Head Tilt, Vertigo, Not Scratching His Ear, What Happened?


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Feb 7, 2015
Geez Louise. One day he was normal, next day he is off balance. Skittles is 9 1/2, neutered. He can sit up for treats, so I know his hind legs are fine.

He does NOT scratch his ear and I looked inside, didn't see anything abnormal, but he is very skittish so I didn't do a great job of looking. I definitely didn't see any brown spots.

One of my other cats loves to pester him and he may have hit his head on the leg of a bar stool as the heating pet bed is between two bar stools. That's the only thing I can think of. His appetite is fine, and nothing else out of the ordinary. He can hear me when I call him.

I guess I will have to get out my credit card to see the vet. I'm wondering if I could take him first to a reputable grooming facility that I know and they could have a better look? I've read in other posts that in order to do a proper test, the swab has to be looked at under a microscope though.

And also from reading on here, it's obviously his inner ear. He does eat a diet consisting of bulgar wheat which he and all my others have been on for 10+ years. I probably should rotate the bulgar with other substitutes that aren't grain in case he has a yeast problem.

Help? Ideas?


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
In my opinion, a head bump is the likely culprit - it's a question of how bad, but eating, hearing you and taking treats does ease my mind. I'd skip the groomer though, they won't have the advice you need unfortunately. The thought of rotating food is terrific, absolutely. Good luck!