How Did Your Cat Choose You?


TCS Member
Young Cat
Aug 26, 2017
Back in early July I returned from holiday to discover that my neighbors had been evicted. After a couple of days, I discovered that they had left their cat behind to fend for himself. He was really skinny was hanging out by the garbage bins trying to find some food and sat outside their door every night hoping that someone would open it. I had been toying with the idea of getting a cat for a while and it broke my heart to see him sit there, so I started feeding him in order to lure him inside to live with me. After 2 weeks or so, he had decided that my bachelor pad wasn't the worst place in the world and he's been my partner in crime for almost 2 months now :)

here's a pic of the first time he was brave enough to eat in my presence

I slowly moved the food closer to the door until he was eating inside


and here's one of him lounging on his throne for the first time



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 21, 2017
Back in early July I returned from holiday to discover that my neighbors had been evicted. After a couple of days, I discovered that they had left their cat behind to fend for himself. He was really skinny was hanging out by the garbage bins trying to find some food and sat outside their door every night hoping that someone would open it. I had been toying with the idea of getting a cat for a while and it broke my heart to see him sit there, so I started feeding him in order to lure him inside to live with me. After 2 weeks or so, he had decided that my bachelor pad wasn't the worst place in the world and he's been my partner in crime for almost 2 months now :)

here's a pic of the first time he was brave enough to eat in my presence
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I slowly moved the food closer to the door until he was eating inside

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and here's one of him lounging on his throne for the first time

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Thank you so much for taking him in. It makes me so angry - I mean how can people just move and leave their cat. If they had not enough money arrange something . Poor baby sitting at the door waiting to be let in


TCS Member
Young Cat
Aug 26, 2017
Thank you so much for taking him in. It makes me so angry - I mean how can people just move and leave their cat. If they had not enough money arrange something . Poor baby sitting at the door waiting to be let in
thanks! He's just a big kitten from last year and had no idea how to take care of himself. He was scared of me initially, but now he sleeps next to my pillow every night. At first I thought he was a girl because he was such a long limbed delicate little thing (when we became better friends I discovered he had big grey balls ) but even then his name was always Gandalf. It's not as if cats understand gendered names anyway :p


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 21, 2017
thanks! He's just a big kitten from last year and had no idea how to take care of himself. He was scared of me initially, but now he sleeps next to my pillow every night. At first I thought he was a girl because he was such a long limbed delicate little thing (when we became better friends I discovered he had big grey balls ) but even then his name was always Gandalf. It's not as if cats understand gendered names anyway :p
Haha everyone including animals may have to be non binary one day

mama africa

TCS Member
Top Cat
May 9, 2016
My third cat, Lotje, a shelter cat, passed away in february 2011; she was almost 21 and had been "the cat of my life". For more than 20 years we lived in different places and we were very close. After Lotje passed away, I didn't feel the need to take a new cat. In february 2014 I moved to a place much closer to the office where I work. I planned to take a dog, but I changed my mind when I realised that -as a full time worker- I didn't have enough time to take care of a dog.
In october 2015 a coworker sent me some pictures of a kitten that her sister had found in the guarden. The poor thing had eye and ear infections, a running nose and diarrhea. The kitten's (feral) mom and siblings were hiding under the porch of my coworkers sister's house. My coworker had already taken in a kitten of a previous litter of that same mom a few months before. As soon as she sent me the pictures I made up my mind 'Yes, I'm ready for another cat'. I'm still happy with the decision I made.
This was one of the pictures that my coworker sent me; a sick but brave little furball in the waiting room of the vet

Missy dierenarts.jpg

Shane Kent

Crazy Cat Gentleman
Top Cat
May 9, 2016
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Zaren and Kane were from a residence. I think my wife saw them on a bulletin board in a grocery store. I told her to get two cats so they have each other. Worked out well, the person that had them did not want to separate them because Kane was the runt and Zaren looked after him. RIP, I miss them dearly.

Kane on the left and Zaren on the right.

Next was Taz, my little brother got him from people that should not have had him in the first place. The people have severe drug addiction problems. When I got Taz he wanted to eat off our plate and I don't think they fed him kitten food. My brother and mother gave him to me when I went to visit at Christmas a few years ago.


Next was Zoe. I got her from the Humane Society, she was approximately 3 years old when I got her. We got her so Taz would have another cat to be with.

Zoe laying on the bed in what was her safe room.

Lastly is Kitty and her brother Rusty. Feral kittens I socialized at work. They now live at my house with Taz and Zoe.

Kitty and Rusty in their safe room at work. Kitty on the left and Rusty on the right.

Kitty and Rusty with their step-brother Taz in the window at home.


Minion to Gypsy since October 2016
Top Cat
Jan 24, 2017
Central Illinois, USA
We first saw a little grey and white stray cat in the spring of 2016 jumping out of the apartment buildings dumpster and running away. I would talk to her (although at the time we didn't know she was a she) & eventually she would stop at a distance and look back before running away. Mid summer we spotted her looking terrible, mangy & sick, then she disappeared for a few months. Early Oct she reappeared looking well. We live on the second story in a quiet neighborhood with huge old trees & houses. Our back door faces an alley and we feed the squirrels & birds there. She was eating their bread one day so we started throwing down hot dogs (all beef) & cooked chicken to her, finally buying a bag of cat food and feeding her on the stairs. We had food and water on our porch at the top of the stairs where, over time, she would let us sit & pet her. She acted like she wanted to come inside so we put some food and water just inside the door, leaving it open so she wouldn't panic, until one day as I was going out, Mr possum was just outside the door at the empty food bowl ready to come in too! We shut the door but let her out when she wanted to go. I got a litter pan and she took to it immediately. I gave her an anti-flea treatment. and took her to the vet to get a check up, vet said she was 1 or 2 yrs old. APL had at some point trapped, spayed, clipped her ear & turned her loose again.The weather was turning colder and she started staying inside more, sleeping overnight in a bed we got her and dropping in during the day. We don't have loose dogs or mean folks in the area so we were still letting her out in the morning or whenever she wanted. She would come when we whistled and called, until one day in January 2017 when she came in limping on her right back paw. She hasn't been out solo since that day. Vet said it was a healed over puncture wound, didn't know what caused it. She was hanging out in a nasty, run down, junky, hole-in the-roof garage next door. When the weather warmed up she really wanted to go out so we got a harness for her and go out with her. Photos of our excursions are in one of my albums. She is so sweet and smart and beautiful. She lets us pet her everywhere, from her nose to her toes to her tail. She doesn't bite (except for love bites that don't break skin) or scratch or jump on counters or bother the house plants. Love her lots. She has us wrapped around her little paw. It took quite awhile but she finally let us know her name, Gypsy:catrub::lovecat2: :redheartpump::hearthrob:
Our little goofball


TCS Member
Young Cat
Aug 26, 2017
We first saw a little grey and white stray cat in the spring of 2016 jumping out of the apartment buildings dumpster and running away. I would talk to her (although at the time we didn't know she was a she) & eventually she would stop at a distance and look back before running away. Mid summer we spotted her looking terrible, mangy & sick, then she disappeared for a few months. Early Oct she reappeared looking well. We live on the second story in a quiet neighborhood with huge old trees & houses. Our back door faces an alley and we feed the squirrels & birds there. She was eating their bread one day so we started throwing down hot dogs (all beef) & cooked chicken to her, finally buying a bag of cat food and feeding her on the stairs. We had food and water on our porch at the top of the stairs where, over time, she would let us sit & pet her. She acted like she wanted to come inside so we put some food and water just inside the door, leaving it open so she wouldn't panic, until one day as I was going out, Mr possum was just outside the door at the empty food bowl ready to come in too! We shut the door but let her out when she wanted to go. I got a litter pan and she took to it immediately. I gave her an anti-flea treatment. and took her to the vet to get a check up, vet said she was 1 or 2 yrs old. APL had at some point trapped, spayed, clipped her ear & turned her loose again.The weather was turning colder and she started staying inside more, sleeping overnight in a bed we got her and dropping in during the day. We don't have loose dogs or mean folks in the area so we were still letting her out in the morning or whenever she wanted. She would come when we whistled and called, until one day in January 2017 when she came in limping on her right back paw. She hasn't been out solo since that day. Vet said it was a healed over puncture wound, didn't know what caused it. She was hanging out in a nasty, run down, junky, hole-in the-roof garage next door. When the weather warmed up she really wanted to go out so we got a harness for her and go out with her. Photos of our excursions are in one of my albums. She is so sweet and smart and beautiful. She lets us pet her everywhere, from her nose to her toes to her tail. She doesn't bite (except for love bites that don't break skin) or scratch or jump on counters or bother the house plants. Love her lots. She has us wrapped around her little paw. It took quite awhile but she finally let us know her name, Gypsy:catrub::lovecat2: :redheartpump::hearthrob:
Our little goofball
View attachment 195763
It always feels weird whenever you post pics of Gypsy. Like, why does someone else keep posting photos of Gandalf? :lol:


TCS Member
Young Cat
Aug 8, 2017
I adopted Kacie and Coco from a local animal shelter that I volunteer at. When I decided to adopt a cat, I asked my landlord what the policy is on having cats in my apartment. One of the rules is the cat must be front-declawed. Since I don't like the idea of declawing, I realized I would have to adopt a cat that is already front-declawed. Since the vast majority of cats at the shelter have all of their claws, this significantly simplified the number of potential cats I could adopt.

It was the weekend before Saint Patrick's Day when one of the staff members was putting on a green necklace on some of the cats and taking pictures as a way to promote cats that are looking for a forever home. I was in the room when it was Kacie's turn and I found it amusing how Kacie wasn't interested with participating in this photo promotion.

Kacie (2).jpg

I later spent some time with Kacie and I found her to be a friendly cat. She was keen on bunting my arm and hands the first time we met and I decided she was the cat I wanted to take home with me.

About four months later I decided to adopt a second cat and as with Kacie, I had to go with a front-declawed cat. One of the possible cats I could adopt was Coco. She certainly was a friendly cat and when I asked about her history, I learned she was adopted previously but returned because she didn't get along with the resident cat. While considering her age (5 going on six) and the experience of being returned to the shelter, I felt she was the cat I should adopt.

My feelings turned out to be correct. Once she adjusted to her new home and sharing the place with Kacie, her personality really blossomed. She's a very talkative cat who loves to explore, chatter at birds and sleep on my lap.

Some of the time she's quite friendly with Kacie; other times they treat each other as a roommate.

Kacie and Coco on red mat.PNG


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
Rather than enumerating sixty years of cats, I'll just give the short version of the shortest introduction.

I walked into the mud room one morning on the way to get the paper and the mail, and I felt something brush past my leg, and continue on into the house. I turned round to see a young adolescent Snowshoe cat standing on the third stair, at the threshold of the inner door and said, "hello, Snowshoe," or something equally trite, and she stood up on her back legs and began to jiggle the knob. Assuming that she'd escaped from a neighbour, I opened the door, whereupon she simply walked in, went directly to a food bowl, and began to eat.

When I came back with the paper and the mail, she was sitting on the counter, grooming, and looking for all the world as though she owned the place. I was about to go back out to canvass the nearest houses, when my next door neighbour walked in and - seeing the Snowshoe on the counter - said, "oh, never mind; I see it's already here." While I made coffee, she related what had transpired earlier that morning - a young couple from across the river had pulled their Bentley into my drive, unceremoniously tossed the cat out, and driven off. She watched the Snowshoe saunter to the door, stand up, and press the lever which opened the screen door into the mudroom, where the cat clearly laid in wait for me in the same fashion as Telemachus ambushed Proteus (she is, after all, a Seal Point).

I later learned that the couple had only recently Married, and were divorcing, having acquired the cat from a breeder only weeks beforehand. My natural assumption was that the cat had become one of the casualties of war as it were, and that they'd opted to set her free rather than enter into a long harangue over who kept her. Having now known Moo Shu Snowshoe for some time, however, I've disabused myself of so foolish a notion. Snowshoes are never the 'victims' of divorces - they're the cause.

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Minion to Gypsy since October 2016
Top Cat
Jan 24, 2017
Central Illinois, USA
Lovely stories ! Same if heard mine however never owned a cat , knew anything about them however decided to get a kitten (as you do, not). Wanted a grey colour one to go with the furniture as whenever I'd seen cats they just seemed to lie there .. went on Gumtree (I had no idea where to one then) made my partner at the time drive me to Essex to collect the kitten (advertised as grey and litter trained). Got to a house stinking of 'pot' and guy who answered knew nothing about a kitten, then a teenager walked out took a tiny ball of fluff out of the sleeve of her dressing gown and handed it to my partner . The tiny fluff has the kitten who took a bite and scratched my partner , he handed her back and said 'are they supposed to do that?'. The teenager answered she doesn't like being cold . I thought I can't leave this kitten here so we have the girl £60 and left with the kitten in a coat we had lying in the back of the car . She settled straightaway although was a nightmare until 2 months ago when she Finally stopped attacking for no reason . She turns one in two weeks .

My beautiful Essex girl at 7 weeks old and last week posing ❤
:wave3: Beautiful foot warmer you have there:crackup:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 3, 2011
Montevideo, Uruguay
I think it fairer that I tell the story myself. I was abandoned in mum's garden when I was a baby and THAT decided my immediate destiny, I became a GARDEN cat. My mum was not very fond of cats but she took care of me, fed me well, had me operated and made a nice bed for me with blankets and all under cover next to the barbecue fireplace where I was protected from rain and wind. BUT.........she never allowed me inside the home which was my dearest dream. I did manage to get inside occasionally when somebody didn't close the front door properly. I would then hide in a drawer or behind a thick curtain driving everybody nuts looking for me desperately. The ony petting I got in those days was from my mum's sons and daughter when they came visiting. Then one day when I was 9 years old I was surprised to have my parents put me in a box which was placed in their car and I was informed then that from then on I would live with my grandparents. I didn't enjoy the ride and I miauled in protestation while it lasted. When the car stopped my box was lifted with me inside and taken up to a 6th floor where my grandparents lived. When I was left out of the box in the entrance hall of their apartment I started to move very slowy discovering so many new smells until I got to the living room where I discovered my grand dad Pierre sitting on a sofa. I didn't hesitate one second, I ran very fast up to him and jumped on his lap. It was wonderful to feel his arms around me. From then on I was HIS cat. I followed him everywhere, whatever he did I was by his side. Grandma fed me, brushed me and took care of me in every way and my kneading was for HER only but it was grandpa's presence I needed permanently by my side. All this was almost 6 years ago. I'm now almost 15 and sadly my grandma and I have lost grandad Pierre two years ago. It is now grandma that I follow everywhere. I am not happy when she goes out and she always finds me waiting for her behind the front door when she comes back.

I have never missed my old life as a garden cat. My dream came true six years ago. My old ma likes to say that "I must think that I have died and woke up in Paradise".
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Minion to Gypsy since October 2016
Top Cat
Jan 24, 2017
Central Illinois, USA
I think it fairer that I tell the story myself. I was abandoned in mum's garden when I was a baby and THAT decided my immediate destiny, I became a GARDEN cat. My mum was not very fond of cats but she took care of me, fed me well, had me operated and made a nice bed for me with blankets and all under cover next to the barbecue fireplace where I was protected from rain and wind. BUT.........she never allowed me inside the home which was my dearest dream. I did manage to get inside occasionally when somebody didn't close the front door properly. I would then hide in a drawer or behind a thick curtain driving everybody nuts looking for me desperately. The ony petting I got in those days was from my mum's sons and daughter when they came visiting. Then one day when I was 9 years old I was surprised to have my parents put me in a box which was placed in their car and I was informed then that from then on I would live with my grandparents. I didn't enjoy the ride and I miauled in protestation while it lasted. When the car stopped my box was lifted with me inside and taken up to a 6th floor where my grandparents lived. When I was left out of the box in the entrance hall of their apartment I started to move very slowy discovering so many new smells until I got to the living room where I discovered my grand dad Pierre sitting on a sofa. I didn't hesitate one second, I ran very fast up to him and jumped on his lap. It was wonderful to feel his arms around me. From then on I was HIS cat. I followed him everywhere, whatever he did I was by his side. Grandma fed me, brushed me and took care of me in every way and my kneading was for HER only but it was grandpa's presence I needed permanently by my side. All this was almost 6 years ago. I'm now almost 15 and sadly my grandma and I have lost grandad Pierre two years ago. It is now grandma that I follow everywhere. I am not happy when she goes out and she always finds me waiting for her behind the front door when she comes back.

I have never missed my old life as a garden cat. My dream came true six years ago. My old ma likes to say that "I must think that I have died and woke up in Paradise".

mama africa

TCS Member
Top Cat
May 9, 2016
I think it fairer that I tell the story myself. I was abandoned in mum's garden when I was a baby and THAT decided my immediate destiny, I became a GARDEN cat. My mum was not very fond of cats but she took care of me, fed me well, had me operated and made a nice bed for me with blankets and all under cover next to the barbecue fireplace where I was protected from rain and wind. BUT.........she never allowed me inside the home which was my dearest dream. I did manage to get inside occasionally when somebody didn't close the front door properly. I would then hide in a drawer or behind a thick curtain driving everybody nuts looking for me desperately. The ony petting I got in those days was from my mum's sons and daughter when they came visiting. Then one day when I was 9 years old I was surprised to have my parents put me in a box which was placed in their car and I was informed then that from then on I would live with my grandparents. I didn't enjoy the ride and I miauled in protestation while it lasted. When the car stopped my box was lifted with me inside and taken up to a 6th floor where my grandparents lived. When I was left out of the box in the entrance hall of their apartment I started to move very slowy discovering so many new smells until I got to the living room where I discovered my grand dad Pierre sitting on a sofa. I didn't hesitate one second, I ran very fast up to him and jumped on his lap. It was wonderful to feel his arms around me. From then on I was HIS cat. I followed him everywhere, whatever he did I was by his side. Grandma fed me, brushed me and took care of me in every way and my kneading was for HER only but it was grandpa's presence I needed permanently by my side. All this was almost 6 years ago. I'm now almost 15 and sadly my grandma and I have lost grandad Pierre two years ago. It is now grandma that I follow everywhere. I am not happy when she goes out and she always finds me waiting for her behind the front door when she comes back.

I have never missed my old life as a garden cat. My dream came true six years ago. My old ma likes to say that "I must think that I have died and woke up in Paradise".
Grandma is the best, Cucumella...


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 24, 2013
Can you tell us the story about how you got your cat, or your cat got you. Thank You.

Pia had a rough start in life. By the time she wound up in the shelter (for the second time), she had a very nervous, timid personality. So nervous she had to be kept at a foster, despite being an adult cat, because she couldn't take the stress of the shelter.

I saw her face and just connected to her. They brought her in for me to see. She never came out of her carrier. Just hid, huddled up in the back. But I could tell she wasn't aggressive -- just terrified of everyone and everything.

I reached in and offered her gentle cheek rubs. And after a moment or two, she turned and buried her face in my palm. That's when I knew I had to take her home.

I think she and I share something in common. I have an auditory processing issue that makes me sensitive to sounds. She is sensitive to sound too. I've had my share of sad days. So has she. I felt like I could understand her well enough to bring her out of her shell.

It took some time, but it happened. She's a cuddly, lazy lap cat now. Still twitchy when something sudden happens, but she's learned to trust, and we understand each other. She even says hello to strangers now, as long as I'm there.


Minion to Gypsy since October 2016
Top Cat
Jan 24, 2017
Central Illinois, USA

Pia had a rough start in life. By the time she wound up in the shelter (for the second time), she had a very nervous, timid personality. So nervous she had to be kept at a foster, despite being an adult cat, because she couldn't take the stress of the shelter.

I saw her face and just connected to her. They brought her in for me to see. She never came out of her carrier. Just hid, huddled up in the back. But I could tell she wasn't aggressive -- just terrified of everyone and everything.

I reached in and offered her gentle cheek rubs. And after a moment or two, she turned and buried her face in my palm. That's when I knew I had to take her home.

I think she and I share something in common. I have an auditory processing issue that makes me sensitive to sounds. She is sensitive to sound too. I've had my share of sad days. So has she. I felt like I could understand her well enough to bring her out of her shell.

It took some time, but it happened. She's a cuddly, lazy lap cat now. Still twitchy when something sudden happens, but she's learned to trust, and we understand each other. She even says hello to strangers now, as long as I'm there.
:wave3: Such a sweet story, so glad you two found each other. Please post a picture of your brave Pia for us.:catrub:


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jul 11, 2015
What wonderful stories! I love all of the pure goodness and love in this thread.

So my two are pretty straight forward! I hope ya'll will forgive me for all the pics, I take too many.

Fuzzybutt was born in a litter of kittens to our old Mama Cat, who we spayed afterwards and gave to my aunt. She'd gotten out and had relations with a neighbor's cat, who looks just like Fuzzybutt. We were looking for homes for all the kittens, and I didn't expect to keep Fuzzybutt, so I didn't give him a serious name. He was the only long-haired kitten of the group so I called him Fuzzybutt as a joke. Well over time I realized I couldn't part with him (I started "forgetting" to get him out whenever someone came by to meet the kittens) and decided to keep him! But the name stuck, poor thing. But he grew up from this little powderpuff into this giant, 13lb cat that eats, sleeps, and jumps all over the place once I'm asleep!

He grew up from that teeny thing to THIS:

Madonna, on the other hand, was pretty much totally opposite. I used to foster cats and I agreed to take in a number of semi-feral cats that had been trapped from a grocery store parking lot for a couple nights while transport to a rescue was arranged for them. The folks that had trapped them warned me that there was the cutest, long-haired bobtail kitten in the mix, and they had almost kept her themselves. Well, when I went to open the crate that she was in, and she walked out, I gasped and knew immediately that I wanted to keep her. She was the cutest, prettiest kitten I'd ever seen, and I was in love immediately. Needless to say she went nowhere and grew up in the sweetest, most gentle kitty ever, aside from when you want to give her medicine by mouth. Then she's a tiny dangerous demon.

After we fought a digestive problem with her (with some very expensive food), she grew up to be the fat little rabbit loaf she is now!

And anyway, these two love each other and are very similar in personality. They're very sweet and gentle and easy going. And they love to nap and cuddle together and sometimes I'll even catch them grooming each other.

And that's their story!