Help me please


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 1, 2023
Hello, I notice my cat is constipated. He just got out of the vet with a UTI on 12/30/22 and goes pee little by little, but he is struggling to go #2. His tummy is also a little tighter than normal, and he tries to use the litter box a few times every hour but can’t. He is on a urinary food diet and I provide him with plenty of water.


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
For now, until you can get a hold of the vet - which you need to do - try Miralax. 1/8 tsp mixed with just a bit of water, and then add it to his food. You can increase it to 1/4 tsp if you get no results with the lesser amount. It works best with canned food, so I hope that is what he is eating. If not, you can buy some lickable treats to mix with the Miralax, or even some tuna in water.

Caspers Human

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 23, 2016
How long has he been constipated?

Cats can skip a day at the litter box but not more than two. If you're on the third day, call the vet ASAP.

I know that it's late on a holiday evening and you'll probably have a hard time contacting a your regular vet. Is there a pet emergency doctor in your area? Try calling them.

As a comfort measure...NOT A can give him a 1/4 tsp. of Miralax (laxative) in his food. It will make it easier for him to go to the litter box. This is only meant to get him "over the hump," as the saying goes, in order to buy some time for you to call a vet and take him in.

You can find Miralax at your local pharmacy (CVS, Walgreens, etc.) or in the pharmacy department at your local WalMart.

Our cat, Casper, has chronic constipation issues. Our vet prescribes Miralax and a medication for him to take every day.
If Casper goes more than two days between deposits in the litter box, we have to take him to the vet.

If we don't get him to the vet when he needs it, his condition can develop into something called "megacolon." That's when the feces in his large intestines becomes impacted, making it impossible to make a deposit. If that happens, it means a trip to the vet for an enema. If it goes beyond that stage, Casper might need surgery. If it becomes severe enough, it's curtains for Casper.

For the long term, try to feed at least 50% wet food and no more than 50% dry food. The more wet, the better.
Additionally, make sure he drinks enough water. Our vet's exact words were, "Water! Water! Water!" as she pounded her fist on the table.

Bottom line: If it's been more than two days, VET! NOW!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 2, 2005
Eastern California,USA
Welcome to TCS! Poor kitty - miralax should help him but be sure to increase his water intake even more. All the pharmacists that I work with emphasize that extra water intake is vital when using miralax/polyethylene glycol because it works by osmosis that plumps up the stools, making them softer and easier to pass. Maybe boil up a chicken breast and give him some broth (and maybe make enchiladas if he doesn't want all the meat *wink*) and also try to feed him some coconut oil for internal lubrication. Also, add water or broth to his canned food. I would definitely call the vet and ask if they recommend that you try a sliver of infants glycerin suppository while the office is closed.