feel worse and can help them figure out what medications might help you the most. Good luck sweetie!)

Sometimes the best medicine is the love of a kitty and a new positive outlook on life...that's not going to happen overnight- you have to make up your mind to start thinking positively.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 10, 2008
The "I can't afford a doctor" excuse can only go so far. Very few people are "lucky enough" to use that and then indeed, one day just "fade away." Oh no, ignoring health issues seem to chip away at a person and can slowly disable you. Untreated high blood pressure has a way of causing strokes, which leave you with varying levels of disability. Believe me, having a stroke is not something you want to experience, as even a "small one" has far reaching effects.

Every town has free or low cost services for health/mental health issues. Seriously, it sounds to me that you probably just need a blood pressure medicine. Jumping to the conclusion that a heart transplant is needed is a HUGE leap....and is just the anxiety eating at you.

I encourage you to avail yourself of the services that you can find. In my opinion, you could benefit from several services in both the physical and emotional areas and only you are preventing you from feeling relief at this point.

I wish you well.



TCS Member
Jul 4, 2002
Have you given up the alcohol? If so, it could be the withdrawal making you feel like this...I think you should go and see a doctor to help you with the withdrawal and to discuss treatment options.


TCS Member
Jun 16, 2006
Originally Posted by Kiwideus

Have you given up the alcohol? If so, it could be the withdrawal making you feel like this...I think you should go and see a doctor to help you with the withdrawal and to discuss treatment options.
I thought she had said in another thread, she started to drink again. Maybe that has something to do with how shes feeling?


TCS Member
Jun 7, 2006
Originally Posted by CatMom2Wires

The "I can't afford a doctor" excuse can only go so far. Very few people are "lucky enough" to use that and then indeed, one day just "fade away." Oh no, ignoring health issues seem to chip away at a person and can slowly disable you. Untreated high blood pressure has a way of causing strokes, which leave you with varying levels of disability. Believe me, having a stroke is not something you want to experience, as even a "small one" has far reaching effects.

Every town has free or low cost services for health/mental health issues. Seriously, it sounds to me that you probably just need a blood pressure medicine. Jumping to the conclusion that a heart transplant is needed is a HUGE leap....and is just the anxiety eating at you.

I encourage you to avail yourself of the services that you can find. In my opinion, you could benefit from several services in both the physical and emotional areas and only you are preventing you from feeling relief at this point.

I wish you well.

Excellent post, and I thoroughly agree. Nobody here can help you with your problems. You need to help yourself. There have been resources posted for you to get help, now you need to take the next step and do something about it. What have you got to lose?


TCS Member
Jul 4, 2002
Originally Posted by Pami

I thought she had said in another thread, she started to drink again. Maybe that has something to do with how shes feeling?
Now I am confused - at the start of this thread she said she wasn't drinking.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 5, 2005
Originally Posted by Kiwideus

Have you given up the alcohol? If so, it could be the withdrawal making you feel like this...I think you should go and see a doctor to help you with the withdrawal and to discuss treatment options.
Originally Posted by Pami

I thought she had said in another thread, she started to drink again. Maybe that has something to do with how shes feeling?
Originally Posted by Kiwideus

Now I am confused - at the start of this thread she said she wasn't drinking.
I had forgotton about that thread until Pam mentioned it. This is the one she's refering to . Things make a bit more sense now!!
There was also another thread around Christmas where she mentioned that she had something to drink at her family's home I believe (and learned she could have a glass and not drink in excess..which was good.)

Having remebered all of this now, I'd be willing to be that her body is going to be just fine once she sees a doctor and gets everything worked out! She is just going in and out of detox right now...I would definitely recommend no more alcohol period. Hopefully she will go in to see a good doctor and get a medical opinion on her current medical situation; the doctor may also be able to recommend some good recorvery support groups.
( Another perk to not drinking is the money she will save by not spending it on alcohol - that can help with a potential doctors copay or prescription costs to make her feel much better and get the help she needs). A "detoxing" body can go through stages of increased temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, and could potentially send her into panic attacks. If she's going through periods of sobriety then drinking again and keeps going back and forth that won't help her symptoms. (Even if she has not had a sip of alcohol this week....she's probably detoxing from years of off and on drinking...this can make her feel aweful and even cause panic attacks if she's detoxing badly. I'd definitely say a trip to the doctor is in order to check her vitals and everything else


Staff Member
Oct 11, 2006
Originally Posted by Trillcat

But I am so frightened of what they will tell me!
Back to freak out mode.
If you DON'T go, you'll be even more frightened at what could happen to you if you get no help, and I mean that in a caring, not facetious, way. I remember when I was terrified to find out whether I had diabetes or not, about 13 years ago. I had myself in a tizzy--couldn't sleep, anxiety, etc. I didn't want to answer the phone when I was expecting the phone call telling the test results. You know what? Finding out I was pre-diabetic was the best thing that ever happened to me. I lost 80lbs, starting eating better, and felt 100% better. You have to face the problem--and I know it's easy for me to tell you that--but you need help. You CAN get help. If it's alcoholism (I'm assuming this from some other posts), you CAN be helped (though you really have to help yourself from inside first). I've know a few alcoholics who turned their lives around successfully--it wasn't easy, but they did it. You can too. It's gonna be a hard ride; but you can do it. You have us, too. Please go to the doctor very soon? Please???


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 17, 2005
Somewhere in the US
Originally Posted by MargeCat

If you DON'T go, you'll be even more frightened at what could happen to you if you get no help, and I mean that in a caring, not facetious, way.
After my stroke, I was so afraid I would never be able to speak again. My voice was the only thing affected by the stroke. DH thought I was going to die. As a customer service representative, my voice is how I make my living. While I did get my voice back and was back at work 7 weeks later, I will never be 100%. Most people do not even notice a difference in my speech, but I do. When I am very tired, I have trouble forming the words I want to say. That is why I cannot do overtime as much as I used to.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Nov 17, 2009
Oklahoma, U.S.A.
I've been following this thread since I first saw it just before noon (C.S.T.) today. I haven't been able to find a post from Laura since early this morning. Anyone know if she's O.K.?

LAURA, let us know how you are. Good or bad, just keep in touch. You literally have friends from all over the world who are concerned about you.

Laura? Please?
