How can I help my recovering soul cat eat again?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 10, 2022
It has been a nightmarish week. My 13 year old was diagnosed with Pancreatitis and it just spiraled from there. He had 24 hour hospitalization the first day and showed AMAZING improvement overall. He was alert, able to move more, loving and purring again. He came home with us on the second night with the plan to bring him back in the morning, which we did. There were hopes of removing his port if he ate, but he didn't, so he wound up spending the day being hospitalized for more treatment. They loaded him up with the intention of him being home for the weekend.

Well, it's the weekend and we have kept on top of his medications as well as being with him all day and night. He's purring, spending all day sleeping, will use the catbox, but still no luck with feeding or drinking. If he is unsuccessful at eating on his own, they are talking about a feeding tube to help him get over the slump. I've been able to syringe feed him a total of 6ml using the wet food from the vet's office and water, but I *know* he hates it. I've been sneaking it in between his antibiotic dosages since those make him literally foam at the mouth (so, very bitter). I could hear the last syringe feeding hit his empty stomach with an echo.

Realistically, I know he's up there in age and likely to take longer to heal. I wasn't sure if anyone else whose cat had pancreatitis could offer some advice? I've looked through some of the other threads about pancreatitis but couldn't find anything. And, honestly, Google is so unreliable that I've read enough conflicting advice "articles" to last a lifetime.

I just. . . I need my buddy to be okay. He's never abandoned me and I'm not about to abandon him. . .but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't absolutely terrified for him right now. . .


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
From my perspective, he is not that old (I have an 18+ yo cat dealing with hyperthyroidism, kidney disease, arthritis, and now most recently lymphoma. I am telling you all of this, just to tell you where my head it at.) For pancreatitis, the most efficient treatment from all that I have read is nutrition, hydration, and possibly pain meds. There also might need to be some anti-nausea meds as well as an appetite stimulant. The nutrition, and most likely fluids, can be done, when needed, via a feeding tube - at home, once you are taught how to administer them. It sounds daunting but is pretty 'easy' once you get the hang of it. If you have found threads on this site, you will see that is the case. Most meds that are needed can be given through the feeding tube as well. These are most crucial for acute pancreatitis.
Feline Pancreatitis: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment (
Feline Pancreatitis | Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine
Tube Feeding for Cats: Success, Safety, & When to Do It | The Conscious Cat

I hope other members who have more experience with this will come along soon and offer you advice and support.


TCS Member
Dec 10, 2022
Hi, my 18 year old cat was recently VERY sick and while he has had diabetes over the last few years (he went into remission two times) and insulin worked during his bouts, but even in remission he was not 100%. Recently he became very sick, and although the vets had him for several days on IV, and they did an abdominal ultrasound and full blood work, they could not find anything definitively wrong with him. And he had LOST his appetite entirely, after bringing him home he would not eat his regular food that he used to love (royal canin aging 12+ wet food and G! Solutions dry food) and the vet gave us appetite stimulants but even they were not working, so while we had another reason for trying this food entirely (since our cat also has an issue with hairballs and had started passing them in his stool instead of throwing them up) we were very lucky that he LOVED IT. It is the ONLY food he would eat after we brought it home, we were so happy after he was turning his nose up at everything else. He (and our other cat) love it - and he has started eating his wet food again too so it definitely seems to have worked. So you might want to give it a try just to see if it will stimulate your cats appetite again, anything is worth getting that started again - It is Royal Canin Hairball Care Dry Cat Food. I hope it helps! Our cat is so happy now we are wondering if he had IBS and this food has helped him greatly!


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
T TheBlackCatKeeper , has your furbaby started eating on his own yet? What has the Vet said about his appetite? I agree that 13 really isn't that old. He may indeed be associating his normal food with the pain of the pancreatitis and so maybe trying a different food will be just the ticket.