Help with chronic sneezing/congestion


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 17, 2010
Good morning,
I am struggling with a new issue with my cat, Maggie, and was wondering if anyone else had any similar issues. Maggie is 16 years old. She has never had any history of sneezing or congestion or Upper Respiratory infections (we adopted her when she was 6 months old). In Feb of this year she starting sneezing out of nowhere and ended up getting so congested that she could barely breathe through her nose (we could see her mouth breathing). She would also have breathing "spasms" that she appears to not be able to control. Our vet examined her and found nothing out of the ordinary except for what appeared to be a "cold". She gave us an antibiotic and said to let her know how she did. That seemed to fix her right up for about 2 months and then it started all over again in April. This time we took her into the vet office for some xrays and also a sedated exam to see if there were any nasal polyps or other abnormalities that might explain the sneezing. They did not find anything. Since she was once again quite symptomatic (and not wanting to eat much due to her reduced sense of smell) the vet gave her a shot of antibiotics and that cleared everything up again for a time. She just started sneezing again and we tried a course of steroids to see if that might help calm things down to prevent it from getting to the point where she needs an antibiotic. It seem like maybe it was helping...but now she is right back to so congested that she struggles to breathe from her nose. I have emailed the vet again to see what she thinks, but I am wondering how we can manage this. Maggie is our only cat and she is strictly indoors. She does seem to have some allergies/sensitivities (was having skin issues) and is on a special diet for that and also for her kidneys (cleared up her skin issues and improved her kidney values). The vet said we could consider sending her to a specialist to have her "scoped" to see if they can find anything else that could be to blame. I am hesitant to do that because she is 16 years old and it would be very traumatic/risky for her. Plus they may not find anything or nothing that they can even help. Aside from the misery of not being able to breathe well Maggie seems otherwise her happy self. We just want to be able to manage these symptoms better. Any thoughts?
Thanks in advance!


Cat mom, cat foster mom
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Mar 6, 2023
That's really strange that the tests don't show anything! Have you tried removing allergens around the house? Anything new lately? New detergent? Are you affected by the Canada smoke? Would she let you wipe her nose with a warm cloth? Sometimes that gunk gets dried around the nostrils and clogs up. Would she sit with you in the bathroom while you/family shower?
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 17, 2010
Yes, it is strange. The vet thinks most likely there is some growth somewhere that is "tickling" her airways and causing irritation that results in the sneezing and eventually the congestion. I can't think of anything new that would have caused an allergy. I don't think the Canada smoke was a thing back in February when this all started. We tend to keep the air cond on most of the time. Maggie actually does a really good job of cleaning her own nose...there is never any residual discharge (she licks it clean lol). We haven't tried the bathroom bit yet...but I have a feeling she will be somewhat resistant to it. I do plan to give it a try though. Thanks!


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Has your Vet done a culture on her mucus to determine which antibiotic to use? Have you seen an internal medicine Vet? I would see an Internal Medicine Vet and have her checked by them. They should know all the tests to run to figure out the problem.

Mighty Orange

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Apr 9, 2022
Just wondering something. Do you live in an area that is getting that wonderful forest fire smoke from Canada?