Help with my anxious cat


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 24, 2020
In 2016, I adopted a female and a male from the same litter. All has been well with them until this summer. The female starting hiding in strange places such as on top of the fridge or in the closet. Then she started peeing and pooping in these spots. I immediately took her to the vet and they couldn’t find anything. She is her normal happy self just not using the litter box. Then I saw that when brother was around her she would hiss and coward down. He has never shown any aggression towards her except for playing. He never hisses back and really just seems to ignore her. She is terrified of him every time he comes around. She will sometimes go to the litter box if you take her and sit her in it. Then she runs quickly back to her spot in the counter. When it’s eating time, she has no problem with him and she’ll even start licking him. We’ve tried CBD, hemp oil, anxiety treats, and a pheromone diffuser/spray. Please let me know if you have any other suggestions! She won’t get off of the counter unless it’s for food!


Top Cat
Sep 20, 2020
In 2016, I adopted a female and a male from the same litter. All has been well with them until this summer. The female starting hiding in strange places such as on top of the fridge or in the closet. Then she started peeing and pooping in these spots. I immediately took her to the vet and they couldn’t find anything. She is her normal happy self just not using the litter box. Then I saw that when brother was around her she would hiss and coward down. He has never shown any aggression towards her except for playing. He never hisses back and really just seems to ignore her. She is terrified of him every time he comes around. She will sometimes go to the litter box if you take her and sit her in it. Then she runs quickly back to her spot in the counter. When it’s eating time, she has no problem with him and she’ll even start licking him. We’ve tried CBD, hemp oil, anxiety treats, and a pheromone diffuser/spray. Please let me know if you have any other suggestions! She won’t get off of the counter unless it’s for food!
Have there been any changes around the house this past summer? How many litter boxes do you have? Is she declawed?
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 24, 2020
Have there been any changes around the house this past summer? How many litter boxes do you have? Is she declawed?
We had 3 litter boxes but now actually four because I thought it would help. No changes that I know of. And no she is not declawed.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 1, 2017
Maybe he hurt her by accident, a stray nail or something. How old are they, and did they used to play? Does the cat show anxiety about other things?

Its a good idea to try a reintroduction process. It may not work, but the idea is to give them a reset and hope they can start fresh. That way, if it stems from an incident rather than an ongoing thing, you might be able to move past it.

If a reintroduction fails, you could talk to the vet about medication.

Its not unusual for a cat to have anxiety about playing with another cat that is more active, enthusiastic or bigger. Usually the instigator needs to be kind of pushy about it, frequently ignoring all signals and jumping all over the scared cat. Being anxious enough to stop using the box is, however, unusual and a sign the anxiety is severe. The other less common aspect is that it sounds like these cats were getting along for a good while? Cat relationships definitely do change for the worse sometimes, but usually it would be because one got bigger, or the other got less active, or because of a triggering event. Since you haven't mentioned the other stuff, I'm hoping there was a trigger event, even if you don't know of one, and that is why I'm hoping a reintroduction might help you.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2017
My mom has a brother & sister. I adopted the other boy (& we visit every weekend.) For some stupid reason the boys will often bug on her instead of each other. 🤦🏻‍♀️ The boys also play rougher. Even when Cami wants to play? She wants to do a stalk/catch kind of play. The boys want to roll around pretending to beat each other up! Even though they just turned 2, they still sometimes hurt each other during play.

I would re-introduce them &. do site swapping. Make sure you. Lean everything with an enzyme cleaner. Hopefully time away from her brother will get her over her stress. I would also try cat attract litter. Play with just her, every day for 20minutes or mor. Play is therapy for cats!

If a month or two of never being in the same room as him, does not relieve her stress then perhaps she might need some anti-anxiety medication, more intense behavioral help or a more through health screening.