Help!? 8 Months More Mischevious All Of A Sudden And Less Loving At The Same Time!?


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 20, 2017
Helmsley North Yorkshire
Hi, I shared my experience of having fostered a mum to be cat and got lots of help and advice on here, where there are lots of people with a huge knowledge of cats and their behaviour. I rehomed 3 of the kittens and mum but i kept 2 of them and it is one of them (Dexter) that is now confusing me with his behaviour!
He is 8 months now and has always been very needy he loved cuddles and followed me and my family around everywhere just So he could jump up for a snuggle and he would lick us and purr like crazy. He has always got on well with the other cats he is one of six I have and am lucky because they are all friends. But just lately Dexter has stopped wanting cuddles and doesn' purr when I pick him up like he used to, the licking has also stopped and he tends to go off upstairs to sleep alone rather than coming for company. Along with this change in behaviour he has become more mischevious or naughty, he has been spotted swiping at the other cats randomly almost like he's trying to wind them up. He has also seemed restless and climbs onto desks and worktop to rip up letters, invites, anything he can get and he shreds them with his teeth! I even saw him trying to steal a letter that was stuck on the fridge to tear up! When I see him and firmly say his name he scarpers in a scatty way it's like he knows he's being naughty! Sorry for the long post I just miss the old Dexter and wondered if anyone has experienced anything similar and how they dealt with it and how it panned out?
Thanks for reading all that! Look forward to any advice xx


TCS Member
Super Cat
Apr 10, 2016
The South
First question is has he been fixed? Secondly do you have designated play time to wear him down to lower the destructive streak?

Some cats love paper. As pet parents many of us cat proof things. My cat loves paper bags. She'll eat them. I leave no paper bags out.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Aug 9, 2016
NY State
The terrible 6-12 months! My cat was a ball of naughty energy during this time, trying to chew up/eat everything and attacking my legs. Many people on here say that cats become less affectionate as they get older and that in kittenhood they're the most affectionate, though I found that once my cat mellowed out and turned two his affectionate nature came back. Your cat just has a lot of energy right now and like an adolescent boy would rather play than snuggle! Do you have a designated play time? Honestly the only thing I found that could exhaust my cat was the DaBird toy -- my cat literally does flips for it and it keeps your hands far away from those eager teeth and claws.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
If it hasn't been done, he needs neutered ASAP before he starts spraying and getting out every time you open the door, and he will! If he has been, then he is just growing up! 8 out of 10 cats I have had get less affectionate as adults. After these terrible Teenage months, he will most likely still come to your lap, and rub against you etc, and become a little more affectionate than he is right now, and I have had a few that return to very affectionate, so time will tell. But there is still nothing that craves being with us more than a kitten!
Does his health seem normal? Sick cats want to be alone more than healthy ones. Watch him a little closer and make sure he is eating good and drinking well, also using the litterbox normally. If these are off it may be time for a checkup. To me though, it just sounds like a teenage phase. All the luck!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Mar 20, 2017
Helmsley North Yorkshire
Thank you for the replies! He has been neutered, as soon as he was old enough. He seems fine health wise. He has been catching more little birds and mice lately so maybe I will worm him again just incase. And he played a lot with his sister but she has mellowed quite a lot lately, so I have added a playtime into our day and worn him out until he falls asleep (mid play one day) And that seems to be helping! Thanks again xx attached (hopefully) a pic of him all worn out after we played with some old screwed up paper and a bit of catnip hehe

