Help Me Understand What My Cat


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 18, 2017
First time here. My 5 month old kitten who' been spayed healthy and all her shots. She is a spoiled little princess being fed the best and loved and played with and never ever had anything bad or negative happen all of a sudden has a major personality change I don't understand. She watches my hands every move they make and literally acts like they are Satan himself. If i try to pet her she litteraly sinks her teeth in and tries to murder them one min and sweet licks the next. It' eery and disturbing. Also her new bed for 2 wks you couldn't get her out of it now she won't touch it even wuth her paw. Help!!!


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
In the throes of kittenhood yours has discovered your hands as toys which is very very normal. The lick after the bite is her way of saying she is just playing and she still loves you. To change her behavior for starters never try to pet her when she is in a playful mood, instead wait until she is calm and sleepy or begging you for a cuddle. Pay attention to her body language in case she decides she would rather have a play session with your hands instead of cuddling and put her down. If she does bite then tell her no or say ouch or similar in a loud voice and leave her immediately, so she learns her behavior causes her to lose your attention.

Second, use a toy, a wand or a laser light to play with her and make sure she has a few good play sessions a day to wear our her energy. Never use your hands as play with her and if she attacks or bites during a session you end it.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Cats, especially females can get what is called Overstimulation Syndrome. It means that after so much stimulation, like stroking or touching, they attack. I've had several females with this. My Chrissy was the worst, she attacked after only two strokes. Watch your cat and see what triggers it. Is she worried about something else, like a new cat she sees through the window, or smells another cat on you from somewhere else?See is she accepts one stroke, wait awhile and see if she'll accept two in a row, etc. see where her limit is. Her tail will twitch back and forth, indicating irritation, hair may stand up, tail will puff, and pupils will dilate right before an attack, watch for signs. If she actively stalks and attacks, or attacks for no reason, as a last resort you may have to hold her down by the skin on the back of her neck, tell her NO loudly and then quickly leave her alone. That is a what mama cats do to discipline their their young. Don't hurt her. Just grasp the skin and hold her down. If she attacks you right after, do it again, until she gets the idea. She may very well mellow out as she gets older, in fact most likely will, but don't let her get worse in the meantime. All the luck!