Help! Immense guilt about kitten left behind, I took siblings and mom :(


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Aug 11, 2015
Btw...not sure if you had to trap any of them or if you were able to grab them. But what worked for us was I got some fishing string and tied it to the door of the cage, ran it out the back and put some food in the cage. Then as soon as it got inside and was eating I pulled it shut. We had a big wire dog cage.
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  • #22


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 7, 2013
Thanks for all the tips everyone.

I'm getting worried now. Two nights ago (on Wednesday) the manager and her son were all gungho with us on catching the kitty. When we texted him on Wednesday night,, he said he'd watch the traps and even asked if we helped with stray dogs. 

Yesterday (Thursday), I didn't get home from work until 8pm, as I swung by the store to pick up a bunch of seafood/fish cat food, tuna, mini plates, spoons, and catnip for the kitten. Texted the son at 7:30pm, asking how the trap was and if we could swing by to drop off the food for them.

It's now nearly 2am on Friday, and no response.

We tried to get in the building, but no cars or people left for over an hour, and we have no access otherwise. (We'd sneak in whenever a car left, no one seemed to mind that much).

Now I'm starting to get concerned. Not sure why he hasn't texted back. 

He seemed fine and happy to help on Wednesday (watched security cameras, dug a bunch of stuff out of storage when the kitten was hiding there, looked inside the car and popped open the hood, etc. with no prompting or asking of us), so I don't think he is not not watching the trap or feeding, perhaps he got home late and didn't read the text til later and thought it was too late to write back? I don't know.

We are going to try to sneak in again tomorrow though if we don't hear back so we can check on things ourselves.

I'm starting to think we just need to move into that building. Lol. 

I'm trying to not lose hope, but this is just frustrating when we are so close to finally having her!
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  • #23


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 7, 2013

Yeah don't feel so bad, you're doing a good thing for these cats...especially the kittens. It's going to be hard enough for them to survive in the wild being so young. Its much better for them to be seperated and given out to loving homes who can care for them and keep them safe. I know how you feel though. I caught the kitten in our area last night and it freaked out when I pulled the gate shut. It was jumping all over the place and even got a small cut in its mouth from going all over the place. It looked so scared and stayed in one spot all night and didnt eat or go to the bathroom. I keep asking myself did I do the right thing, I feel horrible and feel like I took its freedom away. But the more I think about he was already hiding and terrified in the wild. So I think its better for it to be scared a little while longer, and soon be in a loving home, rather than live a short and dangerous life outside.

If you have time and patience, go back to the spot where it was being fed around the same time. It will remember that food will be there around that time and come back. We had never seen the kitten we rescued before, but as soon as we did we rushed some food out to him and he came back back to the same spot at the same time for the last 3 nights. So I think you still have agood chance.

Definitely keep us posted!
I have the time and patience, but physically can't get inside the building to feed the kitten or check on the trap myself. Every time before. we basically broke in by sneaking inside the garage whenever a car left. 

So I have to rely on the manager and her family to keep to their word and watch the trap and only feed in the trap. They seemed perfectly fine with it on Wednesday and happy to help, so I'm not why the sudden silence. 

We were able to catch the mom and 2 babies just by picking them up, not very skittish at all. The 3rd baby we ended up chasing a little bit :( , but managed to trap in the carrier by cornering her and using a sweater. 

They are all at the shelter together, it's just this last little baby on their own now. 

I know what you mean by feeling bad. It's hard when all you want to do it help them and they are terrified of you instead. Congratulations on catching the kitten in your area yesterday!


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Aug 11, 2015
Ill keep my fingers crossed that you find the little! Im sure he will stay close by

zed xyzed

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 10, 2015
Toronto Canada
I hope you can catch that little one, she must be very frightened and alone. One thing I heard works well is to have the trap covered with only the opening exposed. Also try to place the trap in a cluttered area so that looks like part of the surroundings, If it is in the middle of a large area it looks suspicious. If you can , try putting the recording in the covered trap. 

Is it possible you wrote the telephone number down incorrectly? 

Good luck, I hope you can save this little one 


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Aug 11, 2015
You can maybe try and sneak in again and put up a lost sign where the mailboxes are. I really hope you find the little one!!


TCS Member
Jul 2, 2013
Don't panic still (easier said than done). You said you're in LA so at least freezing to death isn't going to happen (what we'd worry about in Ohio). He's just smart! And remember - for most people here, it's the holidays and life is even crazier than normal, so he might not be checking texts as often, got busy with family commitments, etc. I'm sure - even though he sounds helpful - he's not quite as "24/7" dedicated to the little one as you are :)  Keep at it -you'll get him! I'm sure soon I'll see a post that you have! 

When you can get in (what a pain!) - I'd put in the mackerel and back WAY off - as much as possible so the kitty doesn't even see or hear you. Try not to get impatient - if he's off in search of food it could be awhile till he's back in the area, etc. Does the food that's out disappear that you know of? At least that way you know he's absolutely stilll there in the garage most of the time. Just because you can't get in doesn't mean he hasn't found a way out - cats/kittens are amazingly resourceful and can also fit through much smaller spaces than you'd think! (something you realize when you have  a non-socialized foster kitten "disappear" in a "cat proof" room!

Definitely sending good thoughts your way!!!
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  • #28


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Nov 7, 2013
Hello loves!

So after complete silence and no text back to my boyfriends cell, I had my boyfriend send me his number and texted him myself. This is what I said

"Hey Hugo! This is Dani from across the street! I was just wondering if there is any update on the little kitten? Has she been eating out of the trap and is the trap still working okay?I have a bunch of stuff to bring over to help bait the trap. I'm just worried she'll get hit by a car or get killed in someones engine or something the longer she is out alone. Please let me know, thank you so much! Dani"

and after two minutes, I also sent

"And I understand what a huge inconvenience it can be to be constantly baiting the trap and checking on it. If that's the case, we'd be happy to come over ourselves to check on it and bait the trap.I don't want to overstep our boundaries, but if possible, we'd be more than happy to buy a key to get into the garage from your mom.Then you wouldn't have to worry about it anymore.We'd just come in, bait the trap, and check it and then leave. No trying to catch her ourselves or anything like that. Thanks again for the help!"


"OK ill check wen I get home :)"

Didn't answer any of my questions really, but hey, a response!

Really hoping he meant he'd check to see if we can buy a key just to get into the garage, that'd make this waaaaay easier.

We weren't able to leave the sign last time (we were dumb and worried it'd be overstepping boundaries, should of left the dang thing and screw worry about being uber polite), so I want to ask if we can leave it now on the wall too.

The trap is right next to a pile of junk (old car parts covered with a tarp, a ton of bikes, just a bunch of storage that's all messy so I'd say it blends in. It's along the wall too. It forms a tunnel right by an opening underneath a cart of old stuff where the kitties used to hide according to the son.

I didn't cover the floor with any newspaper though, since we had the towel underneath it.

Should I?


TCS Member
Jul 2, 2013
I'd put newspaper under - not IN the trap, but underneath. I'd leave the sign - they can pull it down if they want. Just shoot them a quick note and let them know - telling them they can remove them if they need to, but that you're hoping it will speed catching the kitten. It doesn't sound like the trap is an eyesore. (I always worry about uber polite too - nasty generally gets you nowhere in this type of situation anyway).

I'm not sure I understand how your trap works being actually open at two ends, because all of ours are able to be latched at the far end. Does that mean the kitty trips BOTH doors? Or that you somehow have the one door blocked off? Don't underestimate how much a tiny kitten can flail in a trap (often they go still, but we've had "flailers") and move it around - I'd hate to see it dislodge the opposite end and escape the trap. Not trying to worry you - but trying to head off any issues before he gets trap smart!

Good luck! And hopefully you can buy a key - that would make life much easier. I personally would also offer to sign something that states the minute the cat is removed, you'll return the key. Something like that - I'm sure since it's a locked garage they worry about access.

Keep us posted!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 21, 2013
Western PA
I just read your thread. Wow, what a great thing you are doing for these cats. It can take several weeks to trap a feral kitten. My neighbors and I trapped two right away when we set out a small humane trap, but it took a month more to trap the third. I would advise leaving a bowl of dry kitten chow or cat food beside the trap so the kitten doesn't starve in the mean time. Continue to leave smelly yummy food inside the trap. I've never withheld food completely from any cat that I've trapped--I've been able to leave out dry food so they don't starve but still trap then with tuna fish or chicken inside the trap. If the kitten's food source is completely gone, she will move on and look for another food source.

Is it possible that someone in the apartment already lured the cat inside their home?

Lastly, I disagree that if a feral kitten isn't socialized after a month it can't be socialized. I completely socialized and domesticated a feral kitten who was 3-4 months old. I also took inside a  feral who was 10 months old, and she lives contentedly inside my home with no desire to ever go back outside, and while she's not an affectionate cat, she's playful and I adore her. I think the kittens you took to the shelter will be adoptable if there are staff and volunteers who will spend time with them each day playing with them.

I, too, await hearing what happens with this little kitten. Good luck! 
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  • #31


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Nov 7, 2013
I'd put newspaper under - not IN the trap, but underneath. I'd leave the sign - they can pull it down if they want. Just shoot them a quick note and let them know - telling them they can remove them if they need to, but that you're hoping it will speed catching the kitten. It doesn't sound like the trap is an eyesore. (I always worry about uber polite too - nasty generally gets you nowhere in this type of situation anyway).

I'm not sure I understand how your trap works being actually open at two ends, because all of ours are able to be latched at the far end. Does that mean the kitty trips BOTH doors? Or that you somehow have the one door blocked off? Don't underestimate how much a tiny kitten can flail in a trap (often they go still, but we've had "flailers") and move it around - I'd hate to see it dislodge the opposite end and escape the trap. Not trying to worry you - but trying to head off any issues before he gets trap smart!

Good luck! And hopefully you can buy a key - that would make life much easier. I personally would also offer to sign something that states the minute the cat is removed, you'll return the key. Something like that - I'm sure since it's a locked garage they worry about access.

Keep us posted!
This is the trap I bought. The only one that was available at home depot.  It can be triggered from both directions. There is apparently an option to use it as only a one trap door, but the wire is too long or too short where the latch down handle on top that sets the trap won't stay set. It's a common complaint on amazon apparently.

I already have a towel underneath the trap, the same one that mom and the siblings laid on during their transport to the rescue. Should I still replace it with newspaper?

The trap is definitely not an eye sore (there's junk everywhere), and the next time we are able to get inside, I'm going to leave the sign taped to wall. 

That's a good point as well about signing something too. It would make life soo much easier.
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  • #32


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Nov 7, 2013
I just read your thread. Wow, what a great thing you are doing for these cats. It can take several weeks to trap a feral kitten. My neighbors and I trapped two right away when we set out a small humane trap, but it took a month more to trap the third. I would advise leaving a bowl of dry kitten chow or cat food beside the trap so the kitten doesn't starve in the mean time. Continue to leave smelly yummy food inside the trap. I've never withheld food completely from any cat that I've trapped--I've been able to leave out dry food so they don't starve but still trap then with tuna fish or chicken inside the trap. If the kitten's food source is completely gone, she will move on and look for another food source.

Is it possible that someone in the apartment already lured the cat inside their home?

Lastly, I disagree that if a feral kitten isn't socialized after a month it can't be socialized. I completely socialized and domesticated a feral kitten who was 3-4 months old. I also took inside a  feral who was 10 months old, and she lives contentedly inside my home with no desire to ever go back outside, and while she's not an affectionate cat, she's playful and I adore her. I think the kittens you took to the shelter will be adoptable if there are staff and volunteers who will spend time with them each day playing with them.

I, too, await hearing what happens with this little kitten. Good luck! 
What if I were to leave some dry food by the trap, like near the opening? But then put some yummy wet food inside the trap?

I highly doubt it, that she was lured by someone else. The kitten is not social by any means after being chased and nearly caught twice. She is staying clear of people. where before she'd sit and watch people and not bolt at the site of them. 

I certainly hope it won't take a month to catch her! 

That's wonderful you were able to domesticate and help the feral kittens you took in :)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 21, 2013
Western PA
Yes, I think you should leave some dry food next to the trap, so that she will still come around. I hope it doesn't take you a long time to trap her, either. Good luck and keep us posted.


Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago
I just saw this now and was literally on the edge of my seat. So glad you were able to catch her! What great human beings you and your boyfriend are!

zed xyzed

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 10, 2015
Toronto Canada
Thank you!!! you made my weekend, I was so worried about that little thing. I don't know why, because you and your boyfriend were so determined and knowledgeable I should have guessed that this  would be the only outcome.  You guys are amazing !!!