Hierarchy Within A Inside Colony

Mama to the crew

TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Oct 5, 2017
Hi so im trying to figure out when a fight is about picking order (Hierarchy) within my colony of 8 cats or when its a real fight and what i should do about it.
The two picking the fights are two of my females Ally (2yo) and Sami (11m) they and Ami have recently been fixed. Now Ally always been the alpha female and just seems to run the group. Every since she got spayed she been going out of her way to bully Talia (3-4yo) we assume that Talia was already fixed when we got her because Ally has gone into heat atleast twice and her daughters once and while they triggered each other heats Talia has showed no signs of comeing into heat and has only reacted like my two already fixed girls did. We have had Talia almost a year now with no heat cycle. We will get her checked by the vet at some point but she can be aggressive and wont let you near her belly so since the boys are fixed we went with a wait and see vs sedating her to check or man handling her. Talia normally stays away from the other cats but here in the last couple of months she been moving into their areas of the house normally they invade her spaces . normally id say that Talia was also an alpha female but since Ally started picking on her the other girls gang up on her and Talia freezes but dosen't back down and Ally or Sami are the only ones to really attack her the others kinda just corner her but don't move to attack and let her pass them. I don't worry to much because Talia has proven she can more then handle herself and most of the time the others still show her some respect you could say.

Now Sami she just attacking everyone and getting mad when they fight back. There not been any hair flying fights but there dif been some rolling around and screaming fights. The others don't seem to veiw these fights she starts as anything but play but you can tell that Sami is fighting for real. Just tonight she attacked Sierra who was walking past her Sami always targeted her though so thats not to new. I do worry that Sierra although two weeks younger then Sami she easily double Sam size but has never taken Sami seriously in a fight.
I thought it might be hormones causeing the aggression but Ami isn't fighting with anyone unless its to play and she become more playful with the others. I just don't know what i should do. Right know i let it be unless its out right bullying or gets to close to their eyes or bellys for the three fixed girls but it been ten days so i don't worry much over that .

I would be grateful for any advice


Snowshoe Servant
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Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
How old is Ami? It probably would help to get Talia checked to make sure she isn't having silent heats. It could still be horomones atthis time as it can take a while for hormones to completely clear the system and level out. There also might be some establishing of pecking order now that horomones aren't as big of a driving cause. You have females in that age range where they figure out where they fit in a larger colony.

I'd continue as you've been and see how they sort it out. As long as there is no fur and no blood they are managing. It know my guys went through a good few months of figuring things out when my youngest reached two. And I only have two males and a female all fixed by the time they were six months old.

They could mellow more once all horomones are out of their system. You could also try feliway plug ins but you have to get enough of those for your square footage to be effective.
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Mama to the crew

TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Oct 5, 2017
Ami is Sami sister so she 11 months to. We will be getting her checked out. We have 8 cats total ranging from 3-4 years old to 10 months going on 11 months so its talia 3-4yo Harley 2-3yo Ally 2y Ace and Andrea yo or more like 15 months Ami and Sami 11 months and Sierra 10 months but she'll 11 months in the next week or two. Talia is the only one who in question over being fixed or not. The boys where fixed in july Andrea and Sierra September and finally Ally and the twins april 28.

Sami is the runt although she bigger then Andrea in size Andrea got acouple of pounds on her


Snowshoe Servant
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
It sounds like they are just at that age then. Trying to figure out where everyone fits in the group.
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Mama to the crew

TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Oct 5, 2017
Thats what im thinking but ive never had this many at once before and wanted to cover my bases