Help! 4 Year Old Rescue Into Home With 9 Year Old And 10 Month Old


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 1, 2017
I recently rescued a four-year-old calico cat. She had never been around other pets or even played with toys. I have a 9 year old little boy named baby and a 10 month old little girl named Trjegul. We have only had Cali, the Calico cat, for two weeks but so far the blending of the families has gone smoothly. There was hissing in the first week and almost none the next. Cali had little issue getting used to the home or the other cats since her living space was as small as a bathroom before we got her. The other cats seems to be doing well, no one stopped their daily routine or quit eating or made a fuss. My question and concern is that normally at night we lock all of the Cats on the back porch which is spacious warm and has many windows. The problem with this is that today while Cali and Trjegul were playing together baby jumped on trjeguls back legs which created a cat fight between baby and her. I have never seen this behavior from both of those cats, but for a moment I think my kitten forgot that there were three cats in the home. My kitten managed to scratch baby on the nose. My aunt who has had many cats in her time suggested, since Cali doesn't meow and she is so quiet, to keep her locked in the house with us and put the other two on the back porch which is what they've been used to their whole lives. Does anyone have any suggestions from being in this type of situation? After the cat fight with my kitten and my nine-year-old, within an hour everything was back to normal. Me and my husband both leave the house at the same time for work and get home at the same time, we were wondering if we should separate them while we're not around because of the one fight that those two had. I've locked my 10 month old and my 9 year old out already for the night and Cali is in here with me and my husband. Thank you.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
I like your aunt's idea, at least for a while until all three cats are really truly comfortable. The one thing to watch for is if the two begin to want in because Cali is in, which is why I'm hoping you'll be able to bring all three together after time.
It would be helpful if you had a way to see, with a camera, how they behave while you're gone when no humans are around.
Overall, I think you have a fantastic situation and I'm so glad the cats have you!!
Let us know how things go :)


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
I agree with Furballsmom Furballsmom , as I so often do Your aunt had the right idea. Let them be together while you can keep an eye on things. OH, and I'd say you are doing a great job, to be this far in just two weeks! These things can take months to accomplish!