Help! My cats scared of me and I don't know why :(


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 15, 2016
Miami, Florida
So about 6 months back I got this beautiful cat from a friend of mine who was moving and couldn't take her.She was the most loving cuddly cat I had ever seen, it was to the point that it would litreally irritate her lol. The first day I brought her to my house she seemed a little scared (I'm sure she'd never been in a car or someone elses house)but other than that she was fine, still cuddling. I began to realize maybe a month later that she wouldn't even let anyone near her. It worried me, I try approaching her nicely, give her food and stuff and she will still run as fast as she can to get away from me. I have 3 other grown male cats, they just recently got neutered so they did try to have sex with her a lot (She's spayed) I don't know if that may be a factor, that started happening (from what I saw) about 2 months after I got her, by this point she was already terrified of everything. I just want her to be happy and not so scared of everything, if anyone on her can give me so advice that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you :)


Snowshoe Servant
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
The males could definetly have scared her if they were trying to mate. When you say recently, has it been a few days or weeks? It might take her a little while to realize they aren't going to try to jump her and them some time to settle too.

Assuming that behavior stops just give her time and space. Watch the boys and make sure they are too, seperate if needed. My girl is very skittish. You can't walk up and pet her. She has to come to you, thats just her. So when I want to pet her I sit down and full on ignore her. After a minute or two she comes right up to me and practically melts as I pet her. But if I try to pick her up shes gone again.

It could be that you need to do the same. Just sit on the floor in the same room and ignore her. Let her come to you. She probably doesn't understand why her world changed and needs time. It could also be that the life change has changed her personality some. Or that she was bonded to your friend and needs time to bond to you before she is cuddly again
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 15, 2016
Miami, Florida
Thank you very much for the response, 2 were nutered almost 2 months ago and the other 3 weeks. Ive only seen one of the cats try since then, it was weird though because she was just laying there like nothing was happening.She usually freaks out and starts fighting. I would separate but sadly they're all outdoor cats so it's not really possible.:( And that sounds right, I just thought since it's been this long that something was wrong. She may need more time to adjust to this, it was a very drastic change for her. 3 days ago she did come up to me for a treat, but ran away immediately after. I guess that's a step foward!


Snowshoe Servant
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
Rocket is 18 months. I am the only only who can approach her at all and even I have a low success rate outside. She just doesn't like people standing over her or moving towards her. I got Rocket at 4 months so shes been with us for 14 months now and still like that. It took almost 8 months before she'd approach my Dad and she still won't if he is looking at her.

All cats have their own confort levels. That you know she once was cuddlt but is less so now probably means she just needs to get comfortable with you. Give her time and don't push her. Taking the treat is a great step
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TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 20, 2016
Obviously you can't talk to a cat so she maybe didn't understand she wasn't going to see previous owner ever again. Probably having separation anxiety.
Give her time and space. My kitten used to be feral and there's slot stuff out there on earning trust.
Don't come to her because until you have the trust she will view everything as a threat.
When she ready she'll come to you rub your leg of face bump. Till she's ready leave her be.
If you can study up on cat body language like nose touches and having her smell your hand to get "permission" to touch. It quite interesting.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 15, 2016
Miami, Florida
That you all very much for the advice, I will be sure to take it and hopefully Luna will be comfortable again :) I feel much better knowing I'm not the only one and that this can improve. A few hours ago I put out food and she actually came up! Usually stays in the corner waiting for me to leave