Having Trouble Getting 3yo "feral" To Play/control Weight Gain


TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 19, 2017
About two years ago I took in a "feral" cat that was about a year old at the time. She does not act like a typical feral, as in she is VERY friendly and almost overly affectionate. She used to get into territory wars ("marking" places of the house, becoming agressive when I would show my oldest cat attention, etc.), but she stopped all of that about 6 months to a year later.

My issue now is that, because she is getting older, her metabolism is slowing down and she is gaining weight. She sleeps or just lays around almost all day, every day, with the exception of getting up to eat when its feeding time, change sleeping locations, or to greet me at the door when I come home. I don't think that I have ever seen her get the "zoomies" or even exert much more energy than a short dash across the kitchen to her food bowl. Whether it is just her personality or its because she spent the first year of her life outside as a feral, it is extremely rare for her to play. She is generally comfortable around me but she can be skittish when it comes to loud noises or fast motions, so trying to play with toys (string toys, balls, track toys, etc.) does not work; she only runs away. I have, however, caught her playing when she is in a room alone with things like bottle caps and hair ties. Once I even saw her lightly tap one of the balls in the track toys and watch it go around, but it was only that one time. I think part of the problem is that she is lacking confidence, especially to play around my other two, very active, cats (one being a 7mo kitten). Even still, the times I have heard/ caught her playing by herself are VERY infrequent and short-lived (maybe only lasting about a minute or two each time).

So I guess my question is, how can I get her to be more confident to play, or are there other alternatives to get her to be more active?

I definitely do not consider her obese yet, but I would like to get it under control before it becomes a real problem. Plus, I just feel like trying to get her to be a bit more active would have its health benefits in general.


Snowshoe Servant
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
It would probably be more effective to control the diet side. Figure out how many calories she is eating in a day and weigh her. Then reduce calories by 15 calories per day. Weigh her after a week. If her weight has gone up, reduce another 15 and wait another week. If her weight has gone down maintain that calorie level weighing her weekly until it levels out. Re-evaluate at that point if she needs to loose more weight or maintain the current weight.


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
Since she is a senior kitty, she will not need as many calories. Do you feed by a schedule or free feed? Also do you feed dry food, wet food or a combination of both? There are lower calorie dry foods available and even dry food that is available for senior kitties. I would also agree that working on her diet may be easier.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Dec 14, 2016
Long Island, New York
4 year old ex-feral Bug has been indoor about a year now and he's certainly added some weight I'm feeding him much less nowadays...I find keeping him focused through exercise and movement is best done alone.....thus he's not competing with the other housecats for attention.

He prefers a string type play toy over others. We have good play sessions...15-20 minute, door shut just he and I in the room.

So IMHO...finding the type of toy she favors and devoting complete, undivided attention to her may get her involved in some physical activity, coupled with some dieting...may do the trick.