Harness And Leash


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 26, 2018
Hi everyone.
I have two beautiful indoor cats. Recently I’ve been thinking of taking them outside but I’m really scared they would get lost/run away.
I’ve decided to buy a harness and leash from amazon. But I’m really confused what is the best option/best one out there.
I’m ordering from amazon. Let me know if you have any suggestions


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jan 21, 2019
But I’m really confused what is the best option/best one out there.
We have two 9-month kittens that we wanted to take outside as well. We started them out in a pet stroller when they were tiny to familiarize them with the neighborhood and the boundaries of our property. They were thrilled! It relieved boredom, stimulated their minds and kept them safe at the same time. We did clicker training with them so that every time the stroller was unfolded they hopped onto a stool nearby the front door and then jumped into the stroller and received a treat. They didn't try to run outside or rush the door because a daily short walk in the stroller was part of the routine. Stroller=outside time.

As they got a little older we started trying out different harnesses on them. It was stressful at first with so many options and they didn't like wearing a lot of the styles. Most were too complicated, covered too much of them or restricted their leg movement. We would put them in a harness, they would hate it and flop over on their side or try to chew it off, but then we'd get out the laser pointer or shake the treat jar and they were instantly distracted. The harness system we liked best for them was:

PetSafe Come with Me Kitty Harness and Bungee Leash

It's a great beginner harness system!! It had detailed instructions for fitting it to your cat (adjusting the buckles to the initial size was the most stressful part of it since we didn't know if it was too loose or too tight-- now it's obvious) and how to take it on and off (piece of cake now!) The material is durable enough that they won't chew through it easily (they don't really care now), lightweight so it doesn't irritate the cat, and most importantly it applies gentle pressure to the shoulders rather than the neck or throat. The bungee leash is stretchy and allows some "give" as your cat approaches the end of their leash to prevent sharp pulling or tugging. I'm not choking them but am still being firm about where I do and don't want them to go.


It comes in 6 colors and is runs about $15. You can definitely buy it on Amazon, Chewy, or in-store. We got Sophie a red one and Gnocchi a blue one, and they actually know whose is whose and will bring it to us in their mouths like a dog when they want to go out. They will sit at the door and yowl their little heads off until we put their harnesses on. When they were younger they used to flinch and get panicky whenever I put something over their head and around their necks, but since using harnesses they are so calm and tolerant with not just the leashes but new collars, dressing them up for the holidays (LOL-sorry kitties), people putting their hands in their faces (visitors, children, at the vet, etc).

No matter which ones you end up getting, putting our kitties on harnesses was the best decision we ever made. We've really watched their confidence, socialization and happiness increase tenfold.
Good luck and Happy Harnessing!


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di and bob

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Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I ended up with what is called a figure 8 harness, it actually tightened when my cat turned around and tried to slip out, which happened with every other harness I tried. She would get scared, freak out, flip around and tug right out of a regular harness. She also was the one who I had to work with for over a week inside to even get used to the harness. which you have to do before you take them out. I would put on the harness and she would literally fall over onto her side and not move! She eventually became my best walker, after I found that figure 8 harness and wasn't chasing her all over the neighborhood! :runningcat: