How can you tell if it's a male or female cat by behavior


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Mar 22, 2016
New England, NSW, Australia
Have a few questions.
I have a male cat and sometimes we have cat vistors. Our male cat is desexed and indoor only. how can I tell if the visitors are female or male by how our cat reacts to the vistors.
Do they do something different if it's male or female?
Are all males a threat?
My husband has said he has seen one cat that he hissed at and pawed at the window and didn't like it being there.
And today dunno if it's the same cat but when I brought him to the door to see the vistor he charged at the glass door, didn't hiss or growl or anything else. Then he did the noise they do when when they can't get to a bird outside. The other cat didn't hiss either or growl or anything. It ran off and sat on the fence.
Could it have been a male cat? Will he do that kinda thing every time it's a male?
Will he do that to females?

We have a few vistors and we know two are female cats and he just makes that noises they do when they see a bird kinda a thing and the tail thrashing about. Most of the time it's the female ones that come from across the street as the kids told my daughters their cats names etc. there tail is usually down low and walk away. But they are curious to see him. They all seem to be curious of this new cat on the block. We only got him I march.
Do they give off a different smell when it's male?
Should there be different body language for each?
In total I think we have had about six cats we have seen between the four of us around the yard or on the street near by.
Am new to all this so have no idea.
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TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
I don't think there is a sure way to tell the sex of visiting cats by your cat's reaction to them (unless your cat hasn't been which case it's a whole different story). What I CAN say for sure is that any feline visitors can make your cat feel threatened or uncomfortable - which can easily evolve into territorial insecurity and behavioural problems like inappropriate urination.

For sure, avoid drawing your guy's attention to any visitors - all you will do is stress him out and make him anxious and uncomfortable. You're seeing some of those signs already in his reactions to the outside cats, and there is absolutely no value in exacerbating the issue.

If possible, try to keep other cats away from your least from coming right up close. There are all kinds of cat deterrents available, and you could even consider enclosing your yard so the other cats can't get in. The other advantage of this is that you'd be creating a safe outside space for your cat at the same time, truly giving him the best of both worlds.[article="30274"][/article][article="30307"][/article][article="30316"][/article]
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Mar 22, 2016
New England, NSW, Australia
Thanks for the advice, my daughter managed to catch the cat and found that it's a male cat that's not Desexed. She took off like a shot outside. Bit scared of our cat but quiet friendly. I think it's a stray had no tag. He came up to the door and we didn't draw any attention but he came right up to the door and our cat went straight for the cat again, my daughter ran out to see if the cat had gone and it wasn't too far and came up to my daughter and let her pick it up, has no tag or anything so am thinking it could be coming around as its a stray and looking for food. My daughter was trying to bring it closer to our cat and I told her not to let our cat see it as it could start a fight. So she took it out of our cats sight. Feel sorry for it, very beautiful looking cat looks like it might have a bit of Persian in it. I don't know who ownes it or its lost. But I don't think it's a cat someone would be breeding from. It doesn't look like a purebred and in Australia most people desex there cat, all shelters have them desexed before giving them out. When I went out before all this happened I was sweeping the patio and the cat looked like it was just sleeping near our water tank, it's a spot our cat can't see the outside cat it took off and then came back again and then our cat saw it. I dunno what to do as it could be a lost cat or a stray, I don't want to upset our cat. This cat I have only seen recently not like others we have seen. We renting so can't enclose anything outside and can't change anything outside. I dunno what it's doing hanging around could be sleeping there and hiding out for awhile and we didn't even know it was there. It could be looking for a home.
This visting cat is smaller than out cat but neither cat growled or hissed at the other when they say each other again. So I guess it answered the question and why our cat acted the way he did. He likes to watch the female cats from across the road but this male one really annoys him as it comes very close the the door.
What would bring another cat to come that close to the house when they know a cat is inside?
Am only new to having a cat and still learning things. I guess for me am hoping down the track to get another cat to keep our cat company but am a bit concerned he might not like sharing going off how he has been acting.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
There are very few purebreds around, so I would find it highly unlikely this one is. He's most likely a stray or on the prowl for some ladies. My indoor cats hate the feral toms that come around to eat every day, but they did get used to them over time and just watch from the window now. DO NOT let your cat get out, they will definitely fight  and you don't want your cat to get hurt. A tom usually ignores a neutered cat, but every once in a while for no reason, they attack my neutered outdoor boys, but nothing like if my boys were still toms, those they drive off every chance they get. Your tom might be living somewhere close by, many people just let them roam, it's a shame they have pets but don't take care of them, roaming across busy streets, fighting all the time, and being shot at bring nothing but heartache eventually. I would say your boy will get used to the stranger, but don't let them ever meet, it will not be good. If you get a friend for your own cat, get a young male and make sure he gets neutered, that would be a good match for friendship. Females tend to turn into little divas and want to boss the boys around when they get older, and males tend to be more laid back. All the luck! 
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Mar 22, 2016
New England, NSW, Australia
I don't plan on letting my cat outside. I was going to take him for walks on a leash but know I dunno if I will knowing this male cat is around I would be so upset if my cat got hurt. We have only had him for 2 months but he my little fur baby and love him to bits. He not a lap cat but at night he sometimes sleeps at my feet. He my special friend.