Having Trouble With Sick Kitten (Parvovirus)


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 9, 2020
One kitten is going things. Everything seemed fine but it's just been one thing after another.

10/3: She wouldn't eat or drink. She was the following the path of her two kitten siblings who had parvo (passed away) so I went to the emergency vet before anything went bad. She tested positive for parvo and wanted to hospitalize her but that was like $2000. I couldn't do that so she was sent home with medication.

10/4: Still wouldn't eat or drink. This time I started giving her water with a dropper. That way she would have some liquid even if she didn't want to move.

10/5: She licked a little bit of the liquid in the canned food but not much after those few licks. So I scheduled an appointment with the main vet.

10/6: It still wasn't eating or drinking too much on her own. I guess it was food because they gave her the Purina veterinary Rx canned food. She ate it up quickly. The vet tried to send an IV bag with me so I wouldn't have to use the dropper but I was afraid of it because she still had some strength to move around. Plus the idea of inserting a needle with no experience with pet procedures is scary. I don't really have anyone to help me. A part of me now wishes I took it. But the vet said the dropper seemed to be working.

10/6 and 10/7 were two days that were great. She seemed like her old self. She was eating and drinking. Playing and jumping. Then I don't know what happened.

10/8: She would fall and go stiff. I looked it up and thought it was seizures. All the clinics were closed even the emergency one. I traveled about 50 miles to the nearest late-night emergency clinic. They said it was tremors and not seizures. That it seemed congenial than anything else but couldn't perform the other tests because they don't have the equipment. I wasn't sent home with any medication. I have trouble remembering things sometimes. I think the vet said tremors weren't dangerous or a problem but to contact my regular vet.

10/9: Today has been tough. She has trouble with heights. The tremors seem to happen when she's trying to go up and down. They also happen when she's laying down but not as much. She can still eat, drink, and use the litter. She tries to play as well. She doesn't wobble as much if she walks slowly. It's just when she moves fast or tries to go up and down. I'm thinking it might be the vestibular disease. Unless that is what the emergency vet was talking about. I'm still afraid it might be seizures but the vet said it wasn't that. I plan to go to the main vet again to see what they say about tremors.

I feel so hopeless now. I also feel alone. That's why I joined this site so maybe someone else might understand what I'm going through because no one in my life really cares.

I worry about her quality of life because almost anything she does can trigger the tremors and I can't always watch her due to college, other errands, being in another room for a few minutes, or when I'm sleeping. Plus there's the cost. About $1,000 was spent through different payment options. I don't know how I'm going to pay if all this continues when it comes to trying to figure out what's wrong.

At the same time, she seems like herself and is acting normal in a way (eating, drinking, playing) but it's just her body that's the problem. I want to believe what she is dealing with is treatable and that she can return to normal. I'm trying to prepare myself for the idea that I have a disabled cat now if the tremors, or whatever condition she has is not curable and I don't decide to... It's too terrible to say because I just want to believe. Plus I found out about nationwide's pet insurance. I might be able to afford that.

I'm scared to open up about this to others because I didn't vaccinate when I should have. There is a spay and neuter clinic that offers all the shots at the time of surgery. That's when I was going to do it. I also thought that since they were indoor cats that they'd be free from disease. The mom cat kept going in and out of the house. I think she might have been the source of parvo but I don't know because she's still acting normal. And that's another story. I feel so terrible though. I can't sleep because I feel like I have to be awake to watch out for the kitten. I can't explain all the shame and sadness I feel.

Has anyone else experienced this? Or at least the tremors?
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 9, 2020
*10/6-10/7 I guess it was really only 10/7 where she was doing great. But she started eating and drinking again later that day on 10/6. I guess that's why I think it was for two days.


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Ah, Sweetie, I am SO damned sorry! The main thing is that she is eating and drinking now, right? Did I read that correctly? Now, SHOULD she stop eating before you can get to the vet, mix some of her canned food with water (or unflavored pedialyte, even better) until you can draw it up into the dropper, and feed her that way. Same as you do with the water.

Yes, it would have been best if you could have inoculated her. Certainly it would, but everyone here understands the struggles we can have with financing. Try to give yourself a break. You obviously love this baby, and are now doing EVERYTHING you can for her.

The tremors may subside as she throws off the infection. That happens. If not, she won't know she's handicapped, and will learn to work around her issues as if it were the perfectly normal thing to do. You'll suffer more because of it than she will. Take care of her, let's get her over this illness, and let tomorrow look after tomorrow.


TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
Hi. I am so sorry for what you and your kitty are going through. I know very little about this disease, but I have read in previous articles that most kittens that can get past the first 5 days have a much greater chance of overall survival/recovery. I also know I read that seizures can be a part of the disease, as it can/does affect the neurological system. So, I would definitely pursue this aspect, and the tremor possibility, with your vet. If it were to be determined that she is having seizures, I believe anti-seizure meds might be an option - not sure if that would apply to the tremors as well. Either way, I agree with Mamanyt1953 Mamanyt1953 , that any disability she could end up with, she will learn to deal with it and not really even recognize she has one!!

If there is additional testing that would need to be done, perhaps your vet would allow you to set up a payment plan with them? You could also look into carecredit.com, which is a company that offers vet financing. I am including a TCS article link (see below) that provides a list of national US organizations that might be an option for you in terms of financial help - on the assumption you are in the US.

There have been some other members who have dealt with kittens who had and recovered from parvo - I am hoping they will see your post and offer their input.

No Money For Vet Care? How To Find Help And Save Your Cat’s Life – TheCatSite Articles
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Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
I rescued an Aussie (dog) in the early 90s who had parvo. Just to compare what you are describing, it sounds like your kitty has come through something as there was a return to normal behavior and seemingly health was on the mend. The dog did not react this way; he was saved by my vet but never had the upswing that you describe with the cat. This makes me wonder if she is pulling through if you continue to monitor and make sure that she received nourishment.

I am very sorry that you are facing this; it is traumatic and you should not blame yourself as parvo is highly infectious and easily transmitted.

In the dog world, if a dog has a positive dx of parvo, but has not taken the shot, some vets will not vaccinate for it. I don't know if this is true of cats, never having had a cat with it, but you might ask when the time comes for shots.