How can I help stop Maya from pooping on the dining area floor?


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 24, 2014
I have three cats. Casey is 2 yrs old, had him for 5 mos. Charlie is nearly 5 yrs old, I've had him since he was 10 wks old. The third is Maya. She's 7 yrs old and I've had her since she was 10 wks old. She is afraid of Casey.

At night, if I keep Maya closed in the bedroom with me, she uses the litter box in the closet properly. But, if I leave the bedroom door open and she has to interact with Casey out in the living room, rather than using the other litter box in the dining area closet, she poops on the floor in the dining area.

When I'm awake and walking around, she never does this. She uses either litter box as necessary. These are HUIGE litter boxes (Petco's double-size one) that I clean consistently. I think she's afraid of Casey surprising her or wanting to roughhouse when she steps out of the litter box. There is absolutely no place else for a third littler box.

For a time, Maya was both peeing and pooping in the same spot in the dining area, so I kept her with me in the bedroom at night for about two weeks and she was fine. But last night I decided to leave the door open, and she pooped on the floor in the dining area again in the same spot in the dining area as before. Yes, I spray it with Nature's Miracle after I clean the area, so I don't think it's the smell. I even use a Litter Attractant to lure them to use the littler box. I also use a few drops of Rescue Remedy for Pets In Maya's mouth occasionally when she seems especially fearful or anxious. 

I've been waiting for a product called Anxitane to come back on the market, but Virtac, the manufacturer, says it won't be available again until April. They had manufacturing issues. .I'm really at a loss. I hate it that she's so afraid. She was never like this before. Of course, she is getting older, but she has always gotten along with Charlie pretty well. I genuinely don't know what to try next. I've thought about putting a few drops of pure liquid L-Theanine (the main ingredient in Anxitane) in their water, but I can't get confirmation anywhere that that would be safe and effective. Any suggestions?

She is perfectly healthy, so don't suggest a visit to the vet.  There is no medical issue.  This is strictly behavioral.  I did my best at trying to introduce Casey into our home five months ago.  He's significantly smaller than Maya, but he does love to play.  He and Charlie play together and get along very well.

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 1, 2010
Connecticut, USA
I think the problem is that the litter box is in a CLOSET. She is afraid of Casey ambushing her. I very much doubt that my two cats would use a box that is in a closet.

Also, two boxes are inadequate for 3 cats. Rule is one box for each cat plus a spare. No matter how huge your boxes are, cats like options.
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Furmate and Famulus
Top Cat
Jan 13, 2017
Edinburgh, Scotland.
I agree with @Primula  and you that Maya is probably afraid of using the litter in the closet because of getting ambushed either whilst on the job or when leaving.  The litter tray needs to be somewhere that she can exit from in multiple directions.  She's probably going out in the open so that she can see all around her, so I suggest that you also remove the lid from your litter trays, if they are presently enclosed, after you have relocated the dining room tray to an area with more vantage points.  
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 24, 2014
When I say "closet" I mean a large closet with a constantly-open door. with the litter box AT the door,, so they barely even step inside the closet to get to it.  And, no that isn't the problem because she uses that litter box all day when she needs to.  The two boxes this size are more than enough. They're 30 inches long and almost two-feet wide, and hold up to 30 pounds of litter.  They're Petco's "Giant" litter boxes.  And,I clean them at least daily. The boxes are in two completely different rooms, so she can always find privacy when she wants it. She just doesn't when she's scared.

It's more that she's still afraid of Casey and I don't know how to make her less fearful or help them get along better.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 24, 2014
The litter boxes are PetCo's giant boxes, almost three-feet by two feet that hold up to 30 pounds of little, and they are meant for multiple-cat households.  They are in different rooms, so privacy shouldn't be an issue, and I clean them daily without fail.  They are so large that they barely fit inside the closet entrance, and they are totally open to the adjoining room when the doors are open, which is about always.  The closets have pairs of sliding doors, and they are set in the middle, so she can go out the way she went in or out the other opening. They are uncovered.

The issue is more Maya still being afraid of her little brother after nearly five months.  I don't know how to help her.
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di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I think in this case, 5-6 months is still not long enough for Maya to be comfortable with a young energetic newcomer. My cats took a year to finally get along, and my neutered male was spraying that whole time. I wanted to tell you this because everything WILL turn out OK, it is just taking longer than usual. My Burt finally did stop spraying, and I think your Maya will start using the box properly when she feels safer. I know how frustrating this is, if she starts going in a place you don't want her to, get some clear carpet runner and put it little 'nub' side up and she won't walk there.But the problem is, she might start going somewhere really bad, like on the couch or bed. Watch them closely and make sure he is not pestering her too much, discourage him from doing so with a sharp NO, or throwing him a toy to wrestle with. My Chrissy spent the year on top of the fridge, I even had a bed for her up there. Make sure your Maya has a up in the air place that is easily defendable for her refuge. She needs lots of cuddles and reassurance, he needs to be distracted and learn to leave her alone, but also made to feel he is a part of a family.  She will finally gain her confidence back and stand her ground, and all will become one big family. It WILL happen in time!  PS Make sure you are including lots of 'enjoyable' time for both to share, like feeding close together and providing both treats near each other. 
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Oct 24, 2014
Thank you.  I wasn't sure how long to give this before doing much more.  I'm being patient with them, but I'm just worried about Maya not being a happy kitty. 

I'm wondering if anyone has tried the L-Theanine.  If you have, please let me know how that worked out.