

TCS Member
Thread starter
May 10, 2018
Please help. Once a month for 2 days in a row, my cat pees on my bed.

I have already typed out this extremely long post, twice now, and for whatever reason, it never gets published. For more of the back story, you can see my first post when this problem began... Kitten Peeing On Pillows Help!!!

This rescue has done amazing on the Litter Kwitter and even though she had a rough start, she ended up doing wonderful. She has come a long way and is still a very anxious kitten but so much better than those first few weeks and months.

Since September, she started a new habit of peeing on my bed around 5 in the morning. Once a month, for two days in a row, she starts peeing on the bed instead of the toilet. Everything gets washed, sanitized, enzymed, etc, etc, etc... and she does it again. Rinse, wash, repeat, etc, etc, etc. I hope you can get the gist without me typing yet another novel that never gets published.

I cannot figure out the trigger, I do not know why she is doing it. By the third day, she is back to being uninterested in the bed and only uses her toilet. For another month. Then it starts again.

I am at my wit's end. I love the little thing but she has GOT to start using her toilet and for a while I excused it thinking she is still a kitten and she is still learning. Maybe she is but she is going to be a year old next month and I am not having it. I have never in my life had a cat who did this and had any accidents outside of the toilet.

That is all I am going to post for now and can continue in the comments if this post hopefully gets approved to post.

I cannot afford the cat behaviorist in San Diego who charges minimum $500+ for the first consult. Please, community, please please help me help my kitty.



TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi! What a pic - so cute!! First thing I want to say is that I am wondering if you are really getting the smell out of the bed linens each time. That would explain why she pees in the same general area each time. (I think that is what I read in your previous post.)

Secondly, since it is not all the time, there is likely to be some sort of trigger, however subtle it might be. I would start a log of events, include even the tiniest of changes, to see if you can pick up on something from that.

And, I would place a tarp (or, plastic shower curtains) over the bed when you are not in it - given that you said she has done it at times when you are already out of bed.

I would also ensure her litterbox is clean before you go to bed, just in case she is not a fan of using a box that has 'stuff' in it.

You could also get a crate or a big cat carrier to place her in at night - and place a puppy pee pad in it, just in case she goes before you get up. Since she wants to be near you, you could place it on a chair or something of that sort right beside your bed so she can see you. And, when you get up in the morning, take her out and place her in her litterbox.

You might also want to have a second litterbox with a puppy pee pad in it instead of litter to sort of mimic the softness of the bed linens.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2018
We are here to help you and your kit. I've been there except it was every night, because we'd moved from a house into an apartment with a communal hallway. One of the cats assumed everyone walking in the hallway was trying to invade our place and peed on the bed. I slept under a shower curtain until we moved.

Start your detailed diary of everything that happens on the day she first pees on the pillow or the day or two before. The questions below are to help you get started on the list.

Are you in an apartment or a house?

Does someone visit the neighbors on one of those days (go two days back remember?) Do they bring a dog or children?

Does someone return home late those days during the month? Maybe noisily.

Has another cat sprayed your front of back door or patio windows? Sometimes cats only manage to escape their homes on certain days depending on what's going on. So, yes, a tom could be escaping just on certain days and spraying everything in sight.

Do you cook something kit really likes or dislikes on those days?

Does something in your life upset you during those first three days? Is this when you get paid? Do you feel you are being cheated at work or school? Cats read our emotions and put their own interpretation on what they mean. If you are angry and sad due to something (your pay) your cat may feel your and her safety and possession of the house is threatened. Her response is to mark the pillow to show the unknown but possible intruder to come it belongs to you.

Is one of these days the ones you usually wash the sheets and blankets? She may not like the detergent you use, but finds the enzyme cleaner you use to get rid of the pee smell better.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Peeing on things is stress or marking something as hers. There HAS to be a trigger for it to happen once monthly, and why two days? Do you have a neighbor she can hear? Something must be happening once a month outside that is upsetting her. You might invest in some calming treats (after checking with your vet) and giving them to her. about that time. Or get a heated cat bed and see if that will keep her from your bed. To keep her off your bed close to that time, get some clear carpet runner and drape it across your bed, little 'nub' side up and using several strips to cover the bed, it will keep her off and is easy to move and put on. For it to be so regular, there has to be something. All the luck.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
Sorry if this is TMI, but I wonder if she may be picking up on "your monthly hormone levels" or stress/anxiety/irritability etc..."on a once a month cycle", perhaps it's when you are ovulating?
If this is the case, I honestly don't know how to fix it, but perhaps, if you are feeling irritable, try to find a way to de-stress. Give her extra attention during that time, so she does not feel the need to "mark" or "blend scents" with you. Maybe use a pheromone spray on the areas she likes to pee.

Sorry, I might be way out in left field, but the "once a month for two days", and the fact that cats can seriously pick up on our stress and hormone levels just really made me think of this.

Oh!, and I'm also assuming you are a female from your avatar...I'm soooo sorry if I assumed wrong!! LOL!!


TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 25, 2016
Alberta, Canada
I'm not sure this would make sense since it's just 2 days a month, but I wonder is she spayed? One of my cats when she would go into heat (vet refused to spay before 6 months) she would pee on the bed, not for the whole time just a day or two.