Has Anyone Had Success With Mushroom Compounds And Cat Cancer/ Or Health Issues?

35 year catdad

TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Nov 20, 2017
Santa Rosa Ca
I have an 18 year old who will be getting some form of mushrooms if she ever gets cancer, or needs immune system help.
Friends who had a Poodle that vets said needed chemo, got a mushroom compound instead, and the dog lived much longer than expected on it. After losing both parents to cancer at 73, I am now on turkey tail, chaga, reishi maiitake shiitake and agaricis blazei.

I wish I could filter the fluoride out of my tap water like I do chlorine, without cost of reverse osmosis etc- both are very bad for us and pets. There are clinical trials with turkey tail at the N.I.H. for breast cancer and prostate in humans. If only just one was available to me, I would take turkey tails.

Lions Mane I am learning has many benefits in humans for dementia, memory and hmmmm what else was it.......maybe I need to add that one?
Thanks for reading this:)
I asked Wysong if they had a compound and got this reply, so I ordered samples.

"We will certainly pass along your suggestions. You may also be interest in our Optimize™ products, which contain Shiitake Mushroom, Cordyceps Mushroom, Maitake Mushroom, Reishi Mushroom, Lion’s Mane Mushroom, Turkey Tail Mushroom, King Trumpet Mushroom, and Antrodia Camphorata Mushroom. If you would like to provide your address, we would be happy to send you some samples for your cat to try."


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
I can't see I recall hearing anyone giving any form of mushroom to their cat for immune boosting (doesn't mean it hasn't happened) , but my hubby and I take it for our own immune system and swear by it. We take a product that has maitake mushrooms as part of it's formula