Help with my adorable monster!


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Mar 31, 2016
Sorry this is so long, but it's faster just to give all the info right now.

I need some help. Claws (I shall call him that as I have band-aids on my arm this morning) is a really sweet cat when everything is going his way. He loves to be picked up (when he feels like it), petted, sits on my lap, and plays fetch like nobody's business. He's a super high energy cat, and can play with his toys for 3+ hours a day. He's a year and a half old and my boyfriend got him at the beginning of February, but Claws ended up moving into my apartment about a month ago. He loves the wood floors and staircase and is generally much happier here. He was sick and I had to wrestle meds into him, and my boyfriend had never had a cat so I just kept him to administer eye ointment and amoxicillin. During this whole time, he was really sweet and never bit. But suddenly it started...

When I do something he doesn't like, he BITES. Nipping, I was able to deal with, though I discouraged it by gently pushing my palm towards his face and he'd back off. If I move him off my laptop (he likes to sit on it because I believe he's jealous of it), he chomps at my hands. If I move him off my pillow, he chomps at them again. I live in a studio, and if he's trying to wake me up and I push him away, he bites my hands. We reached a new rough patch last night where I had to wipe eye goop off of his face, he flailed crazily and tried to tear my arm to pieces. Eventually I realized if I gently wipe his face and scratch his ears with the tissue before going near the eyes, then he'll let me wipe his eye goop out.
Then I made a serious mistake. I should have realized he was still worked up from the unsuccessful attempts at eye wiping. He was happy and wanted to play, but it was time for bed. I scooped him up and he tried to bite me, so I just placed him on the bed since it was only a couple feet away. The pupils were crazy, the ears were back, the tail was swatting, and he tried to latch on and bite me. So I did the palm thing because I could tell he was getting ready to attack and the odds were good he'd bite me even if I tried to get up and leave. It worked...for a second, until he leapt at my arm and bit and tore until I was bleeding. I did get him off the bed, and then when I was washing out my wounds in the bathroom, he was at the door, chirping and begging me to play with him like nothing had just happened. His Foster mom did tell us he got way too rough with kittens and she'd have to break things up, so I don't know how much of this was anger and how much was too much energy and wanting to play (but those eyes and ears looked pretty pissed).

If I can't pick him up at certain times, it's fine, I'll deal. But when it comes down to it, I can't have a cat that loses it and attacks me at any point. It's not good for me, and I'm afraid I might fling him in shock and pain and would never want to hurt him. I have to clip his claws tonight and am feeling pretty terrified, which I'm sure he'll pick up on and that will make things worse. His eyes are drippy every day and need to be wiped. Once in awhile I'm going to have to stuff him in a cat carrier. I have the option of sending him back to my boyfriend, but we plan to move in together and I want to fix this problem rather than temporarily sending Claws back to an apartment where he isn't happy anyway. I really love him so I want to work it out. My boyfriend gives me no help and tells me I "need to be more dominant" and I could really use some moral support and help. I've had cats my whole life and it's never been like this. I'm honestly feeling embarrassed that I can't handle an 8 lb cat.

Please give me any advice you have!


TCS Member
Young Cat
Feb 17, 2016
Oh my! I feel your pain quite literally. Our 4 1/2 month kitten is also high energy, and I'm convinced that's the main reason he acts out. He bites when we sit down and bites when we have to pick him up and move him so he doesn't eat my plants, he bites when he's getting pet, he bites when we try and sleep, and nothing helps. I've heard discipline is ineffective for cats, and truly Boba likes water so the spray bottle is not helpful. Clapping doesn't scare him, and gentle scruffing makes him go ballistic with the same wide pupil, ears back look. Then it gets scary. And he's barely 5 lbs! And it's hard to tire him out playing bc he has boundless energy and he stalks slowly and doesn't chase much so he doesn't burn much energy either. So I've started clicker training him and it does seem to help calm him down and refocus some of his energy. It's slow going bc, lets face it, kittens don't have attention spans. Also, when I can tell he is going to bite, I immediately atop touching him or walk away until he is engaged elsewhere. Another thing I would suggest for vet visits during this hyper stage is to look into "Happy Traveller." It's an all natural herbal supplement that relaxes the kitty and removes stress, but it doesn't sedate them (it's chamomile and valerian root). I used it when we took our kitty on a long drive and he did so good. However, I wouldn't use it on a regular basis bc I want to work for better behavior. Also, to trim his nails I wait until he is really sleepy and then I start petting until he's purring. Sometimes I can only get a few claws at a time, but by the end of the day I can get them all.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 9, 2016
New York City Area.
This advice is based on my own experiences.  I'm curious, was Claws with the FOSTER family for the entire year and a half?

My male cat has acted this way on occasion, but we had him since 2 weeks old, so he thought we were part of his little pride, LOL. I do think there is some truth about being dominant, I had to show Simon who was boss, but never yelled or hit.  Through patience and direction.

While I don't think it's anger directed towards you personally, I'm thinking he may be testing you and possibly a bit jealous because he wants your attention badly. Such as the computer...  When Simon was entering his terrible 2's, he played very rough, (we had ourselves to blame for that - live & learn)  we played with our hands thinking it was cute, then it turned into scar city.  If I was reading, on the computer or watching t.v he'd come up and bite down on my arm hard and run away, then sit by his toys or and get in his "set up" "pounce stance" we taught him and wanted to play.  Sometimes if my arm was hanging off the sofa, he'd bite down so hard his canine's would get stuck, he'd look at me with the expression, "oh crap" because he couldn't pull out of my arm, in the end leaving me with a bleeding hole.  

If my husband wasn't paying him any mind, he'd go up on his desk, which is a big no no, and wait to get yelled at and seemed to like the attention, he give a smug look of joy and run away. LOL  Other than that he's been a pleasure and joy.

The part where you wrote:  The pupils were crazy, the ears were back, the tail was swatting, and he tried to latch on and bite me

That sounds like he was pretty pissed for whatever reason, however I think with patience & direction he can be trained, he's certainly young enough.  You need to keep calm and don't be fearful. From what you wrote, he's trusted you enough to help him, I think that's a huge step in the right direction.

One thing I suggested to a couple of friends who's cats acted up was setting up a space for him only, since this is new for the both of you, I suggest get a nice clean cardboard box, not big but roomy enough for the cat, his own fluffy towel and a few toys.  Place it on the side with the towel for him to lay, along with his toys, somewhere out of the way on the floor and let him establish his own territory, which will give him a place of comfort and play when you are busy.  This worked for me and my friends.

How did the foster mother seem, could she have been just as rough when he acted up.

Don't be embarrassed, an 8 lb cat with razor teeth is nothing to take lightly.  I hope this helps-Good luck.

do you have any pictures of him???  I love pictures. LOL


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 9, 2016
New York City Area.
Oh my! I feel your pain quite literally. Our 4 1/2 month kitten is also high energy, and I'm convinced that's the main reason he acts out. He bites when we sit down and bites when we have to pick him up and move him so he doesn't eat my plants, he bites when he's getting pet, he bites when we try and sleep, and nothing helps. I've heard discipline is ineffective for cats, and truly Boba likes water so the spray bottle is not helpful. Clapping doesn't scare him, and gentle scruffing makes him go ballistic with the same wide pupil, ears back look. Then it gets scary. And he's barely 5 lbs! And it's hard to tire him out playing bc he has boundless energy and he stalks slowly and doesn't chase much so he doesn't burn much energy either. So I've started clicker training him and it does seem to help calm him down and refocus some of his energy. It's slow going bc, lets face it, kittens don't have attention spans. Also, when I can tell he is going to bite, I immediately atop touching him or walk away until he is engaged elsewhere. Another thing I would suggest for vet visits during this hyper stage is to look into "Happy Traveller." It's an all natural herbal supplement that relaxes the kitty and removes stress, but it doesn't sedate them (it's chamomile and valerian root). I used it when we took our kitty on a long drive and he did so good. However, I wouldn't use it on a regular basis bc I want to work for better behavior. Also, to trim his nails I wait until he is really sleepy and then I start petting until he's purring. Sometimes I can only get a few claws at a time, but by the end of the day I can get them all.
janneb - a soon to be 5 month kitten is highly trainable.  With stern discipline and direction he can grow into a personality that's so much fun.  Do you physically play with Boba?  Now is the time to play games and teach him tricks.  House cats need to be engaged, when younger it's almost constant but if you teach a young cat to play certain games, by the time the kitten is a cat, they can learn to play on their own. Leaving you with more me time.

Don't deny yourself playtime with him, it takes time and patience but can be done. Kittens are a lot of work, but well worth effort.

**Valerian Root - Simon gets super hyper and active when I sprinkle this on his favorite toys to play with, he'll play hard with his toy, smelling it and rubbing his face in it but then crash a while after.  I take a capsule and rub it on whatever it is I want him to play with. Caution, it stinks to High Heaven...

This is based on my own experiences with kittens and cats...


TCS Member
Young Cat
Feb 17, 2016
Oh we play with him, and yes with toys! My husband is much better at getting him to run and jump at the wand toy. Also, I learned early on that his attraction to a game is dependent on the level of energy we put into it. I also made him a tshirt tent and I tied some shoe strings to the frame inside and he just loves it! And we have a big slider with bird feeders on our balcony, so I often open up the window now that it's warm and let him watch the birds through the screen. You can tell he is getting more mature but still the biting persists. But I really am trying to keep him entertained which is why we've started the clicket training.
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  • #6


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Mar 31, 2016
Oh my! I feel your pain quite literally. Our 4 1/2 month kitten is also high energy, and I'm convinced that's the main reason he acts out. He bites when we sit down and bites when we have to pick him up and move him so he doesn't eat my plants, he bites when he's getting pet, he bites when we try and sleep, and nothing helps. I've heard discipline is ineffective for cats, and truly Boba likes water so the spray bottle is not helpful. Clapping doesn't scare him, and gentle scruffing makes him go ballistic with the same wide pupil, ears back look. Then it gets scary. And he's barely 5 lbs! And it's hard to tire him out playing bc he has boundless energy and he stalks slowly and doesn't chase much so he doesn't burn much energy either. So I've started clicker training him and it does seem to help calm him down and refocus some of his energy. It's slow going bc, lets face it, kittens don't have attention spans. Also, when I can tell he is going to bite, I immediately atop touching him or walk away until he is engaged elsewhere. Another thing I would suggest for vet visits during this hyper stage is to look into "Happy Traveller." It's an all natural herbal supplement that relaxes the kitty and removes stress, but it doesn't sedate them (it's chamomile and valerian root). I used it when we took our kitty on a long drive and he did so good. However, I wouldn't use it on a regular basis bc I want to work for better behavior. Also, to trim his nails I wait until he is really sleepy and then I start petting until he's purring. Sometimes I can only get a few claws at a time, but by the end of the day I can get them all.
Thanks for the reassurance. I was afraid it was all me, but having other people with a similar problem is making me a little less stressed. Claws also doesn't respond to noise and scruffing is completely ineffective. In desperation I've tried to scruff him multiple times only to have him literally walk away with me still holding on. And then he gets even wilder since scruffing is clearly me trying to dominate him. Maybe I'll look into clicker training. It's worth a shot! I thought of buying a battery operated cat toy for when I'm too tired to play with him. He does play fetch which makes it easier as I can just sit while he brings it back. I'll wait until he's knocked out and maybe I can get a couple of claws! Much appreciated advice.
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  • #7


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Mar 31, 2016
This advice is based on my own experiences.  I'm curious, was Claws with the FOSTER family for the entire year and a half?

My male cat has acted this way on occasion, but we had him since 2 weeks old, so he thought we were part of his little pride, LOL. I do think there is some truth about being dominant, I had to show Simon who was boss, but never yelled or hit.  Through patience and direction.

While I don't think it's anger directed towards you personally, I'm thinking he may be testing you and possibly a bit jealous because he wants your attention badly. Such as the computer...  When Simon was entering his terrible 2's, he played very rough, (we had ourselves to blame for that - live & learn)  we played with our hands thinking it was cute, then it turned into scar city.  If I was reading, on the computer or watching t.v he'd come up and bite down on my arm hard and run away, then sit by his toys or and get in his "set up" "pounce stance" we taught him and wanted to play.  Sometimes if my arm was hanging off the sofa, he'd bite down so hard his canine's would get stuck, he'd look at me with the expression, "oh crap" because he couldn't pull out of my arm, in the end leaving me with a bleeding hole.  

If my husband wasn't paying him any mind, he'd go up on his desk, which is a big no no, and wait to get yelled at and seemed to like the attention, he give a smug look of joy and run away. LOL  Other than that he's been a pleasure and joy.

The part where you wrote:  The pupils were crazy, the ears were back, the tail was swatting, and he tried to latch on and bite me

That sounds like he was pretty pissed for whatever reason, however I think with patience & direction he can be trained, he's certainly young enough.  You need to keep calm and don't be fearful. From what you wrote, he's trusted you enough to help him, I think that's a huge step in the right direction.

One thing I suggested to a couple of friends who's cats acted up was setting up a space for him only, since this is new for the both of you, I suggest get a nice clean cardboard box, not big but roomy enough for the cat, his own fluffy towel and a few toys.  Place it on the side with the towel for him to lay, along with his toys, somewhere out of the way on the floor and let him establish his own territory, which will give him a place of comfort and play when you are busy.  This worked for me and my friends.

How did the foster mother seem, could she have been just as rough when he acted up.

Don't be embarrassed, an 8 lb cat with razor teeth is nothing to take lightly.  I hope this helps-Good luck.

do you have any pictures of him???  I love pictures. LOL
I'm not sure how long he was with his foster mom, but it seems like only a few months. They found him dying on the streets after his old owner dumped him outside. She got him from the city pound (only weighing 4.5 pounds) where they were planning to euthanize him and nursed him back to health over what was implied to be 4-6 months. She described him as nothing but sweet, but he was overshadowed by other cats and would sleep on her pillow. He sleeps on mine and is sweet and purring as long as I don't try to move him. This is his first time in a very long time getting so much love, attention, and feeling so healthy. His really bad behavior started after he finished his antibiotics and eye ointment. It also seems that's when his playing got up to hours and hours each day instead of just batting a mouse around for a few minutes. After he starting feeling better it was like he developed this whole personality instead of just wanting to snuggle.

I'm definitely worried about him testing me as I think there may be a dominance thing involved. He feels healthy and wild and probably a little invincible. My friend came to visit and thought he also seemed really possessive of me, so he thinks he owns the place and me, too. I guess I'll just be consistent in telling him no, though maybe I'll keep the palm away when he's looking particularly crazy-eyed. I've had the experience of playing with a cat with my hands, so he gets string and toys, and I won't use my hands at all. Using a long string still seems enough to make me seem like a toy, too. Maybe I should get home a remote control car?

I live in a studio apartment so space is at a premium, but I can definitely find some room to set up a little station that's all his. My parents' cat has a scratch mat that we call the "safe mat" and even though he's super friendly, if he doesn't want to be picked up he runs over to the mat and we respect his boundaries and territory.

Thanks for the advice! I appreciate it greatly.

P.S. I do have pics but don't know how to post them. I'll look it up since I'm biased and want to show off the cutest cat in the world.
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  • #8


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Mar 31, 2016
Wow, I made a lot of typos. Sorry!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 9, 2016
New York City Area.
I would love to see pictures, but I'm sure there will be the big DEBATE on who has the cutest. LOL  They're all so cute.  I literally get side tracked looking at all the pictures.  It's very easy, just hit the picture button above and it will lead you to your pictures then hit open the I think, submit. 

I always found a little pawwwsonal space works wonders, haha.  I get the small apt thing, we have a really small living space too... city living.

I would be careful of the palm thing, do you think he may attack your hand.

It sounds like he's had a tough life thus far and needed a break, so lucky to have you, and I'm sure he knows that.  

Just wondering, and I'm sure another member could answer, but can this aggression be a reaction to the meds?

Anyway, best of luck to you and Claws. LOL


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 9, 2016
New York City Area.
CASE IN POINT...  it open the I think, submit.

I can't write today either...

The link will lead to your pictures, select picture you want then hit open, then on The Cat Site, hit submit.  You'll figure it out. LOL


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Is your boy neutered?

I don't know what to suggest other than a can of coins to shake when he bites maybe the sound will get him to let go?

I would be scared as hell if my cats bit down on me. Altjhough I have gotten bitten by my Honeybee when shes asleep and its time for her puffs for asthma..we do it every 12 hours no matter if she sleeping..usually she hiss and bite then when I get her out from under the bed she starts to purr and licks my hand...shes my little stinker. miss profile photo..
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  • #13


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Mar 31, 2016
Yep, maybe no palm thing until he's done mangling me. As for the med thing, I think struggling against ME during administration may have brought out some sassy nature. But he's been off them both for a week and a half now so it's not a side effect. That's an interesting thought, though.

Here's some photos. He's pretty adorable but I think I'm biased.

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  • #15


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Mar 31, 2016
OMG, he's an orange Simon.

You got me, he's really cute. lol

Best with him, I hope he comes around.  I'm sure he will.  Very very cute.
So is Simon (I assume the guy in your profile photo)! Thanks for your help.
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  • #16


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Mar 31, 2016
Is your boy neutered?

I don't know what to suggest other than a can of coins to shake when he bites maybe the sound will get him to let go?

I would be scared as hell if my cats bit down on me. Altjhough I have gotten bitten by my Honeybee when shes asleep and its time for her puffs for asthma..we do it every 12 hours no matter if she sleeping..usually she hiss and bite then when I get her out from under the bed she starts to purr and licks my hand...shes my little stinker. miss profile photo..
He is neutered, but I don't think he was neutered until at least a year old but I'm not sure if later neutering affects their behavior. He's a year and a half now. It's definitely scary when he bites. Like an 8 pound tiger on my forearm.

I like the coin idea. It's worth a try! Thanks!


TCS Member
Young Cat
Oct 28, 2015
Sorry I didnt read through all the posts so didnt know if this was mentioned.  

This is in regards to face cleaning.

I have been lucky enough to not have to clean my cats face, But I do give kisses and light "boops" on the nose.  This is actually something that worked with my dog who I have had to put eye drops in and clean around the eyes before... I would pet my dog from behind and move my hand eventually over there head to their face.  I do this Quickly yet safetly so they dont see my hand coming.  I get it over with before they really know whats going on.  When animals see a hand coming at their face the instinct is to protect themselves.  Not sure if this would work on a cat but the principle seems the same.
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  • #18


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Mar 31, 2016
I think
Sorry I didnt read through all the posts so didnt know if this was mentioned.  

This is in regards to face cleaning.

I have been lucky enough to not have to clean my cats face, But I do give kisses and light "boops" on the nose.  This is actually something that worked with my dog who I have had to put eye drops in and clean around the eyes before... I would pet my dog from behind and move my hand eventually over there head to their face.  I do this Quickly yet safetly so they dont see my hand coming.  I get it over with before they really know whats going on.  When animals see a hand coming at their face the instinct is to protect themselves.  Not sure if this would work on a cat but the principle seems the same.
I think you're definitely onto something with the ninja face movement. After Claws' second freakout with no successful wiping, I put the tissue over my finger and gently scratched his head with it, then rubbed his ears and his chin, and when I finally got to his eye he was pretty good since it wasn't coming at him out of nowhere, and he also wasn't nervously anticipating it as it seemed harmless.

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  • #19


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Mar 31, 2016
I wanted to thank everyone for their help! I think half of it was just getting reassurance that it wasn't me, and he and I have had a much better couple of days. We've been playing a lot, and when he tries to get onto my keyboard I either block him totally (resulting in much less nipping or none) or I pull him to my chest off the keyboard and kiss and cuddle him and he purrs happily. And he's so bribable with treats. I woke him up from a nap with treats, pulled him into my lap and trimmed his claws, then gave him another treat. Not a single attempt to bite me!


TCS Member
Young Cat
Feb 17, 2016
That's great news! It's likely to take a while for him to grow out of it completely, so don't feel like you're taking steps backward if he has a bad day. Stay consistent, encourage his best behavior and you will find what works.