Help With Suspected Eosinophilic Granuloma Complex


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 16, 2005
I have a cat with suspected egc. The four vets she has seen have never seen anything like it, but the two biopsies confirmed it. She also had been diagnosed with a heart murmur and an enlarged liver. She is 13.5 yrs old and had been perfectly healthy until the end of May of this yead(2005). I just need someone to look at her pic(s) and listen to her symptoms and tell me if anyone has seen or heard of her problem(s). thanks in advance...

Last 2 weeks May 2005: falls off back of couch numerous times. can't control rear hind quarters. shakes/fights at her right ear(appears itchy). licks her tongue out a lot. attitude change(apathetic) and poor eating. can't keep what she does eat down. noticed 3 lumps/lesions: above her left hip, on her right side, under her head on the left side of her neck. by this time I have rubbed her ear, causing it to redden and swell(I didn't mean too).

5/31/05: she has her first biopsy; its sent to the Arkanasas state lab. they determined she had a hypersensitive reaction to a bite or irritation. suspected fleas. went home with advantage and droncit tabs. I started giving her small doses of mineral oil to help with the vomiting/hairballs.

June 2005: increasing lesions. went to different clinic. thorough checkup, blood tests, x-rays. her good levels were low, toxins were up. x-rays showed no blockages. the murmur and enlarged liver were found. she was put on long-term zeniquin(12.5 mg per day) within one week, the lesions were flattening out and she was back to her old self. but the lesions continued to spread. They are raised flat ovals on her body and really raised angry looking knots on her head.

10/22/05: checkup-was removed from the zeniquin because of increasing lesions. within one week, she was back in her pre med state and loosing weight(in May-4.5 lbs, 11/18/05-3.9 lbs). on 10/25 second biopsy was sent to the University of Missouri. it came back with "suspected eosinophilic granulomas but the pattern is unusual and flame figures wre not observed." she received a small dose of depo medrol and clindamycin drops. after two days she went nuts! she started digging at all the large raised lesion, causing them to bleed. she staggers and falls worse than before. i called in and was told to stop all meds.

11/19/05: checkup. had her put back on zeniquin. she was also given ovaban to take for one week. stopped mineral oil and am now adding fish oil to her diet.

11/21/05: the scratching has stopped. she still cleans and licks at her spots. she's eating her can food twice a day for weight gain and dry food throughout the day. she still doesn't move real great or show a lot of interest in anything. but she doesn't seem to be in as much pain as before.

She has tested negative for cancer, luekemia, and i guess fiv. My doctors have not suggested putting her down. In other words, they think its a condition she should be able to recover from. I can't really afford a specialist. We all need to find out what we're dealing with here. If you have seen this before or have a friend who might know something, please let me know...Jazz and I would greatly appreciate it.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 7, 2005
Illinois, USA
I'm sorry that I have no idea. But do keep checking back, I'm sure someone must have some advice. Hope your kitty starts feeling better!


TCS Member
Young Cat
Oct 23, 2005
North Carolina
I will send positive thoughts and prayers your way.

I think you need to made a decision whether or not your cat has a quality life that CAN be enjoyed or if their dignity dies each day. It's a tough decision and only you can make it. IF there is hope for improvement, I would GO FOR IT!!

Please keep us posted.