Hello, from New Cat Convert and Family

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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jun 4, 2013
Cleveland, OH

My baby gate was supposed to arrive today. Amazon says its been delivered, but its not here. :( This happens semi-regularly and it always turns up- I bet someone else in my building has it or another neighbor close by- but I'm annoyed because I had wanted to use it tonight!!!!!! Grrrrrrrr. :p

I think Squeak is hissing somewhat less at Gracie and that it takes more in general to get a hiss out of her. But it could be my imagination. (BF thinks it is, but he's not home enough to tell.) Today, I also found Gracie with her face under Squeak's door meowing. Assuming she indeed couldn't see Squeak, I think she was either wondering if the other kitty had left or perhaps was asking for company/playtime. (I still think Gracie occasionally tries to play with Squeak, though Squeak hisses and bats her away.)

I just strung together two ends of a da bird toy and put one in one room with Squeak and the other in the other room with Gracie, cause someone mentioned doing something like that would allow the cats to play with each other. Yeah, right; just like human children, each decided she needed the other side of the toy too, and Squeak eventually pulled it over to her side. I have since taped it down- preventing one cat from moving the string and thereby making the other play too, which was the entire point- just to see if it helps or not. Gracie was at one point successful at pulling Squeak's purple feather onto her side as well, without even affecting the tape, but I put it back and she hasn't done it since. Maybe this will help them work out their issues. Or maybe it will exacerbate them. :p


TCS Member
Adult Cat
May 4, 2013
Victoria, Australia
Yeah, my experience of a missing cat is hardly representative! In fact, I've always believed she (also called Gracie) was taken. There was one woman who showed an enormous amount of interest in her and someone removed my missing posters. But I may be very wrong. I have no doubt the microchips can and often do help. I can feel the chip just under the skin on Jasper's right shoulder blade.

Fortunately, I can put Jasper up one end of the house when I go out. That stops him from slipping out when I come home. It only occurred to me the other that this system won't always be possible.

Gracie sounds like she's got some attitude
 I reckon she knows Squeak is in that room, she can probably smell her. I'd say trust your gut feeling on whether Squeak is getting a more comfortable with Gracie.  You certainly have put in a lot of effort!
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  • #23


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jun 4, 2013
Cleveland, OH
I'll leave a longer response later, but for now I wanted to share a small victory:

Today was the first time Gracie jumped up onto a single, one-person chair (as opposed to a couch) when I was seated there. Sometimes she's wanted my attention while I was sitting in one, and she'd mew and rub at my feet but wouldn't come up (despite her liking the chair when it's empty). She let me pet her, and even seemed to attempt to "settle in" before becoming too distracted by the birds outside the window. She'll probably never be a lap cat, but it's a joy that she and I continue to get closer. :)


Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
That's wonderful. Slow steps really make a big difference
Yes, slow steps.  We made the mistake of trying to integrate new cats too quickly with disastrous results (BAD fights).  Sounds like you're doing all the right things, msbedelia--keep us posted!


TCS Member
Adult Cat
May 4, 2013
Victoria, Australia
Oh, that's lovely
You never know, Gracie may become more snuggly in time. Not that it matters. Has Squeak continued being affectionate, like you described in your first post?

I just saw/heard Jasper clicking his teeth at the birds outside. I have never actually seen a cat do that before. I got quite a shock!
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  • #27


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jun 4, 2013
Cleveland, OH
Oooooh, first teeth clicking, how exciting!

Squeak continues to be a giant affection machine. She's still not a sit-on-you or cuddle-with-you stage- she's rather lay a bit from you and come to you demanding pets every 5-10 minutes- but we haven't had her for a full three weeks yet, so I'm hopeful. Especially since, while we try to give her lots of roaming around the apartment time, she really doesn't get the same time Gracue does, poor dear.

One more Gracie update: I babysit twin 9 year olds, and while driving them to their music lesson, we had to stop at my place quickly to pick something up. Of course, everyone decided they absolutely had to go to the bathroom right then, so they came up. (I think it was a plot to see the cats they know I have.) I carefully explained to them that Gracie is friendly but doesn't like to be touched by strangers so they needed to respect that. Well, Gracie was all over their legs, rubbing herself on them! I told them to extend a finger to her nose (the human version if the kitty handshake), which she appreciated and responded to by inviting/allowing pets. She tired of them relatively quickly and went back to hanging off the windows because OMFG BIRDS, but I was amazed.

She's been so affectionate today that if she wasn't eating and eliminating so normally, and playing like her normal devilish self, I'd worry she's sick! Or body-snatched! :p

What a good Gracie. :)

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  • #29


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jun 4, 2013
Cleveland, OH
Well, thank you. I'm trying. :)

I posted an update in the behavior forum...