HELP! Senior cat's hair grew over 1 inch longer within weeks?

Roxie Datang

TCS Member
Thread starter
May 25, 2023

I am Roxie. I am very glad to meet you here at this site. I have a question that really worries me
and that I want to ask you about.

My question is about hair growing over 1 inch longer with Felix, 15 years old, medium hair orange tabby.
I did not realize it could be a problem until a week ago.

Diagnosed with small intestinal small cell lymphoma in November 2022, Felix has been on Prednisolone
(5 mg once daily) and Chlorambucil (1.8 mg every other day) for 6 months. About 5 weeks ago, I noticed
the hair around Felix’s neck, in all directions, grew very noticeably longer, including the hair on his chest.
The hair on his tummy has grown longer as well. His hair just keeps growing, and now they turn over 1 inch
longer. As a medium hair orange tabby, Felix now looks like a lion from some angles with those newly grown

Here goes my question for you: is this hair growing much longer within weeks not usually seen in adult/senior
cats? I am very worried. I would appreciate it so much for your help.

Wishing you all a Happy Memorial Day.

Much Thanks,



TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi. I have not seen or read anything like this. I can only speculate that between the two meds, they have triggered hair growth that might have been suppressed by the cancer, or some other underlying cause that the meds are inadvertently treating. They could have also stopped some level of excessive grooming that might have been going on before the meds. It sounds a bit like a hormonal/endocrine associated occurrence.

I would reach out to your internal med vet and/or oncologist - assuming you have one or the other - in addition to your regular vet. Perhaps, even a vet that specializes in endocrinology. Any of these vets can also consult with a vet university for information about various cases that they study, to see if there is evidence of this happening in the past. The vet universities often experience situations less seen by those in practice.

I can't imagine it is a bad thing, but more research from the above sources might at least shed some light on the possibilities for it occurring. If it is hormonal/endocrine related, I would think there would be treatments available - assuming it would even be deemed necessary.

Otherwise, it seems Felix is doing OK? All said, if the answer to that is yes, it is a good thing!

Mac and Cats

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 31, 2022
I don't really know anything about this, but I do know that IBD/SCL can prevent a cat's body from absorbing nutrients from their food, etc. I know Pred can help with that, although I don't really understand how it works. I had a cat with LCL and his fur from the ultrasound never fully grew back prior to his passing (ultrasound in beginning of March 2020 and passed at the end of May 2020). With our current cat that has possible IBD/SCL (also hyperthyroid), he had his ultrasound done back in early March (actually, the same exact timeline (ultra sounds on the same day--my birthday--but three years apart) as our past cat who passed 3 years ago yesterday) and his fur has almost completely grown back. He has had really greasy hair since we got him over two years ago. I always chalked it up to the hyperthyroid, but now I think the Pred is just allowing him to absorb nutrients, feel better and actually groom himself. He has gained weight and is maintaing at over 11 pounds (previously in the 9 pound range). He is 15 and has been eating like a champ, way more active, grooming and actually was just chasing a sparkle ball around the house a few minutes ago. I'm wondering if the Pred has just allowed him to absorb nutrients and feel better? It doesn't sound like anything to be concerned about unless Felix is feeling poorly or acting like he isn't feeling well?


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
Prednisone can cause hair growth, at least in humans. Hubby used to be on pred frequently for asthma and this was one of the side effects we noticed.
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Roxie Datang

TCS Member
Thread starter
May 25, 2023
Hi FeebysOwner,

Thank you for your reply. You surely shed light before they do on this puzzled case of Felix. I have not understood all of
what you said yet, but I got the point. It probably has to do with hormonal/endocrine issues, and I need to find a vet who
specializes in endocrinology. Your message helped clear my mind and showed me the way to go. I felt sort of relieved
after reading your message, and I want to thank you for that.

We have an appointment with Felix’s oncologist in two weeks. She is out of the office and will be back in one week. We
also have an appointment with IM vet, whose clinical interest includes endocrinology as an important part, after the
oncologist appointment. Felix’s IM vet told me that an ultrasound to assess the adrenal glands shall be done, if needed.

Felix is otherwise doing OK. It is a big comfort that you told me this is a good thing.

I am very glad to learn from you about consulting with the vet universities. We can also take Felix to the vet university for
office visit or do remote client consultations, when needed. I was thinking of doing some research and finding a vet and
then asking you if it is the kind you were talking about. But I have not found anybody from vet university yet, including any endocrinologist in San Francisco Bay Area. I feel so bad it only delays my reply to you. I apologize for this long-delayed
response to your great help.

Thank you,
Roxie (and Felix)