How did you meet your cat?


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Dec 5, 2006
Sephie was found by kids who were gonna feed him and let him go and he was so small that I asked if none of them could keep him, if we could have him and they all went through reasons why they couldn't keep him. The boy who actually caught him came to visit sephie often until he moved away

Gabriel we found at the shelter. Something about him just drew me to him. He wasn't overly friendly and preferred napping. He has turned into a great foot warmer! (front declawed

Orion was very scared and was at the vets...stray on the street with his mom and sibs. He was sooo cute!

Miss Isis was just howling outside and crossing the street away from our apartments as i was helping a friend load her stuff in the car. Few hours later, another friend left so I walked them out and there she was...outside the door, sitting there and meowing. (looked for her one claimed her..she is ours now)

Sephie and Orion...street cats, born outside.

I wonder sometimes with Isis and Gabriel what their story is. They are both older (bout 6 or 7) and I wonder what happened....they are both so sweet I don't understand why no one is looking for them or why someone would have thrown them out (well hopefully they didn't...) They are both declawed so obviously belonged to someone. I want to say they are happy with us..and I hope they are.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 6, 2004
The Land of Cheese
Dushka - a colleague brought her into the hotel restaurant where I was eating dinner. He knew I wanted a cat and she was a 3 week old kitten who had been meowing for three days outside the shop by his apartment.

Ellie - a farmer who 'owned' her mother as a barn cat was trying to 'get rid of' four kittens.

Persil - was underneath my car one night, covered with oil and grit.

Wellington ( and his brother, RIP Napoleon) were dumped on my doorstep as starving kittens.

All this happened in Bosnia.

Biscotte - just turned up in my barn one day in Normandy


TCS Member
Young Cat
Dec 31, 2006
I got Cleo as a kitten. M dog had died a year earlier. My mom decided to get me a cat. I always wanted a black cat. Well we went to a farm were they were giving away free kittens. As soon as I saw her I knew she was mine.
I love my kitty.
My sister got Artie from a store. My mom took us to a pet store. We were just looking around, not intending to get more pets. There was this little Calico sitting aww by herself in a cage. Well my mom figured Jon had a cat, I had a cat, so Kristen shpuld be able to get a kitty. So we brought Artie home. Unfortunatley Cleo has still never gotten over it. I love Artie. She is so smart and silly.
Diana was rescued by my sis. She followed my sister to th front door of the school after recess. Deedee was emmacitaed only weighing 4 pounds. Kristen brought her home and we took hr to the vet. Diana is now healthy and her coat is thick and beautiful. She doesant have any teeth though because her mouth was rotting when we found her. We believe she was abuse by her previous owner. She was so defensive but now she is cuddly.
My brother got Princess from a farm,


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 21, 2003
Brainerd Mn
We got Alley from a pet store and when Patches went
niece got Nala for us


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 18, 2006
Bear, Bosco, Jasmine and Max were born here. I got to watch them coming into the world.
I caught Buddy as a kitten, around 8 or 9 weeks old. He was born under my house to a feral mom so he was a little scared feral baby. I caught him by opening up the crawl space door and doing my kitty call (sounds like a combination of a momma cat calling to her babies and a purr
) and when he came running to me I sat there and talked to him for a while....I did this for a few days and he got used to me opening it up and calling for him. I lowered a bucket with canned cat food in it and tipped it a little so he could get in...once he was chowing down and not paying attention I pushed his little butt in gently and brought him up.
He was very scared at first but after a couple weeks of working with him he calmed down.
He still comes to the kitty call.

I found Molly out on my back porch as a stray kitten with her brother (don't know what happened to him). Since we leave food out for Pumkin (my little feral baby) and whatever strays are around at the time we get a few visitors. She was scared at first but quickly warmed up to me. She went to get spayed with the other kitties the day after we brought her in. The lady at the shelter was willing to take her since she is so pretty she thought that she would get adopted out fast but we just couldn't give her up.

the feral kitty came a couple years ago when Kayla (Bosco, Bear, Max, and Jasmines momma) was still a kitten. He has made my back porch (closed in) his home. After working with him for years he has just recently started letting me and my mom pet him. I am very proud of him and want to work with him and try to get him to be an inside kitty.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 14, 2005
in the land of poutine and ice
Magnum decided while walking past the window that it would be a good place to live and hopped through the window, no one ever claimed him so he stayed.

Boomer was from a neighbour whose kitty got pregnant before they saved up enough to spay her (she was already 2

Bumper hitched a ride back from a fair in the bumper of the truck and fell out squealing when the truck parked (he was a tiny kitten too, much too young to be away from his mum)

Scully belonged to friends of my BF's brother, they own Scully's sister (Molly) and didn't want to see Scully go to a shelter so we took him too

arcadian girl

TCS Member
Super Cat
May 29, 2006
san francisco
After a day of shopping in the city, the bf and I were just going to go home, but on the way home he said "lets go get some Wonton soup, yeah?" I almost said I didn't feel like it, but then agreed. We pulled up out front, he went in, and I waited in the car. As I sat there I heard "meow. Meow! Meowww!!!" I looked out the window and there was this gorgeous little cat, really skinny, looked less than a year old, walking up and down the street frantically following people, meowing at them. It was SO obvious he was asking for help.. and every single person walked by him without a second look. It broke my heart and it made me MAD. I got out and approached him and he was SO friendly... tentatively picked him up and he just purred and snuggled up to me. Then my bf came out and said "hey we gotta go". I reluctantly put him down, but didn't get in the car - I was trying to think what to do. Our landlord had already told us no cats, or else we would have already had one. I knew the bf wouldn't want the responsibility - heck, I wasn't even sure :::I::: wanted it. Grew up with cats, know they take time and love, and you can't just take off on vacation for a weekend when a living animal depends on you. While I was pondering, the cat ran across the street and tried to follow a man into his car. THe man ignored him and shut the door, and the cat sat down behind the car - and the tailights came on! In that moment my mind was made up, I ran across the street, grabbed the cat (the man leaned out and said "thank you" and I just gave him a dirty loook), came back to the car, and told my boyfriend "we have to take him home" in a voice that said "I'm not ASKING you, I'm telling you".
When we got home I promised him I'd take the cat to a shelter the next day. I then fed him some tuna (the cat, not my bf) and he wolfed it down. GAve him some water and sat down to eat my soup - and here he came, hopped up and got in my lap, curled up, washed his face, and went to sleep.
I think I knew in that moment I wasn't going to bring him to any shelter.. although for the next couple nights, the bf would come home - "cat's still here?"
I did try to see if he was owned, but could never find anyone missing a cat. He grew on my bf too, and after a few weeks it was obvious we weren't bringing him to a shelter. Took him to the vet for a checkup, and as they scanned for a microchip my heart was in my throat, cos I already loved him.. thankfully, no chip

We've had him going on four years now and he's my big baby
We worked things out with the landlord so that we could keep him and our apartment, and now I can't even imagine not having him in my life. He brings me a lot of joy, whether he's coming to snuggle with me when I'm sad, or he's trying to catch blanket mice at five am.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 23, 2005
Hudson Valley and SW Florida
Clio was picked at a breeder's, I saw her when she was three weeks old.

Sam was looking for a home while living in a kennel/canine sanctuary.

Pru was bird feeder watching in our yard for 6 months. It took us a while to realize she was living in our yard.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 24, 2006
On the 12th floor
8-Bit chose us. A friend that I used to work with found a cat under his front porch that had had a litter of kittens. He took them in a raised them until they were 12 weeks. DH and I went over to his house to pick one up. 8-Bit rounded the corner swatted DH's leg, bit my toe, and ran into his kitty carrier and fell asleep. All we had to do is shut the door.

Scratch Fury Destroyer of Worlds was sitting in a cage in Petsmart. He looked at me and said with his big yellow eyes, "You're my Mommy aren't you?"


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 1, 2006
New Mexico
All of my fosters are former barn kitties.
Dianna is also from our barn. My dog, Dottie, found Annie when she was about 8 days old. She was huddled by herself in the mini horse pen. Dottie wouldn't leave her and I was scared she would get stepped on so we brought her home and bottle fed her.
Holly was abandoned in a nearby town and a friend of mine who is allergic asked if I would care for her until we found her a home. Well that was a year ago, I think Holly's size scared people but she is the gentlest of cats. Vet figures she is about 7 - 9 yrs old.
Sissy was found by my SIL in the barn. She and her 3 litter mates were still attached by their umbilicals. It was all dried out and crusty so he figured something happened to the momma. (we found her later with a prolapsed uterus). Well we cut the kittens apart and I bottle fed them. Only 2 of the litter survived the night. Brother Bear has already found a forever home with a vet tech and Sissy will stay here.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 11, 2006
I was at a concert of a Grateful Dead cover band when a friend called my ex boyfriend and said he was at a friend's house and they had found this tiny kitten outside and broughten her in, but couldn't keep her because of their dog. So they were looking for a new home for her, and he recommended us. The next morning, we went and picked her up. She was about 2 1/2 months old, and was covered in fleas, which was alot of fun. My friend described her a a boy tuxedo. When I got her home, I said "Well, that's a girl!" and obviously she's a grey tabby... I had wanted a boy, but I was in love with her anyway. Then when my ex-boyfriend and I broke up, I established that she was mine and not his. And now we're in Columbus.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Sep 12, 2005
Hobbs: met him outside my father in law's house......about 6 months old, and he needed a home

Blueberry...met her when my ex brought her home from the Ragdoll breeder....surpriseeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!

Angel: met her a few months ago on my lawn in Concord, NC. I fed her, and then I took her in to try to find her a home. I finally did....mine


TCS Member
Jul 26, 2005
Love reading everyone's stories!

Pushy was a stray kitten who wandered into a dog training facility I was volunteering at. He was so pitiful looking, I had to have him.

Wiggies we got as a brother for Pushy. We went to a cat rescue place, and walked downstairs to see the cats. Wiggs was just sitting there at the bottom of the stairs, patiently waiting for his humans to adopt him.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 20, 2006
Columbia, Ms.
This is a wonderful thread, so many beautiful post on how people found their cats, or how cats found their owners


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 11, 2006
Ginger was a shelter kitten who stuck her paw out of her cage and hooked me - literally and figuratively. She grabbed onto my finger, and that was it, I was hers and she came home with me that night.

I found Ferris' little face on Petfinder and fell in love instantly - and I'd looked at scads of pictures of young orange males, looking for a companion for Ginger.

There was just "something" about his photo... little did I know when I fell in love that he was a feral rescue, but once I'd fallen, I had to have him come home with me. It's been an adventure that I would do all over again.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 20, 2006
Columbia, Ms.
This is a wonderful thread, so many beautiful post on how people found their cats, or how cats found their owners

I have always believed that animals just know if people are animal people or not.

Opie (not a cat) found our home 4 years ago. It was Christmas eve morning and it was raining and very cold outside. He was in our back yard, standing in water and he was shivering. It took me several hours to get him to come under our carport, he was very scared too. Well I finally got him under the carport and was feeding him. We think he had been abused by a man because he was very scared of my husband at first.

Opie stayed outside in the fence for about the first year, then it was getting to be a cold winter so I let him come in and he stayed in my daughters old room. I put up a baby gate to keep him seperated from my other dog Sambo (RIP) I didn't know what Opie would do to Sambo which is why I kept him seperated. Sambo was about 13 years old at the time, and blind and Sambo had no idea that he was a dog.

Now Opie stays inside a lot, he has gotten very spoiled too, Opie has been a lot of company to me after we had to put Sambo to sleep earlier this year.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2006
The North Pole!
My daughter brought Jacob home - technically he's her cat although he lives with us now. Lokie was a shelter cat up for adoption at our local Pet Value store. I took one look at him and started to cry, got on my cell and called DH bawling my head off about this cat I had seen that I had to have. He grudgingly said OK, I drove to the Humane Society to fill out the paperwork and have the adoption interview after I told them at Pet Value I wanted him, then went back and picked my new furbaby up. When I got him home, I took him in and introduced him to his new daddy. I don't know which one of us spoils him (and Jaocb too) more!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 2, 2006
In a state of misery w/o my Bella
My Dad saw an add in the paper and called it, it was a breeder who was dying of cancer and needed to get rid of her cats immediately, my Dad gave
to my first husband and I for Christmas, what a surprise. Best gift I have ever received
That was in 1993.

Sophia: Got her in a pet store for my DH, when his dog Snickers died
She is truly a Daddy's girl, she could care a less about me. That was 8 years ago.

Severino: Went to a cat show and walked by a cage with 2 adorable kittens in it, and we chose the one with the crooked mouth because no one wanted him. We picked him up and he purred and licked us, we could not resist him. Boy were the girls surprised when they saw us walk in with him
That was 4 years ago.

Joey Gibbs: He showed up at our house, he was about 8 months old, and we fed him and tried to get close to him for 3 months before we were able to get him in a carrier and get him checked at a vet, the rest is history, that was 3 years ago. The other cats were so used to looking at him through the window, that there was no problem with introductions.

Teddy: He was at the Humane Society and I was looking at all the cages and saw this cage full of kittens when I bent down to look at them I was smacked on the head
I look up and there is this beautiful black cat, he was 8 months old, and so friendly. That was 5 years ago, he lives at my husbands office because he beat up Sophia, he does not get along with any other animals. We would love to have him here with us


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 4, 2005
Cassidy and Redford - My first kits adopted together from a local rescue group at PetSmart. They are brother (tabby) and sister (calico) since I wanted two littermates to grow up together. Cassidy reached her paw out and snagged my arm and my heart. I got them before I met my husband and they are bonded to me and tolerate my husband.

Inca - Stray that came to our back porch and decided to stay. He bonded to my husband who wanted his own cat. After a week of him on our porch and wondering what to do we took him to the humane society in case he was someones lost pet and after the waiting time went back to get him. He loves my husband.

Zander - Went to a cat show and a Cornish Rex breeder put him in my husband arms. It was love at first touch. My husband went wild over his soft down coat and his rubbing his cheek against my husband. He ended up coming home with us.

Grasshopper - We made a decision to get another rex for Zanders energy level and at a breeders house something spooked him and he ran right up to my husband and hid behind his leg. He ended up coming home with us also.
