Help! My Cat Has Fiv, Uri + A Blood Parasite

Spirit Love

TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 12, 2018
The cat I am adopting is sick and has a low RBC count of 8,000. Is this going to be possibly deadly or does is this a treatable RBC count? He also has FIV, a blood parasite and is being treated for an Upper Respitory Infection. The poor kid! Could this possibly be what is causing the low RBC? The vet there didn't explain it all and was short and fast with us on the phone... and we weren't sure what to ask until now.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2018
I don't know the answer to your questions, but I want you to know that your post has been noticed. Sometimes it takes a little while for someone with answers or information to turn up.

It's good of you to take him on. I can certainly see how you couldn't resist him. He's adorable.


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
I don't know the answers to your questions either, but I do know that FIV affects the immune system, so recovery will take longer than for a non FIV+ kitty. Hoping someone comes along to answer your questions better.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
Hey! First I want to say Welcome! :welcomesign:The kitty is beautiful. I am so glad you are adopting him/her!:sunshine: Of course your vet is going to be the person you need to talk to the most, but for now I can tell you that getting kitty inside and away from a stressful environment of any sort of shelter will help to improve everything! I wish your vet had been a little clearer with you. I can’t totally tell you the details but I can tell you that FIV cats can continue normal lives. It’s a virus. You don’t say how old kitty is. Younger kitties can get test results on this that can change. The URI can be treated. The anemia can be treated as well. You also don’t indicate the name of the blood parasite but that is also treatable. Kitty needs a good diet, a loving environment, some medicine, to be kept indoors, spayed/neutered according to when your vet says they are up to that and regular vet checks. I am guessing the vet will administer antibiotics. I have had two kitties with blood parasite and that is what my vet did. I have also had cats with FIV and they had normal life spans and good lives. They got antibiotics as well if they got sick. I made sure to boost their immune systems with very good diets. But, I do all the above mentioned things for all my cats. You can do more specific searches here on this website but I think the best thing is to find a time when your vet can explain it all in detail to you. I know it’s worrisome if you don’t get specifics. :alright:My best suggestion is that you pin the vet down for more information on this particular kitty. The kitty has gorgeous eyes! Love, love this kitty. I expect others will be responding to your post. Please keep checking in and update us with what the vet says. My kitty, Whistle, sends greetings. He recovered nicely from anemia ( caused by parasites) when he was younger.:petcat:He is a happy and healthy cat now.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 2, 2013
I'm afraid I don't know about the RBC count issue either. :(

But for what it's worth, our FIV+ kitty has always been prone to upper respiratory infections, and just a regular course of antibiotics won't do the trick. He has to be on them for at least twice as long to finally knock out an infection.

There are some supplements you can give cats with FIV to help modulate their immune systems. Stress can wear down an immune system, especially if it's already compromised. So our vet also recommended Feliway diffusers and OTC calming products such as Zylkene. And a good diet is always helpful. :)
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Spirit Love

TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 12, 2018
Oh wow! All of you are So encouraging and helpful! I feel silly as I once again didn't explain what the full story is. He/Spirit is at the Humane Society Admissions Center. That is where they go before going to the adoption center. Since I am the one who rescued him I knew he was there and was able to put a deposit down to adopt him. But, they have to run tests on him and treat him before they allow us to take him home. I wish I could have him he with me to love on. I was going to visit him every day for a week until they told me I can no longer come! I never once pet him or took him out of the cage or anything, and would stay for only about 3 minutes before they would be ready to move me on! This is the H.S.'s vets choice. He made a new rule and also wants to only contact us through phone as he is busy. Although we have been totally patient and following all the rules as well he is short with us on the phone and is nearly impossible on the phone to begin with. It is strange he will not let me go visit... to show up and give Spirit love! We are baffled and sad. I think they are overwhelmed there or something. Anyways, although this has been very stressful and upsetting for me (especially to see him suffering and to top it not be able see him) and he has now been there since 12/3. I am praying, believing and waiting patiently, as that is all I can do. The vet says he will call once a week for an update. Very annoying and saddening. He must have lost his purpose of being a vet, and is now about the business aspect rather than keeping the foundation of love.
To add, I know very little of Spirit, including age, if he has been neutered or of course any history or even how he is doing this very day. I will not know until this "hopefully soften hearted vet" calls us back and tells us... Our Spirit could be there for weeks for all we know. I just hope he is going to make it and come home to our love and the oasis I am creating for him. We will send our spirits to him and hope he feels them from affar until then and knows that we do all we could.

Love never fails,
Michelle, Vince, Sweetheart (our bunny) and Spirit


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2018
Start to look for other places to take the animals you rescue. You know you will find more. It's best to be ready.


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
If you are willing to adopt him and care for him, I would ask if they would let you foster to adopt or just adopt him and get him vet care from your regular vet.