Help Please, Cat Eye Leaking Clear Fluid, She Keeps It Closed A Lot And Rubs It


TCS Member
Thread starter
Aug 23, 2017
Me and my brother want to take amber to the vet. we have been looking on line it sounds like pink eye or maybe herpes? we are not sure. she is not coughing, sneezing wheezing. She did have some brown crud stuff in the corner and it looked like it ran, because it was dried. But this morning her eye was totally closed. She did open it, and it looks normal. But then it looks like that eye is crying. She closes it and rubs it. We know she needs a vet. Our mother does not care. She is more worried about "that nasty leaking" getting all over our furniture and pillows. We are 14 and 15 and have $100. But we know the visit will prob be around $50. This wont include medicine. Can anyone just give us an IDEA of what it might be, what medicine they might give, and how we would need to give it it? She is 8 years old and she belonged to my aunt who passed 2 months ago.
Also we feed her grain and by product free food, and she uses feline pine. We would have more money for the vet if we didnt by that stuff but its what my aunt always used. thank you


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 30, 2015
It could be something as simple as she scratched her eye, but yes, it could indeed be an infection. For a day or two, try running a small bowl of warm (not hot, not cold) water with a little salt in it and gently bathing the closed eye with the salt water. If it doesn't improve in a couple of days try going to your local vet and explaining what is happening. Also explain that your Mum won't bring her in so it's up to you and your brother. They might be able to sell you a cream to try over the counter or something before you need to worry about a vet visit.

Last but not least, contact your local ASPCA/RSPCA. They often have vets who charge at discounted rates and might know of some in your area.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Aug 20, 2017
I'm so sorry about your cat, you two are so wonderful to love and care for her. I agree with the above, a warm wet cloth against the eye, don't push to hard, when it starts to dry, wet it again, not soaked, just enough to drip a little. Since you are having trouble getting to vet, maybe try calling some local animal shelters, explain your situation about your cat, your limited money, and getting her to a vet, and maybe, hopefully they can help you, and steer you towards someone who can. Good luck! Shes lucky to have you two look after her :)

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
She needs to have you gently open the eye and inspect it to make sure there are no foreign bodies imbedded or a scratch. She might have to be held by someone when you do this, she won't like it. If there is no physical injury then it is feline herpes or pink eye. I got Tobramycin eye ointment for cats on the internet at Drs. Foster and Smith Pet Supplies, you might find it at other Pet med sites. I tried to treat my cat's eye for months with no results until I got this. They get used to you messing with their eyes, I would start now by cleansing with the salt water as stated above. At first you might have to just put a little ointment on a CLEAN or gloved finger and wipe it across the eye, just to get some on. When she gets more comfortable with you messing with her, gently pull the bottom lid down with your finger and apply a little ointment in a 'ribbon' along the pouch that is formed between the pulled down lid and the eye itself. My cats eye cleared up in just a few days using this. Of course the best thing is to bring her to a vet to have all this done, but I understand your circumstances. All the luck! Bless you for loving her, you will be blessed for your kindness. I hope your mother grows to at least tolerate her, she doesn't know what she is missing. But I am grateful she is letting her stay with you!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Tractor supply has that ointment. you may have to order online=do you have an older friend who can order it for you? It is similar to putting antibiotic ointment on a scratch like we do at home. it won't hurt and give you a few days to try to find a way to get it looked at. Putting ointment in the eye may save it. I have seen some kittens this summer who had very scary episodes of not treating eye infection. And Di is correct-hold kitty because they won't like you poking around the eye. Give treats before, durin and after to encourage cooperation.