Help with moving


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jul 26, 2017
Hello everyone,

I haven’t posted on here in a couple of years but I’m hoping some of you could provide some advice for me.

I have two male cats, they’re 5 & 4 ish. Happy as can be and get along great. I live with my mother, and that’s where they have lived their whole lives but they are very much my cats and responsibility. One of the cats likes everyone, but is incredibly bonded to me and the other one is much more into everyone in the house equally.

Of course whenever I move out I have always planned on taking them with me, they are mine and I couldn’t imagine life without them.

I just got an incredible opportunity to move to my dream city. Somewhere I’ve always wanted to live but never thought I’d be able to.. however this opportunity presented itself and I feel like I have to take it. It’s truly a once in a lifetime opportunity, I would be moving in with my best friend and her partner temporarily while I figure things out in the city. I’m guessing roughly 2-3 months I’ll be with them.

They’ve told me I can absolutely bring the cats and that they would be happy to have them.. here’s the problem…

They have a dog who is quite big but he is very hyper and has never been around cats before. He does have a “high” prey drive towards squirrels and other critters when on walks so then staying separated is a must. I will have the whole basement to myself, it has its own access outside. it’s finished and is big enough for them to live comfortably in, however there are only two windows. One very small one, and one bigger one that just looks into the stairwell. I’ll also have a bedroom on the second story of the house for my office, it has many windows but I don’t think I’d ever bring them up there. I’d have to go past first floor with dog, up to the second, and that seems like it might scare them too? It’s also not big enough to just have them stay there.

The lack of windows worries me the most, im
Scared they won’t be happy there. They have a ton of toys, scratchers and cat trees that would come with them. But I’m terrified they won’t be happy, I could leave them at home with my mother who would take great care of them, but I hate the idea of leaving them temporarily as well. I’m just not sure what to do here. This feels like my one chance to get out there and really make it own my own in my dream place, but I worry so much about my cats happiness that I’m second guessing going.
Any advice?


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Mar 22, 2022
If it was me …… your mom will, I’m sure take good care of them, this is where they would stay until you can take them to their new home. It’s too much change for the short time. They will need 2-3 months to settle and than it is time where you will be moving again. It’s very nice of your friends to offer their home but hyper dog in front basement door … can do psychological damage without ever entering the basement. God forbid he actually manages to enter!!! I would leave them safe and sound in surroundings they know and love prepare everything and move them to their new home with their old belongings. Sometimes you sacr your happiness for those you love. Good look and go get your dreams …


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
I agree with nebaug, show your mom or whoever will be their caretaker for those three months exactly what you do for them (food -any specifics such as warming it or adding a little water, water - is it filtered, pet fountain cleaning, litter -daily cleaning, and anything else), and when you're settled, bring them to your new home. Leave behind some worn unwashed clothes, see if they like Cat Music, and plan on having photos and videos sent to you.

By the way, if they haven't been in for a wellness check you might do that before you leave, it will be easier.