Help me make a difficult decision


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 7, 2017
My poor 2 year old cat is almost definitely a victim of FIP. I can be 99% certain after getting two vets opinions, blood work, coronavirus positive, a full ultrasound, clear symptoms (effusive abdomen, adopted from a shelter 6 month ago, stress), and doing plenty of my own research. My poor Phoenix hasn't been himself very much since around January 1st and has had rapid decline ever since his first vet visit on the 4th. He has good days (will eat when coaxed but still not himself and lethargic) and bad days (won't eat at all and completely lethargic/goes into hiding). My vet told me this Wednesday she would not give him more than a week and wouldn't argue putting him down right then (she was even crying herself). She also told me though that this decision is something that she believes that you will just know it's time for. This is my first personal pet of my own to make the decision for. I KNOW my kitty will die, and with a heavy heart I'd be willing to put down my best friend today knowing I was doing the right thing for him. However I don't know this and his fragile life is in my hands. He is very sickly skinny however he doesn't seem to be suffering. When he isn't too tired he will follow me around as normal and jump up into bed with me. I got him to play with his toy very, very briefly and his eyes just light up with happiness when I get a treat for him (even though his appetite is low). And he loves his milk and we spoiled him rotten with fresh chicken and fish when he's feeling up for it. He is by no means in an acceptable condition to continue for much longer living this way but a decision has to be made tomorrow. I was ready to put him down tomorrow morning until I saw the spark in his eye for his treats and he followed me all around tonight. I don't want to put down a happy cat that isn't ready to die but I don't want him to suffer and my vet isn't in office at all this weekend. My family is going on a ski trip tomorrow and I was going to put him down in the morning, now I don't know if I should give him more time. This cat means the world to me, this is the hardest thing I've ever done.

When do you know it's time? Would it be wrong to let him go now? Or would it be wrong to keep him alive when he's only going to get worse?


TCS Member
Jan 12, 2017
Mineola, NY
Look this is my opinion and I was in a similar situation 11 years ago! My cat had bone cancer and only 1 good leg! I saw the look in my Stanley's eyes and I knew I had to let him go! He was in pain and I could not let him suffer! Your kitty is not in pain.....I would cater to him and love him for whatever time he has! It has to be your decision! Your kitty adores you and he shows it to you! It's a bad situation, I would put him down only if your kitty is suffering! It's Your decision! Take Care!


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
It IS a terribly tough decision, and it's too bad it's the weekend coming up.  Neither decision is wrong with you have a cat that is dying anyway.  The only issue is not to let him suffer.  It's better to let them go early than to have them suffer, and therein lies the dilemma

There are always emergency Vets for late nights and weekends, if you want to take that route, although now that it's already late on a Friday afternoon, you've probably already made your decision one way or another.  And whichever way you went, we are here for you