Hello from Iowa! Anyone else have a 3 legged cat?


TCS Member
Thread starter
May 11, 2015
I am Treble Bolt. I have 2 cats (and a hedgehog). Treben is my 4 year old, a black 3 legged cat. I took him from my husbands' family farm when was only a few weeks old. The vet figures he was run over by a lawn mower and lost half of his back left leg. I had to syringe feed him and remember having to give him lots of antibiotics because he was very malnourished and his stump was infected. He pulled through like a trooper and is very healthy and happy today.  He is very clingy towards me, very talkative, and goes between being laid back and insanely hyper.  He sometimes likes my husband (who wasn't keen on me keeping him in the first place, because of the fact that some farm kittens just don't survive, but Treben has grown on him).

Nekkhalen is my other cat. He has all four paws, but we rescued him at about 4-6 months old from the woods in fall of 2013. What took me by the heart strings was here is this half grown kitten, obviously malnourished and uncared for, but would not take any food unless you pet him first. He was hanging around a friends gathering we attended and was asking for food and petting from everyone. He is extremely loving and laid back. My husband and I figure, where ever and whomever he came from gave him a rough time. He looks like his tail is bobbed (it is at half length, with a 90 degree bend at the tip) as well as looking like his tail was broken at his rump. He was extremely timid and scared of every move we made early on. He never played and was not at all used to being picked up or petted in a gentle manner. My husband figures he was a wild kitten, but with how tame he is, I figure he was in an abusive home before being lost/abandoned in the woods. After over a year of having him, he only recently (last 3 months) has regularly started to play with cat toys (every time he has, my husband and I both stop what we are doing to watch him with joy). He still has timid moments, especially when strangers are in our home or when we move too fast. He still has the habit of wanting attention before eating. He will not jump on our laps, and still is uneasy about being picked up, but often desires to lay on our laps and snuggle (he will butt our chins and try to rub himself all over our faces).

It was hard to get Treben to accept Nekkhalen at first, but over the course of 3 months since bringing Nekkhalen home, they became fast friends. It was very hard to get Treben used to another cat, because he hates all other cats (and dogs). But it worked out very well for us because Nekkhalen had fleas, a respiratory infection, and was malnourished. Due to our home being under renovation, it was easy to keep them completely separated while Nekkhalen recovered and Treben got over his single child mentality. But now, over 1.5 years on, they have a charming (and often adorable) relationship. Here they are caught catnapping together.



Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
Wow, what a story.  What lucky little kitties that you found and saved them.  They look adorable together.  Welcome to TCS!

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Welcome, and thank you for a story with a happy ending! You and your husband will surely be blessed for taking in these sweet babies, I'm sure they both realize how lucky they are to have found you! All the luck!


Staff Member
Dec 4, 2013
Welcome to the site :wavey:

You have some gorgeous kitties :D


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jan 15, 2014
We have a three legged cat named Hoppi.  Actually it is Hop-a-long Cassie, but we just call her Hoppi.  Technically she has all four legs, but is missing the right hind foot.  We think she got caught as a kitten in one of the metallic framed screen doors that automatically closes.  She is dreadfully afraid of doorways, so that is why she was hurt that way. 

Then to make things worse, we live on the St. Johns River, and she fetched up on our riverbank as a two month old kitten.  We think she was thrown overboard in a bag from a boat, and she managed to escape.  We have had her ever since then, 2004.  I managed to get her into a carrier once when she had to be spayed, but, I have not been able to get her to the vet since.  For all of being 7 pounds, she is a fighter and almost half-wild.  So any doctoring she needs, I do it.

To watch her run and climb, and hunt, one would never know that she is 'handicapped'.

Boris Diamond

Cat Valet
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Not a cat story - but my sister has a three-legged dog.  The dog is not slowed down.  The dog is fun to take for a walk as almost everyone we pass would stop and ask about her.  Great way to meet people!
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TCS Member
Young Cat
Oct 12, 2014

Hi, and welcome to the forums.

I too have a three-legged cat (a tripod called Felix, lol).  I only got him two weeks ago today; he was at a cat rescue outside of the city for three months after his loving owners had to move and couldn't take him with them. Me and my mum watched the cat rescue website every day to see if he was still there looking for his forever home (I'd have adopted him way sooner if I'd been able to get transport out there, as no bus goes near that area).

  Mine lost his leg to a snare when he went wandering apparently during the wanderlust stage (his owners didn't neuter him - the shelter had to do it).  Felix's left leg is gone right up to the shoulder (it actually looks like it was never there at all).  Despite his disability he is a three legged furry acrobat who seems to be stuck in permanent kitten mode.  He does tend to fall and slip around a bit  but he can't half run when he gets going.  Front legs are the worst to be missing or a cat as when he jumps down from anywhere he tends to get a bump in the face/head on occasion (he stubbornly won't use the smaller steps I put around for him).

And I too have the black cat and tabby combo lol (a black cat called Sabbath).


TCS Member
Jul 6, 2007
Sundarville, NC
Welcome to TCS!  Your cats are gorgeous.  I had a white Persian that lost most of a back leg in a car engine.  She was very sweet, a cherished childhood pet, who has long since crossed the Bridge.  I still think of her so often...and feel it's only a matter of time before we meet again.