HELP PLEASE!!! Semi-feral mother cat and kittens in my home


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 6, 2022
My son found a female cat in his basement, in philadelphia, pa. He asked if we could help get her to the vet. We did and were told she was pregnant, and babies were due in 2 weeks. 2 days later, yes 2 DAYS, she had her babies in a bedroom that I cleared for her. Vet said she was negative for Giardia, but she may have had it earlier and wants to treat her for it with panicur (spelling?), so I started giving it to her on friday. She ate the first bowl perfectly fine and was acting cautiously with me, which is ok, I wasn't rushing her. However, yesterday she refused to eat the food with medicine, I tried tuna, kitten food, tried putting smaller amounts of the powder in her food and still wouldn't eat it and was covering it over with a puppy pad I have on floor. Last night I went into give her fresh water, more dry kitten food and wet food, and she literally attacked me. I didn't move. Once she stopped, I tried to take a step and she started growling, hissing and then attacked my foot again. I, then, said STOP and she retreated back to her babies under a corner desk I have in room. Today, this morning, I quietly opened the door to see how she was and to give her breakfast and I now have 4 bite marks on my right calf, as well as scratches. I yelled at her (I'm sorry) to STOP and go take care of her babies. She retreated back to her babies.

I don't know what I did wrong. I even played with her yesterday with a cat toy, it's bizarre. I am at my wits end. I have done rescue for about 7 years now, but this is my first encounter with a situation like this and I am desperate for some help? I have 11 animals myself, 7 cats (all fixed) and 4 dogs (all fixed). I'm sure she smells them and hears them, they are not around her, but I don't understand the sudden change in her behavior. I am literally afraid to go into the bedroom now. Now I'm afraid that she will not trust me now and I'm stuck with this cat and 3 kittens that I can't handle or do anything for. My husband went into give her breakfast without any medicine because I don't want her to associate him with bad food. I don't know what to do. I really feel like a failure. Please help! Any suggestions would be great. I bought pheremone plug ins, but of course, good ol' amazon only delivered the refill and not the actual diffuser.

What do I do?

Freaking out in NJ

Thanks for listening


TCS Member
Jul 6, 2007
Sundarville, NC
You are not a failure! You are a kind person and she doesn't realize it yet. There are a number of reasons she could have attacked. I went through it with Daisy when we first got her. She came directly from the kill shelter, to the vet for spay and shots, to our house. She was in pain and couldn't be given pain medication because she was too busy hiding under the coffee table growling at us. I was so afraid of her. Any loud noise would set her off. She attacked the Dust Buster. She clawed and bit my leg when I used the ice maker. I admit, it was hard at first, with me being attacked once to the extent that Speck intervened. And when I say intervened, I mean they bowed up like Halloween cats, he got in between us and took a beating for me. I was at a loss for what to do. I was showing a friend at work the bites on my lower leg and he said, "Remember, she didn't ask to be there."

Suddenly, she started following me around like a puppy. She was afraid of DH, who loves cats, which gives a hint to what she may have been through before she came to us. I would speak softly to her (at first, she knew her name was "Daisy" and would start switching her tail anytime we said it).

I think she will eventually warm up to you. It may take a few weeks or even months. She has a lot on her mind right now, primarily adjusting to her new surroundings, figuring out who might be dangerous, and protecting those kittens. That's a lot of stress for both of you.

I am no expert, but I would recommend calling the vet about her behavior and the medication. The vet should have some insight on her refusing food laced with medicine and the importance of her giving proper nutrition to those kittens. I've read that a cat will starve itself before eating food it doesn't like. It breaks my heart to think of how someone arrived at that conclusion and hope it's not true.

There are others on this site who know much more than I do. I am confident someone will come along and have better advice.

Daisy is now a sweet, elderly cat. She loves attention and petting. She still has boundaries, but we know by experience when she wants us to leave her alone. We still get scratched when giving her daily heart medication sometimes, but nothing like long ago.

Please don't give up. I've said this to others at time and I really mean it each time. The world needs more people like you.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 6, 2022
Thank you for your reply. What a brave and beautiful kitty you have!!! I pray that she will come around. I had hopes of putting her in a huge crate, but she had the kittens so fast. It breaks my heart and I do only want what is best for her and the kittens, as well as myself. I just feel at a loss right now as I have never dealt with a feral momma and especially one who had kittens. I will call the vet today and find out what to do. I'm glad that there is hope. She is such a pretty cat. I am hoping that the pheromone plug ins will help with her aggressiveness, I understand she is in a strange environment and her hormones are unbalanced, I'm sure. However, I do not want to get bit, as we don't have any information on her, so fear of an infection or whatever, scares the heck out of me.



Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
I agree that what is happening is exactly what was described above. There is too much, too quickly, and she can't process it all. But it is great news that you were able to play with her with the toy the other day. It shows that she has the potential to be worked with. I would back off a lot. Use a target stick, which is just a wand with a soft or blunted end, to touch her if you feel safe to do so. If you can be around her, just be in the room without approaching. The links below give some general guidelines. I have ever only owned former ferals. Yes, there are true ferals who will remain that way, but the fact that this cat expressed interest in a toy means that she is not in that category.

I wondered if you or your son knew how she got in the basement. Certainly ferals do end up inside; my avatar was born to a feral mom under a house in my neighborhood. However, I just wondered if there was more to the story, like your cat was left there, or abandoned.

6 Steps to Taming a Semi-Feral Cat
How to Socialize Feral Kittens<br/> — Kitten Lady

My worst bite was from a non-feral rescue who just did not want his back stroked in a certain way. Watch for any signs that you need to go to the doctor for antibiotics. Cat teeth are tiny enough that the wound closes almost immediately, even faster than you can sometimes run to the bathroom to wash it, and that locks the infection in. Wear protective clothes and even something like rose pruning gloves.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
She is just literally scared out of her mind with everything going on and being a new mom. Just give her time, she will come around. Never stare at her, that is aggressive to a cat. Do NOT go to her, or even go towards her or her babies until she accepts you. If she tested negative for Giardia I wouldn't worry about giving the med to her. Let her settle in with her babies, move very slowly and make no sudden moves or sounds. she must have had a bad experience with a woman. Or she may have suddenly smelled your other animals on you, or sensed they were near. she WILL come around, it just takes time and patience........


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
She is just literally scared out of her mind with everything going on and being a new mom. Just give her time, she will come around. Never stare at her, that is aggressive to a cat. Do NOT go to her, or even go towards her or her babies until she accepts you. If she tested negative for Giardia I wouldn't worry about giving the med to her. Let her settle in with her babies, move very slowly and make no sudden moves or sounds. she must have had a bad experience with a woman. Or she may have suddenly smelled your other animals on you, or sensed they were near. she WILL come around, it just takes time and patience........
I agree with all of this. Also, when you are in the room with her, sit on the floor. You will be less intimidating that way as you will not be "looming" over her. Sit on the floor and talk to her. It will help her get used to your voice and presence. Tell her that you didn't mean to upset her and that you care about her and her babies. Cats are very intelligent and I firmly believe that they understand what we say to them. Just be reassuring by telling her that she and her kittens are going to be OK and no one wants to hurt them. She'll come around. The slow blink is also a great way to communicate with her. Look at her just above or to the side of her head, close your eyes and keep them closed for a few seconds. This is a way that cats communicate with each other. All cats know this. It is a greeting and sign of affection. Do this often and you will see that she will, in time, do it back. When she becomes more comfortable with you, she will do it first. That day WILL come and it will be a wonderful moment for you. Hang in there. You're doing fine.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 6, 2022
My son doesn't know how she got in, but philadelphia was about to get hit with a bad storm, so I imagine that is how she got in? We actually thought that she may have been lost, because she didn't look skinny, but we didn't know at the time she was pregnant. The storm, finding a safe place to weather the storm, my son moved her to his bedroom in the apt, to a crate, to the vet, to our home, and now the one person she knew, our son, is not here, it is just us and having her kittens.... All within 2 weeks.

I understand that all animals, when in a new environment, need to decompress, adjust and hopefully, feel safe. Unfortunately, for her, she was pregnant and didn't get the chance to decompress. So, I see how all of this was the perfect storm. Like I said, I have 11 rescues in my home, and they all get along. (well, until the "shift" in their domain changed). I had 2 cat fights that lead to one of my cats needing surgery for a wound and one with a wound to her tail. So, they all are wearing pheromone collars and they are all happy again, after $1500 later. So, I'm dealing with a lot and I am so glad that I found this blog.

I have a diffuser set up in her room now and I am hoping that she will find comfort in that. I have attached a couple of pics for anyone that would like to see this little momma and her babies. The vet suspects she is about 2 years old and has Maine coon? I don't know how they tell that. Even with all the acting out, she is being a really good Mom, so far. Her babies are nursing, they are gaining weight, and seem pretty content. I am going to read those articles and again....I find this website to be extremely helpful and a great way for those of us that don't know what we are doing, but trying to do the best we can, while giving these cats a chance. I don't give up and I hope she comes around.



Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
You are SO not a failure 💞
I yelled at her (I'm sorry) to STOP and go take care of her babies. She retreated back to her babies.
It's ok, it worked. That's the main thing, AND I think, to agree with others above, it means that she'll come around since truly wicked-feral feral cats wouldn't stop.

There may be things that you want to do in the room and you want to be able to do those things with confidence. A big piece of cardboard that you can place between yourself and her could help, and as mentioned along with cowboy boots, heavy/thick jeans, a heavy vest and rose gloves. I'm like you, in that it seems odd that she was tentatively ok with you initially and became more stressed over time. It almost makes me wonder if this might possibly be her first litter.

In any case, bless you, and your husband ❣
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Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
She is a beautiful girl and looks like such a good mother. The fact that your son handled her is huge. She definitely has potential and is just scared and confused right now, along with protecting her little babies.

I am definitely thinking stray, not feral.
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TCS Member
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Nov 6, 2022
Yes, I thought so too! However, he hasn't been here since he left her here. He is a flight attendant, so he had a trip. This is what makes this so hard and scary for her. He lives in PA and I'm in NJ. So, he comes back on the 14th, I just hope she remembers him. :-(


3 cats
Top Cat
Apr 20, 2014
Soft music calms my cat down or she loves to hear me sing! So glad you are taking care of her than leaving outside. Did the vet say why she might have had gardia earlier? When I first gave my cat liquid medacine mixed in her food she ate it. Second meal she did not. If it were critical I would suggest getting the medacine compounded.
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  • #13


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 6, 2022
Thanks. I think they are trying to be proactive with her, since we don't know anything about her. This way if she passed it to her kittens, they would be getting the meds through momma's milk. But I'm not giving it to her now, as she hates it. The kittens will have to be dewormed anyway and she wasn't positive for Giardia....So, I'm taking my chances. I have a call into my vet. Waiting for her to get back to me. I appreciate everyone who has replied. I have been a mess all day about this and everyone on this thread have been so incredibly kind. Thank you!! It's nice to know that kind souls are still out there. :-)


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Apr 29, 2022
W websgirl50 If you have an old phone or tablet and can play some cat calming music, especially one with purring in it, it will really help!

I use YouTube music. I've paid for premium so i just downloaded it and play it on an old broken phone 😂

Music also helps them not be alert of every little sound, which can put a cat more on edge. We've always used it to help settle our cats in a new place after moving homes.

You can toss some catnip or treats put for her as well, or just leave them behind when you go to leave. She will learn you are the source of these comforting things for sure.

It could even be comforting to her that she smells the same animals on you day after day. She can smell they are healthy and that they are still there. Sure, she must be weary of them, as they are new, but she also hears that they aren't being hurt by you.

I've had Nobel 16 years and he had deffered aggression once and he attacked my other cat (late cat). I (stupidly?) got in the middle and he attacked me. We've been fine ever since and I've had to be fairly invasive with his care at points in his life. Shaving his belly and whatnot.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
Bless you for rescuing her! In addition to the confusion in her little cat mind, mama kitty's post-partum hormones are in high gear, which is good for a cat needing to protect her children from predators & other dangers of the world. As her kittens become less vulnerable and her hormones balance out, her aggression should decelerate.
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  • #17


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 6, 2022
I can't tell you how much you all have helped me! Today was a good day. I took all your suggestions, except I haven't sat in there with her, but the catnip, don't give the med, diffuser is plugged in, didn't look at her, didn't speak to her either. I went in this morning, and she stayed with her babies, didn't growl, no posturing, I put water down and left. She was very quiet. So, baby steps, right?
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  • #18


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 6, 2022
I agree that she is scared and overwhelmed, but more than anything protecting those babies. Also, if you ever tasted Panacur you would lash out too ;)
Yeah she isn't having any of that and now is cautious of eating anything except her dry kitten food. So, I am not giving it to her. I will ask vet if we can stop with that for a while. I need to gain trust with her again. I have 1 semi feral cat (siamese) we found as a kitten, he runs away from me. He will eat from my hand, play with me, but go to touch him and he's gone. Simon is 6 years old and he just let me pet his back while he ate.! Felt like I won the lottery. So, you can see I have the patience! :cool:
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  • #19


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 6, 2022
I am definitely thinking stray, not feral.
I hope she is just a stray. That would make it better once she is spayed! :-)


Top Cat
Sep 20, 2020
Yeah she isn't having any of that and now is cautious of eating anything except her dry kitten food. So, I am not giving it to her. I will ask vet if we can stop with that for a while. I need to gain trust with her again. I have 1 semi feral cat (siamese) we found as a kitten, he runs away from me. He will eat from my hand, play with me, but go to touch him and he's gone. Simon is 6 years old and he just let me pet his back while he ate.! Felt like I won the lottery. So, you can see I have the patience! :cool:
LOL my experience with Panacur is get it in them and do it quickly lol