Hare Today On Social Media


TCS Member
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Jan 11, 2015
Do any of you follow Hare Today on Facebook? Tracy's April newsletter was pretty anti-vax. I didn't see it because I really don't pay attention to their news letters other than to look for discount codes. Someone then posted on their facebook that they were "not a fan" of her anti-vax rant, to which she responded pretty defensively, and then turned around and posted a request for her supporters to go "share their opinion" of how homeopathy helped their pets on this persons comment, which looked a lot like a request for backup, with a side comment that she's "over" the hate emails. The entire thing was really messy, and she clearly lost some customers because of it as many people felt her behavior was unprofessional.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Sep 27, 2015
Des Moines, Iowa
I honestly just skimmed it because it was pretty lengthy. It was fairly anti-vax, but it didn't bother me. I'm pretty limited vax (generally kitten shots, first rabies, then titers.) But my cats are indoor only, and I don't have other animals. I think she was just grieving and wanting to make others aware of her situation.

My aunt lost a cat to kidney failure at 3 years old due to over vaccination. I think when you go through something like that, it's hard not to warn others so that they don't have to go through the same thing.

I think vaccines are amazing things, but I also think they come with a lot of risks. Animals have such tiny bodies, and we're putting so many chemicals in them. Studies have shown that a rabies shot can remain in a cats body for over 7 years, so why are we getting yearly vaccines? It seams to be about money at that point, not animal health.
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TCS Member
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Jan 11, 2015
Ultimately it was less about being anti-vax and more about how badly she handled the situation. I'm limited vax, but I don't think her personal stuff belongs in her business. It's good practice to keep business and personal separate.

maureen brad

TCS Member
Super Cat
Aug 18, 2013
San Jose, CA
I read her anti-vaxx rant. I do have to admit it bugged me. I believe we do over vaccinate our cats. I also resist any vet who tries to get me to do that. I stopped reading when I realized she was also talking about people. The trend toward rejecting vaccination for kids puts us in danger of diseases , once thought no longer a problem returning...Yeah, it bugged me a lot and I am glad I didn't see her social media .. I read only the newsletter in my e-mail. I LOVE HT but for just a minute I wondered if, maybe , I was a quack for going raw....I am not in the anti-vaxxer group.I think as far as our kids, I don't like dr's wanting kids to get multiple shots at one time. For my cats, kitten shots and after that rabies, and only every three years, and only because it is law. I agree it is not great for her business either. I have a small business and I never , ever get political with my clients.
Funny that you should post about it, I almost did because it made me very uncomfortable, then again I do love HT. I appreciate her knowledge of raw feeding and, her own product, I do not however want to be lectured to. Anyway, as I said I read some of it but, I didn't want to finish.

maureen brad

TCS Member
Super Cat
Aug 18, 2013
San Jose, CA
Ha, I just wrote a long response and tried to edit it and it disappeared. I got the newsletter from Tracy in my e-mail. Yes, it bothered me. I do think we over vaccinate our animals, I get my cats kitten shots only and after that , rabies every three years, it is law.
I also think this strident anti-vaxx stuff in so far as children are concerned puts all of us at risk of diseases, once thought a thing of the past coming back. I don't however, like dr's wanting children to have multiple shots at one visit.
Reading Tracy's letter made me so uncomfortable I could not finish it, I started to question myself, am I a quack for feeding raw? Stuff like that, so, I stopped reading and didn't go to her fb page ...I almost posted here about it.
Love HT but, very uncomfortable with what I feel was her lecturing ... I have a small business , I would not do what she did. Not a good business move.I won't go and read her fb because, I don't want to get mad, I love HT. BTW Missmimz- I just started reading your blog...you are a good writer.
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maureen brad

TCS Member
Super Cat
Aug 18, 2013
San Jose, CA
Excuse the double- very similar posts. I tried to edit the first and when I was done it was gone, so I re-wrote and now the original is back. Hmm...
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TCS Member
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Jan 11, 2015
Yes I forgot about that part she did go off about human vaccines, which is dangerous territory. On her FB she said she doesn't think healthy animals should be vaccinated, which eh..that can be dangerous too. Feline Panleukopenia does still kill kittens, and in some states rabies is required. I like HT a lot too, I just thought her interactions with people were really inappropriate and I can see why it made some people not want to work with her anymore. She might need some social media etiquette 101 :biggrin:

PS - I saw your comment on my blog, thank you! I actually have a literature degree, but I don't get to write as much as I'd like to anymore.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Dec 16, 2015
I'm not on Facebook, but I do get the HT newsletter. I also found her anti-vax rant uncomfortable. What about rabies?! I'm all for using as few medications/chemicals as possible, using them judiciously, but I haven't seen solid scientific evidence of the so-called horrible damage done by vaccines. I agree with some that her grief was the impetus for this. We all have issues, and since I find her products and service to be outstanding, I can set aside her opinions on vaccinations.


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Alpha Cat
Mar 26, 2014
New Orleans, LA
I agree with you on the social media etiquette 101. That's not the first time that I've noticed the unprofessionalism.

However, it doesn't actually bother me. Also, I have literally no other alternative to get the products I order from her company so conveniently and for the price she charges. If she lost customers because of that, its really their (and their pet's) loss unless they have alternative options of getting their raw food somewhere else.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 17, 2014
I agree that it wasn't wise to mix business with hot topics such as anti-vax, obviously such a topic would elicit diverse povs. It's not enough though to make me abandon HT, everyone makes mistakes and what she posted on her newsletter wasn't done out of malice, even though I don't agree with her.

Given the plethora of heated responses she received, I'd be surprised if future newsletters contain anything other than HT news.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 17, 2014
I honestly just skimmed it because it was pretty lengthy. It was fairly anti-vax, but it didn't bother me. I'm pretty limited vax (generally kitten shots, first rabies, then titers.) But my cats are indoor only, and I don't have other animals. I think she was just grieving and wanting to make others aware of her situation.

My aunt lost a cat to kidney failure at 3 years old due to over vaccination. I think when you go through something like that, it's hard not to warn others so that they don't have to go through the same thing.

I think vaccines are amazing things, but I also think they come with a lot of risks. Animals have such tiny bodies, and we're putting so many chemicals in them. Studies have shown that a rabies shot can remain in a cats body for over 7 years, so why are we getting yearly vaccines? It seams to be about money at that point, not animal health.
One of our cats, back in 2007, she was 13 years old, got very sick from the feline distemper vac.

Our two cats now, they had all their vaccines as kittens, including rabies, and that's it. Fortunately our vet doesn't enforce getting repeated rabies vaccinations. Our cats are indoor, NYC apt cats only, highly unlikely they would come in contact with any skunks, raccoons or foxes although we have some crappy skunks as neighbors. :D

maureen brad

TCS Member
Super Cat
Aug 18, 2013
San Jose, CA
I will always order from HT myself. I also had a cat that had an immune reaction to vaccines and will never get anything other than rabies for my adult cats.
If I still had dogs I would also continue getting rabies shots, unless they were ill. I am aware of all the problems with vaccines but, years ago my cousin was bit by a dog who had not been vaccinated, she had to undergo a series of very painful shots in her stomach because she was in danger of having rabies.
Her parents sued the dog owners.
Unless you live in the country and don't have to take your dogs out among the general public I would continue to get rabies shots. That said, if I did live where Tracy lives and I never had small kids around I probably would not.
Conclusion- HT is fabulous, I trust Tracy , I trust the quality of the products I order.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2017
If you're running a business you should be taking things in stride and either let people have their opinions or have a rebuttal directly, do not try to get others involved in slamming this person that had an opinion. Telling others to go to that person's wall ended up being the very wrong thing to do. If I didn't have such a need for the product, I would cut ties.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Mar 11, 2011
IME most business owners aren't exactly the best with people and have strong loud opinions. It doesn't bother me. I vaccinate my dogs every three years distemper and rabies because I have to, my cat had shots galore when young but her last ten years maybe twice, my ferrets I haven't at all for the past six years. I know plenty of people on both extremes, from no vacc to following Dodds protocals to yearly everything plus non core thanks to the money grubbing local vet and ignorance. I don't see any of them having problems related to vaccines or the lack of them so it seems either way, issues are rare.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Mar 18, 2016
Maryland, United States
I take great issue with HT spreading anti-vaxx propaganda, when really we should be promoting LIMITED vaccinations.

I feel somewhat inclined to take my business elsewhere, but my cats shouldn't have to suffer from human issues / differences in opinion. I live on the East Coast and haven't found such a great selection of products at that price point anywhere else. Tracy's opinions on vaccinations are completely separate from the quality of her products.

And aside of this incident, I've been very pleased with HT's customer service. Tracy always responds quickly to my e-mails/questions (and I have a LOT of questions!). And she truly cares about animals. She's always said that she won't sell anything on her site that she wouldn't feed to her own animals.