Intermittently Urinating In Just One Spot-not The Litter Box


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 6, 2018
I don't even know if this is the right place to post this and sorry this is so long, but I'm not sure what is important...I feel like I need an outside perspective.

18 months ago, a friend needed to rehome her 1.5yo male kitty due to allergies. It took time (and tears on my part), but I feel like my 11.5yo male resident kitty (Baxter) and the "new" kitty (Jordy) finally decided to co-habitate after about 2 months of both being in the house. They aren't snuggle buddies, but they have appeared to share resources (litter boxes, toys, & me) without prejudice. They have each had their own feeding spaces in separate rooms with microchip feeders so each only has access to their own food. Once the initial introduction was completed, they have been play wrestling (at least that is what Google tells me it is -- ears erect, little to no noise such as growling or hissing, when one gets tired he just walks away with no retribution from the other).

Approx 4 months after Jordy moved in, Baxter had a bout of pancreatitis, but it resolved with no hospitalization - only a couple of B12 injections and a maintenance dose of Famotidine every other day (whew!) We went on with our normal lives.....

However, approximately 1 month ago, now 13yo Baxter started urinating outside the litter box in what I call his "stress reliever spot" multiple times per day, not eating as well, and generally not acting "himelf". (Whenever he is stressed he goes to this same spot -- he did this very briefly with the introduction of each of our 2 dogs and also briefly when Jordy came into the house). I took him to the vet for a complete workup and the only thing that was found were the levels from his Spec fPL test came back elevated -- his pancreatitis is back :( . At the vets recommendation, we put him on Hills Rx I/D diet, upped the Famotidine to every day and added Cerenia on a daily basis to alleviate his nausea and correct his inappetence. With this new regimen, his appetite got better and he behaved more like himself, but his urinating outside the box has continued -- but only once every couple of days. For the most part he is using the box.

I had him back at the vet today for a follow up because of the non-litter box use and, according to the vet, on physical exam Baxter is not acting as if his abdomen is painful. The vet feels that if he was in pain, he would be urinating outside the box more frequently than every couple of days -- it would be all or nothing. Additionally, he cited that studies have shown the Cernia has a mild pain relief/anti inflammatory effect in addition to the anti-nausea properties it is prescribed for. The vet is leaning towards a behavioral cause for the litter box avoidance. Baxter has an appointment to have his bloodwork redone 3 weeks from today to see what his Spec fPL says based on his diet change and medication. All of this sounds logical to me.

I have been using litter attractant and keeping the boxes meticulously clean. No changes to litter or in the household.

Am I missing something? What am I looking for in subtle aggression between the boys?


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
I just wanted to mention that if you don't already an enzymatic cleaner such as The Equalizer which doesn't require soaking, and also puppy pee training pads.

Can you try some music? There's an app called Relax My Cat that might help.

You, Your Cat And Stress
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 6, 2018
I just wanted to mention that if you don't already an enzymatic cleaner such as The Equalizer which doesn't require soaking, and also puppy pee training pads.

Can you try some music? There's an app called Relax My Cat that might help.

You, Your Cat And Stress
Thank goodness his spot is on a vinyl laminate floor so I have been using Nature's Miracle enzymatic cleaner to clean after each incident. I have on order (but haven't received yet) Felliway calming diffuser for the area he uses. I have not tried music -- never heard of that! I must investigate!


Opener of cans
Alpha Cat
Aug 22, 2018
I would guess that if his health is good the peeing is probably just a bad habit that formed while he was sick that is starting to taper off. Is there any way you can block off access to that one spot? Maybe stick a scratching post there to discourage the peeing?

Just to be clear, he is peeing and not spraying right?
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 6, 2018
I would guess that if his health is good the peeing is probably just a bad habit that formed while he was sick that is starting to taper off. Is there any way you can block off access to that one spot? Maybe stick a scratching post there to discourage the peeing?

Just to be clear, he is peeing and not spraying right?
I set up cameras to catch him in the act and he is definitely squatting and not spraying up. The quantities also lead me to believe it is not spraying.

His spot is about 2 feet away from a long time preferred litter box location. I actually moved the litter box over to the scene of the crime and he is now peeing right in front of the box. (frustrating ! ) I had towels down to protect the floors, but was advised that they were too "comfortable" so now I put some plastic down to protect the floors but still giving that "hard surface" feel that cats are not supposed to like. It didn't work.... he just pees on the plastic.


Opener of cans
Alpha Cat
Aug 22, 2018
I also see that you have done a lot of testing for things. Was he checked for a UTI/crystals as well? Or arthritis that might cause him pain when climbing into the box?

I also had success with Dr. Elseys cat attract litter this fall when I had to eliminate post-UTI behavioural peeing. It might be worth a shot.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 6, 2018
Yes, they did a complete physical with blood panel and urinalysis to rule out other causes.

He doesn't seem painful when going in and out of the box. I have thought of that, but he still makes it to his favorite perch at the top of a 6' cat tree so I sort of ruled that out. (is that a correct assumption?) Also, the vet didn't say anything about it when he did the physical -- they are very through in checking joints and such.

I have seen the cat attract litter, but instead I have been using a litter attractant that is added to their current litter. Given the fact that I didn't know why he is avoiding I figured changing the litter altogether might make the problem worse. He went outside the box less after adding the attractant, but hasn't stopped completely.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
How long has it been for this last bout of inappropriate peeing?
My cat had recurring crystal formation, and every time he had a flair up, it would take longer after every bout for him to use his litter box consistently again. One time it took over 2 months. There was some learned behavior mixed in with the medical aspect, because it happened so many times.
Unfortunately for us, the only thing we could do was put puppy pee pads in his "stress pee spot" until he stopped using it. Eventually he refused litter all together, but we lined his litter box with pee pads instead and he was happy with that.
One thing I've heard that can help stop a cat peeing in a certain area is to use one of those computer chair/desk clear plastic mats. Put it upside down on the floor so the little "nubbies" are sticking up. Cats don't like the feel of them under their paws.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 6, 2018

His appetite started slowing down about 6 weeks ago, but he always ate all of his food before the next meal so I didn't think too much of it. I think that was the start of this bout of pancreatitis. He started peeing outside the litter box about 3.5 weeks ago. That is when he went to the vet and had all the blood work and urinalysis done and we started meds.

The strange thing is, the first (and only other) time he presented with pancreatitis he was so painful and bloated (these symptoms literally came on overnight) that he couldn't even walk right but he still used the litter box. This time, his symptoms are so vague and mild that the only reason we did the Spec fPL test was because of his history.

The plastic that I put down is actually a carpet runner with those nubs on the back side. I put the smooth side up hoping that the hard surface would make him go to the "softer" litter box. I can try putting the nubs up, but then my concern is that he will just find another spot to pee - one that I may not find! At least now, I know that there is only one spot to look.. :/
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 6, 2018
Update: he seems to be feeling ok... Good appetite, playful, etc. I'm glad for that!
The last 2 days has brought more peeing outside the box than inside.
Does anyone have experience using the felliway plug in diffuser for stress relief? Can it have the opposite effect? I want to give it time to work, but I'm not sure it is having the desired effect!


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Hi! I've read feliway can take a while to start working.
Sometimes it does seem to have the opposite effect.
I think, honestly, at this point I'd try a litter change...try the Cat Attract, and try some relaxing music for him.