Hit And Killed A Cat With My Car, Should I Contact The Owner?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 2, 2018
I was driving to work this morning and a car ran out in front of me while I was going around a corner. At first I thought it was a skunk but I looked into my rearview mirror and saw the horrible sight of a black and white cat flailing around, it died after about 10 to 15 seconds. It didn't seem to have any blood on it, the injuries must have been all internal. I stopped and carried the body to the property it had ran out from. I laid her under a tree. I am a huge cat lover and I actually had a a cat who I was extremely attached to die the same way a few months ago when a neighbor hit him with their car.
Any ways, I feel so awful about this and am thinking maybe I should try to contact the owner so I can tell them she died quickly and to tell them how bad I feel. Ever since it happened this morning I've felt sick I just can't get rid of the memory of seeing her in my rearview mirror right after it happened. Do you think I should write them a letter and stick it in their mailbox or try to speak to them in person? Thanks

Feral Cat Mom

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jan 10, 2018
New York
Hi! I personally would try to talk to them in person. I'm sure they will appreciate your telling them. It's a terrible thing to not know if your cat suffered or not. Your doing the right thing by telling them.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Thanks for coming here - I'm so sorry that happened!
Well, how about this - first, you got it off the street, which was very kind.
Second there's no way to know for sure that it belonged to the property it ran from, however like Feral Cat Mom Feral Cat Mom why don't you stop by and talk with them. Be aware that there may be kids involved. It would be helpful for all of them to know that it was quick.
If it turns out that house isn't the one the cat belonged to, you could always do a nextdoor post, or if the people in that house happen to know they could direct you.
Thanks for having a warm heart!


Furmate and Famulus
Top Cat
Jan 13, 2017
Edinburgh, Scotland.
Years ago my mum was driving home late at night in the dark countryside with me as her passenger, when a black cat suddenly appeared out of the pitch black road. It was too late too avoid it and we hit it before we knew what was happening. We were both in deep shock and horror. My mum immediately stopped and we got out of the car. The cat had been killed outright and, like your cat, it didn't have a mark upon it. We walked and drove around, knocking on every door we came to but no one knew who the cat belonged to and didn't seem to care. So, we took it home and laid it in a box with a blanket in the cupboard under the stairs overnight (our three cats were very respectful and appeared to know what mum and I were going through). The next day we took it to the RSPCA as we didn't know what else to do. They took receipt of it but only after charging my mum the same fee that they would have had it been a live surrender! My mum even put an advert in the local paper reporting the accidental death but no one contacted her so we had to assume it was a stray or feral.

My mum's had 5 cats killed on the road (she lives in a village), the last one, Griff, died only last month. Each time the driver has found her/us to let her know. One of her cats went missing years ago and we searched high and low every day for months, and on and off for two years more. Many years after she was still hoping he'd return. I seriously suspect he was knocked down and if only my mum knew that she would have been able to grieve. This happened 20 odd years ago and she still hasn't dealt with her grief due to not knowing.

So, please, please go and knock on doors, and put notes through letterboxes. The owners won't be cross with you but grateful. And thank you for coming to this site; we welcome you.


furmonster mom

Lap #2
Top Cat
Jun 14, 2013
Mohave Desert
Oh jeeze... I've had to do this too. Only thing is the cat I hit got up and ran off. Knowing it was probably injured, if not concussed, I took the heavy steps up to the house the cat had darted from. The cat wasn't theirs, but they knew who it belonged to. They thanked me, assured me they'd let the owners know, and keep an eye out in case he showed up needing medical attention. I left my phone number, but never heard back.

Even though my heart was very heavy and I worried my stomach to knots, I still had to approach it with the thought, "what if it were MY cat?"... I'd at least want to know.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 22, 2017
These posts make excellent arguments for keeping cats indoors all the time.

I have not yet had the miss fortune to hit a cat or other animal with my car. When I drive through suburban neighborhoods at night I keep my headlights on high beam. Cats and other animals (squirrels) seem to have the very bad habit of pausing at the curb, look up, see the car coming, then rush to cross the street in front of the car. I have found on occasion, that sounding the horn will not only cause the cat to pause till I pass or even to turn around and run away from the street.

My sympathy to those who have run over a cat or had their cat run over.

I once saw a driver swerve out of his way to run over a cat. Poor creature was dead.
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TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
Something similar happened to us years ago. DH was out back in the screen room having a smoke around 4 AM when he saw a cat get hit. The car kept going and the cat died instantly. No blood or anything in this case either. I got up for a glass of water not long after and he told me. :bawling:

I went out to the street behind the house and moved the poor baby into our yard. I wasn't going to leave him/her to get hit again. No collar or anything but back then there were a lot of strays wandering around. DH dug a hole underneath the pine tree in our yard. There was no way I was leaving Mittens (see below) for the vultures. :headshake:

I found a small bottle of holy water that he had from when he was a kid and blessed the ground with some of it. Then I wrapped the little one in a soft towel and we had a little funeral. The name Mittens came to mind when we were burying him/her so that is his/her name to me in case he/she was a stray. Mittens is the #1 reason why my cats are NEVER EVER going outside without a harness and leash. EVER.

If you are able to stop by the house where you think this cat lived, go ahead but if there was no collar, there is always the chance that the cat was a stray.

No matter what though, this was not your fault. It was an accident. :hugs:
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 2, 2018
Thanks for all the replies everyone I do appreciate it! I am at work for another hour and a half and then I am going to drive to that property and see if it was theirs or see if they know who the cat belonged. She was a very beautiful and well fed looking cat so i have a feeling the poor baby was not a stray. I'm just thankful she died fast


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 30, 2013
Ontario, Canada
It would be a lovely gesture to contact the family. Good for you :blush: :cloud9:

Even if some folks hit a creature by genuine accident under normal driving conditions, others do it by negligence. For example, a lot of people SPEED on the road I live on, which infuriates me. There have been countless times of animals getting a hit and run. Some people don't understand or care to that it is a farming and rural area, and cows, horses, cats, dogs (And deer and the like). I've seen people who sped past me then hit an animal out of the blue, then take off again. I'd enjoy doing unspeakable things to them.

Unrelated too, I've had speeders drive into and destroy my paddock fences or fall into my ditch at night :headshake: I know you were going fast, I can hear your car you moron. Why should I bother helping you? Out of the 8 times it happened, only one person - the father of a teenage boy driver - came over to my house to offer apologies and to help fix things up. BUT ANYWAY!

So families of the victims would assume the worst, that it was some idiot jackass did it, leaving the already mourning family even more upset and pissed.

I think offering some respite, that it was a tragic yet innocent accident, would be very nice of you. Bring some flowers and the like, it will bring peace to you and them. We will be rooting for you!! :goodluck::cheerleader:

And let's hope too, that it is a reminder to keep kitties indoors!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Feb 2, 2018
I went talked to the lady who owns the property where I placed the cat's body on. She told me the cat belonged to the people across the street, she said they only speak Spanish. I don't know any Spanish beyond the basic greetings so I'm not quite sure how to approach them. She told me that cat had jumped in front of her car a few times before and that she's had to slam on the brakes, poor kitty just didn't understand the danger of cars.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
If you know/can find someone who can translate, I would definitely do that. I'm guessing there are kids involved and it would be good for them to know what happened instead of wondering and not knowing.
Also, you could always work in a PSA (public service announcement) and try to get them to think about, if they get another cat, keeping it inside. That part is worth a shot anyway. Thank you for doing this, and thanks ever so much for the update!


Furmate and Famulus
Top Cat
Jan 13, 2017
Edinburgh, Scotland.
Yeah, write them a thoughtful letter in Spanish (you can get Google to translate it for you). :deal:

Well done on your progress so far. I bet you were bricking it, and I think you are very brave. :salute:
We look forward to your next step, and are with you every step of the way. :walk: