Help - kittens third eyelid has always been showing. Vet not concerned - is this normal?


TCS Member
Thread starter
May 13, 2021
Hello! I’m looking for some advice regarding my 9 month old tuxedo kitten, Ivy. Since adopting her earlier this year (January 2021) her third eyelid has always been slightly visible. It never protrudes more than is visible in the attached photos, but is also never goes away.
Ivy has been a regular at the vet, initially being brought in for vaccines and a checkup in January which went well. My vet stated that she seems healthy and her eyes are no concern.
Shortly after her January checkup, Ivy began having regular diarrhea and was brought back to our vet for a fecal sample to rule out worms as she was adopted from a shelter. Her sample came back great and the vet provided some florti flora to see if it would improve her stools. This worked for a few weeks and then diarrhea started again. Our vet then ordered blood work to rule out FELV, and her blood work also came back great. Her lungs and heart were also considered to sound normal in a checkup, as she is also a very loud snorer and sometimes whistles when breathing through her nose. The vet didn’t consider this to be an issue as she seemed fine in her checkup.
Ivy was then put on a special gastrointestinal kitten food and has been doing great on it.
However, I am still concerned about if her eyes are actually ‘normal’ - has anyone had a similar experience with their kitties eyes? Is this typical and am I being over paranoid? She eats normally and is very hyper and playful, but I still worry about her third eyelid and snoring/whistling breathing.
Thank you for any input!!


Snowshoe Servant
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
A small sliver of third eyelid showing like that is normal. Especially when cats are relaxed or resting the eyelid can be visible or just all the time with some cats. It depends a little on your cats eye shape, how the nose sits and just general uniquness. You can see Rocket and Nightfurys in these photos, which both were just waking up or going to sleep. If it's out more then normal is when you need uniqueness.


Side note, if she's doing better on the new diet you might want to consider a LID novel protein diet. Everything sounds more like a sensitivity to food.