Help what could be wrong with my baby.


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 20, 2013
My Zazzozal is my baby, he is a little over 2 years old. We got him as a kitten for my Granddaughter, but she is only 5 so he has become my cat. I show him so so much love and attention, does not let me pet him, but he follows me all over the house. My son says I " overwhelm" him because I give him too much attention . Although my son gives him none he loves to cuddle with him, and he sits on his lap and lets him pet him. but the past 4 days he has been acting strange, he has not come out to greet my son or myself at the door, when we leave, he is hiding under the bed, he is not playing he did not eat for a day and a 1/2 then ate and drank some, and started to come out and play a little, sat on my sons lap, played with me, and then yesterday it started again, not coming out from under bed, then this morning he did come out and lay on top of bed but he went to jump down his legs feel out from under him, he could barley get back under the bed, he is so so weak and can't walk more than 2 steps then lays down, I can tell something is wrong. really wrong. , I am taking him to a rescue clinic when my son gets home , the vet tech will look at him and see what is wrong and if she can treat him , if not he has to wait for the vet in the am. In the mean time I am WORRIED SICK, I LOVE HIM SO SO MUCH, CAN ANYBODY PLEASE TELL ME WHAT COULD BE WRONG WITH MY BOY.; Thank You and I am sorry I am new here, hope it's not too long.


TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
Unfortunately there are just so many things that could cause this. :( I'm so sorry - I hope it's treatable. I'm so glad you're getting him to the emergency clinic.

Many vibes for your kitty. :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes:

Please update us if when you can. :rub:


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jul 31, 2013
Oh gosh, so many things can be the reason of this. Taking him to the emergency vet is the right thing to do. Meanwhile, just hope for the best and don't panick. Since it seems to progress relatively slow, hopefully the vet will find out what's wrong with him on time and be able to treat him. Not eating itself can cause health problems, so the fact that he ate a little is good. Did you check his litterbox? Can he poo/urinate normal? Did he puke? He might be having problems with his digestive/urinary system, and if so, the vet will give him the necessary treatment, and he'll hopefully be fine. Did he have his vaccinations? Does he go outside or have contact with other animals? If that is the case, there's a chance that he caught something from another animal. How serious it can be depends on what he caught. Is there any chance that he ate/drank something he shouldn't have, like chemicals? You didn't mention it,but does he drool? Drooling can be a sign of a burn on the tongue. The burn is not that serious itself, but if he consumed something harmful, your vet will take the necessary steps to treat him. He might also have swallowed a foreign object, and that will come up in x-rays. If I'm not late replying your post, you might want to take a sample of his poo to vet just in case. 

These are just a few things that came up to my mind. I hope that it's not something serious, and he goes back to his normal healthy self soon. Please update us about the situation. 

Lots of love and best wishes from us to your boy and yourself.
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  • #5


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 20, 2013
Thank You, I just got back from the clinic, He was not dehydrated, she gave him an appetite stimulant , and he would NOT let her take his temp, she said he felt warm, so she gave him an antibotic. Well I just got him home it;s been an hour still not eating, It may be an injury cause he can't jump on the counter he wants to but I went to put him up there as soon as I touched his butt area he howled, then my son tried he did the same as soon as he touched his stomach. His stool was VERY VERY HARD the other day can constipation make them in pain and stop eating, he has urinated twice today.  IDK, and It seems my family is not much support they think because im crying and VERY UPSET,  I am over reacting, well I ADORE MY CAT, someone said he's just a cat I could have FREAKED, WELL I LOVE THAT CAT LIKE ANY HUMAN. So im praying going to give antibotics tomm when the trauma from the trip wears off alittle, and im going to put a tiny bit of olive oil in it, just a drop , or get some canned pumpkin. But he is an indoor cat , I have a guinea pig and a sugar glider but he has lived with them since he first came home, a tiny boy. NO vomiting at all, Im so so confused.  Just hoping my prayers are heard, could you all pray for my Zazzy. Thank You for your concern. Mostly for your support I appreciate it and need it.
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  • #6


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Young Cat
Sep 20, 2013
Aww Thank You so so much, That means alot. The prayers from NY.
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TCS Member
Jan 14, 2013
Yes, constipation can cause pain. As could an obstruction of some kind. Did the vet do an x-ray? I'm surprised the pain in the stomach and rear was not noticed during the exam.
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  • #8


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Young Cat
Sep 20, 2013
I took him to a vet tech , she has been a tech for 30 years, she works for a  huge cat rescue here in my area, they have a clinic, the actual vet comes in tomorrow am. I do not have the money to take him to an emergency vet around here, NONE OF THEM WOULD TAKE HIM WITHOUT PAYMENT UP FRONT!  I am on disability my self, I can't afford a vet. My sister just brought up a great point I am a CLEAN FANATIC and I vacuum daily I use the laundry crystals , so my carpet smells fresh like clean laundry on the carpet and vacuum it up. Could he have been licking them off of his paws and getting sick or constipated? I stopped yesterday when I thought about it maybe getting in his paws and him licking it out or off. But no vomiting. I WILL NEVER FORGIVE MYSELF IF THAT HARMED HIM!! I did  not even think of that or that it could harm him. But he jumped onto the counter then onto the fridge. then up on the top of the cabinet above that, about an hour ago. We tried to put his food up there he has not taken a bite. So I'm so confused, If he is still sick  tomorrow, I will call the vet at the rescue and she will see him , my sister volunteers there weekly , in fact they neutered him and gave him all of his shots, and flea treatment, when he was a baby. I just worry, Idk what this could be also, a few days ago I came home and went to scoop litter and his stool was like a rock, very hard . I'm confused, could be so many things. Thank You , I will keep you all posted.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jul 31, 2013
Thank You, I just got back from the clinic, He was not dehydrated, she gave him an appetite stimulant , and he would NOT let her take his temp, she said he felt warm, so she gave him an antibotic. Well I just got him home it;s been an hour still not eating, It may be an injury cause he can't jump on the counter he wants to but I went to put him up there as soon as I touched his butt area he howled, then my son tried he did the same as soon as he touched his stomach. His stool was VERY VERY HARD the other day can constipation make them in pain and stop eating, he has urinated twice today.  IDK, and It seems my family is not much support they think because im crying and VERY UPSET,  I am over reacting, well I ADORE MY CAT, someone said he's just a cat I could have FREAKED, WELL I LOVE THAT CAT LIKE ANY HUMAN. So im praying going to give antibotics tomm when the trauma from the trip wears off alittle, and im going to put a tiny bit of olive oil in it, just a drop , or get some canned pumpkin. But he is an indoor cat , I have a guinea pig and a sugar glider but he has lived with them since he first came home, a tiny boy. NO vomiting at all, Im so so confused.  Just hoping my prayers are heard, could you all pray for my Zazzy. Thank You for your concern. Mostly for your support I appreciate it and need it.
You know that we're just giving our opinions based on your descriptions here, so it can be something entirely different, but, yes, constipation can do that. Also, he might be sensitive on his butt because of the pain on his belly. If he can't get it out the normal way, he may start puking as well, the vomit would be indigested food. If his stool is that hard, olive oil is a very good idea, especially if he likes it. Give him more if you can, 1 or 2 tablespoons at least (you can't really overdose; too much olive oil will soften his stool too much, but does nothing more than that). Stick to wet, even some oily food if he wants to eat. Pumpkin is also good. Give lots of water. Don't give milk, cause it can cause gas and give more pain. If he doesn't go out till tomorrow, take him and a sample of his stool to the vet, cause it needs to go out and if it stays too long inside, it might become toxic for zazzozal, and it might begin to deform the intestines. Your vet can give him laxatives or enema to treat, and he might recommend a change in diet for longer term. If he's not dehytrated, then it's a good sign. You can check the dehydration by grabbing his skin (between his shoulders or  scruff of the neck  is a good place), when you release the skin should spring back immediately, and it means you don't have to worry about dehydration. Put him and his litterbox under close observation tonight. Don't panick; if it is constipation, I expect him to be fine and healthy once he can get rid of the problem (maybe with a change in diet and being careful if he's going out regularly). But even if the problem resolves itself, and he looks better tomorrow, do see a vet and ask about the situation. Your vet will probably need some tests and examine your boy, and he will give you the necessary advice to follow. 
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  • #11


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 20, 2013
Hi everyone,

My baby boy is still confusing me, he is drinking alot but still not eating, I gave him a dose of clavamox, Friday night and Yesterday (Saturday) he was vomiting up foam and blood. He is walking better and does not feel warm anymore, but I am scared to get to happy he is still not himself. He did this when he first got "sick, or injured" ( still don't know what this is)He was hiding and not eating the first couple of days, then he ate alittle the third day, then it got worse the 4th day, that is the day the trouble walking started, and he felt very warm.  This is very strange, very  he is not hiding but not himself, he was VERY PLAYFUL, I went out bought a bunch of new toys , not interested even in his favorite old toys, he wont play. Idk My thought is maybe the laundry crystals I was sprinkling on the carpet , ( I am very very clean) got him sick, they are tiny crystals, and maybe when he licked his paws, IDK,? Could that cause this? If that is the case I WILL FEEL HORRIBLE, I know my being clean is very  overboard but if it made my cat sick, I will feel so so so so bad. I vacuum every day sometimes twice , in every room so I'm sure I got almost all of the crystals, I stopped using them a couple days after he got sick cause I thought I may be that. I am confused. The vet at the rescue my sister volunteers at is not there until Monday, I will bring him then. This is very confusing. My sister said clavamox could make them sick in the stomach, and irritate the lining, or the appetite stimulant they gave him could do that. Again I'm confused. So any opinions will help.
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  • #12


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Young Cat
Sep 20, 2013
Sorry one more question, He is NOT letting me give him his medication, My sister said scruff him and put his head to the ceiling  ,  and put it in the side of his cheek, "DO NOT SQUIRT IT DOWN HIS THROAT",  he will not let me do anything. The first dose he took I just put it in his cheek and he took it he must have been weak, but now he is fighting, hissing, spiting it out. I can't do it what should I do?
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  • #14


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Young Cat
Sep 20, 2013
Hi I just tried the towel thing because he does not eat wet food, or treats or any kind of table food, not tuna , not sardines nothing, (weird) but he ate allittle dry food. HE THREW THE LITTLE TINY BIT I MANAGED TO GET INTO HIS  CHEEK RIGHT UP, FOAM AND FOOD. I DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO, he needs it the tech said. HELP,  should I put it on his dry food?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 16, 2006
North Carolina
I would call the vet and tell them, there are sometimes other options, like pills or I guess there is some kind of something you can put on their ear.  Can you take him to the vet and have the vet administer the medicine?  I had to take my Swanie to the vet every day one time because I couldn't get him to take his pill.  If there is a pill, you might be able to get him to take it with a pill popper.  It took me maybe a half hour or more every day when I finally figured out how to give it to Swanie, but I got it in him. I'm really so sorry you're having these issues, and it's so hard when you love them so much and know they need it.  I think I would call the eVet and see what they have to say about it.
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  • #16


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Young Cat
Sep 20, 2013
I AM SO FRUSTRATED I'M READY TO GIVE UP AND STOP, AND LET NATURE TAKE IT'S COURSE, and pray that he just gets over this , without medicine.I called my sister and she said she would come help me give it I guess she got busy she never showed up. She is a cat rescuer she volunteers at a big cat rescue often and has been for years, she has been through this often. She medicates ferel cat's. I have wasted  4 doses trying. Now he won't come near me, and we are both very frustrated, the wall and my face have gotten the past 4 doses. Well the carpet got the tiny bit that he got in his mouth, he vomited. So I have been crazy over this, I can't cry any more, I give up. I have called the vet tech she has not called back, cause I guess I have called too much. I am on SSDI, I can't bring him to a vet, I just can't make money appear out of the sky. I HAVE NO SUPPORT WITH THIS , SO IM JUST GONNA GIVE UP FOR A WHILE.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jul 31, 2013
I AM SO FRUSTRATED I'M READY TO GIVE UP AND STOP, AND LET NATURE TAKE IT'S COURSE, and pray that he just gets over this , without medicine.I called my sister and she said she would come help me give it I guess she got busy she never showed up. She is a cat rescuer she volunteers at a big cat rescue often and has been for years, she has been through this often. She medicates ferel cat's. I have wasted  4 doses trying. Now he won't come near me, and we are both very frustrated, the wall and my face have gotten the past 4 doses. Well the carpet got the tiny bit that he got in his mouth, he vomited. So I have been crazy over this, I can't cry any more, I give up. I have called the vet tech she has not called back, cause I guess I have called too much. I am on SSDI, I can't bring him to a vet, I just can't make money appear out of the sky. I HAVE NO SUPPORT WITH THIS , SO IM JUST GONNA GIVE UP FOR A WHILE.
Ok, now stop and take a deep breath. You need to calm yourself down before you try to do anything. Give Zazzie a little time down to calm down also. It seems that both of you are tired and frustrated, and there's no use of trying like this. 

Then please answer these questions:

1) What is the medicine for, what diagnose did the vet tech give you?

2) Did Zazzie drink water? Did you check recently if he's dehydrated? (grab his skin on the scuff of his neck or between shoulders, if he's not dehydrated when you relase the skin, it should spring back quickly)

3) When is the last time he ate anything at all and didn't throw it up?

4) When did he last poop? And was his stool normal?

5) Does he still have pain on his stomach? If you can feel his belly, is it normal or does it feel hard kind of like he ate too much? Is he sensitive on a particular area?

Meanwhile make yourself a coffe, and relax a little, but check him from afar without alerting him and yourself. When you feel better, you can give it another go. Also, there are wonderful videos that show how to give meds to resisting cats. Maybe you'd like to watch a few of them and plot for zazzie while you're having your coffee. 

I remember a pink syrup instance with my Peanut. I got frustrated, she got frustrated, the whole room and everthing in it got pink stains including me and her, and yet she didn't swallow a drop of it. Then I took a break and calmed myself down, walked into the room with a deathly confidence, grabbed her from the neck, and that was it, she swallowed the whole dose like a shy kitten (ok, not exactly like a shy kitten, but she was much more menagable). 


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
Sometimes kitties are obstinate.  They don't like being refrained and they don't like having meds squirted in their mouths, but it's for their best interest, so you have to do what you have to do to get the meds in them.  They're kinda like kids at times.  You can wrap him in a towel like a burrito and then squirt the meds in his mouth.  Be sure you get his front paws in the towel!  Also, call the vet and ask for a different medication, but DO NOT allow them to give him a Convenia injection.  If you can nab him while he's sleeping, you might have better success.  Has he pooped yet?  What are you feeding him? 
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  • #19


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 20, 2013

First off Thank You, your right I'm just upset and scared also.

It is easier for me to answer in order you asked ok?

1.Clavamox, she said he was not dehydrated and, he would not let her take his temp, he felt "feverish" she said he may have a "general illness" and "clavamox can only help. No real diagnosis except, he was not dehydrated, and he was not yellow?  She also gave him an appetite stimulant, it began with an M. I have since looked it up right now I forget, it was a pill, and she said it was for three days, she gave it to him herself.

2 And 3 .Zazzy , has been drinking lots of water, and he is not dehydrated, and today he ate alittle, but threw it right up with the antibiotics, he forced out.

4.. His last bowel movement was a 5 days ago and rock hard, but I was gone for a few hours maybe it got hard sitting, I never leave it i flush it right away eveytime. So idk if it was supposed to be hard like that after sitting. For like 5 hours.

5. He is walking much better not much pain in belly climbing and jumping. But still not playing and sleeping alot, his ears, got cooler yesterday, I'm sure it was because he took his first dose of antibiotic, like a pro. and he has not let me give him one since Saturday morning. Now he is warm again.

I'M SO SORRY YOU MUST THINK I'M CRAZY FOR SAYING I GIVE UP, but  I do need to calm down, plus I'm alittle disappointed that nobody showed to help me today, Not even for me but for the cat. My son is home he is 26 but just as nervous as me. lol but he will help me I just have to do this.  I watched every video on this on u tube. So gonna wrap him up tight and just hold his head how do I scruff him? and do it. Ill keep you posted, if you hear on the news" lady jumps out window" you know that I had no luck.!  LOL just kidding.
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  • #20


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Young Cat
Sep 20, 2013

He has not had a bowel movement yet , and I feed him meow mix tender centers, and friskies wet, but the past 6 months, he only eats his dry food. He is so strange won't eat wet food , or treats, or chicken or, ANY table food. I don't  get it no tuna, he has never eaten a whole lot but is a pretty big boy. My sweetheart. Could he have gotten poisoned by the laundry crystals I was using on the carpet, I stopped .I would sprinkle them and vacuum they made my whole home smell like fresh laundry, but  I stopped when I thought it may be hurting him cause obviously not all of them came up eveytime. I don't know here I go again worrying , but now I have to try to give him his meds. Thank You and please pray for us.