How Do I Make A Kitten Stop Bugging Other Pets.


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 4, 2018
Hi everyone!
So I have a kitten named Diana, she is 6 weeks old and she is.. well, very very rambunctious, to put it nicely.

I also have a 15 year old pug who was raised with cats so he doesn't mind them.. until Diana came along.

My dog, Edward, always gives Diana warnings to leave him alone. (Growling, barking) but he never ever tries to nip at her or bite her because he knows not to do that. However there is a few times that Diana will randomly try to play with him, making him chase her and scaring her BUT SHE STILL TRIES TO PLAY WITH HIM AGAIN! :nono: He wags his tail, so I can tell that he isn't going to bite her but I can tell that he's getting annoyed.

She does this with my other cat, Baby Cat as well! He'll hiss at her when he's done playing, she'll run away for a second than come right back and try to play again. (Baby Cat jumps somewhere she can't get him though.)

She gets a TON of attention from the other pets, and the humans in the household, literally in every single room of the house there is a toy for her to play with (I have a string toy hanging from my fridge lol) but she still is choosing to bug the animals. :bawling:

I don't know what else to do! I thought Diana would figure out by now when to leave another animal alone but it's like she doesn't even care that she might get attacked. :hmmm:

I fear if she keeps this up, she's going to end up getting attacked by one of the animals who has had enough. I have tried literally everything I can think of. (I sprayed a water bottle, but not on her. I put her in a 'time out' in my room but she slipped under the door, I told her 'No'which didn't do anything lol)

Please, I don't know what else to do. :cold:

I've started locking my dog up in the bedroom with the tv on when I'm gone to ensure he doesn't get annoyed by her, and Baby Cat will run out the door when I try to leave so he doesn't have to deal with her lol.


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Six weeks is very, very young to be away from her mom and siblings. These days it's recommended to not adopt kittens until they are 12 to 14 weeks old, so they have lots of time to learn kitty etiquette.

Of course, that isn't always possible, however, with a kitten so young as Diana, you need to take on the role of "mom" for her, and keep her safe, loved and entertained. Right now she is looking at every other furry animal as her "mom" and she's too small to interact with both larger cats and dogs. She needs to be kept separate from the other animals until she is bigger, except under your supervision.

Here is a new TCS article on How To Introduce A Kitten To An Older Cat which will have more information.

Plus Best And Worst Dog Breeds To Live With Cats
Caring For Cats And Dogs
Introducing Cats To Dogs
How To Safely Introduce A Cat And A Dog

Also one on