Help, can't figure this behavior out


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 7, 2013
A year ago my cat of 19 years passed away. I then adopted 2-9 week old littermates from a loving home. One is male, 1 is female & completely different. The female is the most loving cat I've ever seen, loves non stop attention, purrs constantly, the ultimate lap cat. The male on the other hand is very unusual & the reason I'm seeking help via this thread. Milo doesn't purr, at least not audibly, never liked to be held or picked up as Lucy does but he's not unloving, just unusual. He loves to sleep with me & actually seeks attention by coming up & pawing at me & talking in his own way but when he seeks attention like this & I attempt to give it to him he immediately shys away only to return to pawing at & talking to me the second I stop trying. These cats have the best of everything, food, toys, perches in 8 different windows, beds, a 3900 sq ft home to roam as they please they share with me alone. I love them to death, spend plenty of time playing with them so their environment is as good as it gets. The only problem is there seems to be a jealousy issue between them over me. Lucy being the way she is follows me everywhere while awake with Milo right behind her but while Milo is twice her size he seems rather afraid of her. When Lucy is seeking attention he sits across the room glaring at her & when she falls asleep at my feet he will come roust her & chase her away. Likewise when it's Milo getting attention she sits & glares & will come & chase him off after a few minutes & he's quite terrified of her advances. The only time he stands his ground is when I retire for the evening & he won't let her near the bed, just as she won't let him near the spot where she perches at my feet during the day. It isn't like they don't love each other, they play together & groom each other a good portion of the day but at other times are at each others throats seemingly over me & I'm perplexed. They're 15 months old now, Maine Coon Domestic long hair mixes. Does anyone else have these kind of issues or advice? Mostly does anyone have any answers to Milo's maddening habit of desperately seeking attention & slinking away the moment I try to provide it? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


TCS Member
May 5, 2012
Waldron, Arkansas
It sounds like a brother and sister squabbling. They are deciding who will be the alpha, for at least that day. If they are not getting into outright fights, let them work it out themselves.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 7, 2013
Actually it does turn into outright fights at times where I have to separate them. Also I wonder if these fights account for Milo's strange behavior when it comes to receiving affection. As I stated in my original post he often begs for attention pawing at me & talking to me in his own way but when I try to give him attention he slinks away with his eye on Lucy as if in fear of her reprisal. Then when her attention is diverted he will return to begging for attention. If she's not in the room he will accept attention but the second he sees or heard her coming he becomes a bundle of nerves & slinks away.