Help Please


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 1, 2019
Hi, this is my first post here
I adopted a 4-month-rescue male kitten a day ago from a woman who saved him, she told my if she was 10 minutes late or so he would be dead. This kitten is very, very, very gentle, affectionate and Calm. He doesn't sleep unless I'm next to him. loves to stay all the time at my lap
Here's the problem, I live with my parents and two little brothers. The house is so, so, so LOUD ALL THE TIME, a simple move would alert the kitten, if he's sleeping he would immediately wake up afraid. for his safety I'm keeping him in my room all the time, Calmest and safest spot in the house. From time to time one of the kids visits and loved him and plays with him.
I introduced the kitten to the kids and they seemed happy with the kitten, but one of them is diagnosed with autism and sometimes becomes aggressive towards his other brother and mother. I can't predict his moves so I keep the kitten in my room all the time, I let him -the kitten- make some exploration in rest of the house under my watch but he still needs more time. The house members not really comfortable around cats so i can't leave him make exploration without me.
What can I do to comfort him? The loud noise from the kids are really annoying, The look I see when he wakes up suddenly from his nap by the noise breaks my heart. and when I leave the room for a while, I hear his meows and that breaks my hear even more.
I'm moving in a few weeks, I'll be living alone and all of this will disappear. I just want him to be as comfortable as he can until i move.

Side story to make this more clear:
I realized that I have no friends from human beings and I won't be able to, so I made my peace with it a long ago. I feel extraordinary happiness around cats from my experience with street cats. If this kitten can speak and asked me to do the impossible, I'd do the impossible. I love cats more than human beings and I'd stop anything that annoys them.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
Do you have a TV or computer in your room? What if you left it on with some calming classical music when you are not in there with him. There is an app called "relax my cat" that plays calming music for cats, that could help drown out "some" of the noise, or at least give him comfort when you're not there.
I know you're moving, but these tips can help even after your move...
Make sure kitty has lots of high places to perch on, preferably near a window so he can entertain himself with the wonders of outside. High places encourage a cat to feel more secure.
Play WITH kitty, using a wand toy or something similar. Interactive play helps build confidence in a shy fearful kitty. And even better if you can follow up play time with a meal or snack. A cat acting out it's natural instincts of "hunt, catch, eat, groom, sleep", builds even better confidence.
Always try to stick to a schedule, cats prefer routine, so the more you can stick to it the better.
Keeping kitty secure in your room for a few weeks is not a bad thing. Some cats take that long or even longer to feel comfortable in a new home, and prefer the safety of a "safe room" anyway, so don't feel bad that he's stuck in there until you move out. As long as he has food, water, litter, toys and attention from you, he's perfectly fine.
When he startles awake from a loud noise, does he act scared and hides or just startles from an unexpected noise? If he's just startled awake, I would not worry too much about his well being. It might even help him adjust better. He gets a startle, you reassure him with some love and a treat, and eventually he learns that not all loud noises are bad and becomes a less fearful kitty.

FYI, we love pictures here!!!!:D And what is your kitties name?
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Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Hello, we're so glad you're here!!

Keep him in your room as you are, and you could try a couple of things.

A small fan can be used to create white noise, which might help to muffle the household noise as long as the breeze is directed so that it doesn't cause a draft or make the kitten cold.

You might also be able to utilize low volume classical harp music now and then (not all the time). It's known to help cats be more calm.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Sep 1, 2019
Do you have a TV or computer in your room? What if you left it on with some calming classical music when you are not in there with him. There is an app called "relax my cat" that plays calming music for cats, that could help drown out "some" of the noise, or at least give him comfort when you're not there.
I know you're moving, but these tips can help even after your move...
Make sure kitty has lots of high places to perch on, preferably near a window so he can entertain himself with the wonders of outside. High places encourage a cat to feel more secure.
Play WITH kitty, using a wand toy or something similar. Interactive play helps build confidence in a shy fearful kitty. And even better if you can follow up play time with a meal or snack. A cat acting out it's natural instincts of "hunt, catch, eat, groom, sleep", builds even better confidence.
Always try to stick to a schedule, cats prefer routine, so the more you can stick to it the better.
Keeping kitty secure in your room for a few weeks is not a bad thing. Some cats take that long or even longer to feel comfortable in a new home, and prefer the safety of a "safe room" anyway, so don't feel bad that he's stuck in there until you move out. As long as he has food, water, litter, toys and attention from you, he's perfectly fine.
When he startles awake from a loud noise, does he act scared and hides or just startles from an unexpected noise? If he's just startled awake, I would not worry too much about his well being. It might even help him adjust better. He gets a startle, you reassure him with some love and a treat, and eventually he learns that not all loud noises are bad and becomes a less fearful kitty.

FYI, we love pictures here!!!!:D And what is your kitties name?
Thanks for your reply and the tips! defo will apply them
His name is tuna. cutest kitten ever :)

I've tried the relaxing music and it seems to work! when there's noise he just just startles from an unexpected noise. he doesn't hide or move. in his first hours he reacted to every little sound he hears, i can feel he's adapting to that now and reacts less.


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TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Sep 1, 2019
Hello, we're so glad you're here!!

Keep him in your room as you are, and you could try a couple of things.

A small fan can be used to create white noise, which might help to muffle the household noise as long as the breeze is directed so that it doesn't cause a draft or make the kitten cold.

You might also be able to utilize low volume classical harp music now and then (not all the time). It's known to help cats be more calm.
thanks so much for the reply! I will try these tips!


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
What an adorable little guy! He does not look exactly unhappy in his picture. Keeping a small kitten in a nice room for a period of time is not a bad thing at all. I have kept kittens in a room of their own for up to 4 months once when that was all that circumstances would allow and everyone was fine, happy, and went on to live well adjusted lives.

Tik cat's mum

TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 20, 2019
Sounds to me like your being a excellent mum to your fur baby,who is by the way gorgeous,love the name Tuna. I think he'll be fine in your room for now and company for you when you move :clapcat:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
What a cutie pie! Tuna, LOL! Love it. He looks perfectly happy and content, a sign that you're doing a wonderful job caring for this little guy.

1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
When we get a new kid, we don't keep the place quiet for them because we want them used to household noises and commotion. (This doesn't apply to any mama with new born babies, or a bottle-aged kittens, or a kitten that's very ill.) It startles them for awhile, but eventually they learn to sleep through it, kind of like how people who live next to airports and train tracks just snooze right through the night time noises whereas people who don't live there usually wake every time a train goes through or a plane gets in. As much as you don't want them to startle, it makes for an adult cat that's used to house hold noises and doesn't see them as too frightening.
Block out the noises you can, but if you can't block them all out, just reassure him that it's nothing to be worried about.
Since you're moving in a few weeks, just keep that date on your radar and do the best you can for now.
Tuna is a great name, too :wave3: