Grumpy kitty and other problems


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Oct 13, 2011
Southern Alberta
So Isis has been with me for a few days now. She has calmed down a bit since my last post about her but she's still really hissy. I don't like her. I have tried. I thought I was ok with her but I just don't like her. I don't know what to do about it
! She's my bf's "princess" he worships the ground she walks on and I hate her...there I said it. It's not just her attitude right now (I know she's stressed etc and I should be more compassionate) it's her attitude always..

How can I develop a relationship with this cat? I don't want to hate her. I want to be able to live happily with her.


1. She jumps on the counters. I don't care where else she goes just not there...please. How can I stop this. (BF didn't really stop this behaviour at his house)

2. She knocks everything over...especially water. Is there a way to stop this?

3. She doesn't like me. How can I build a relationship with this girl. Right now I toss her treats and try to pet her. She doesn't want much to do with me.

4. She's mean to Loki. They do get along but it will take a long time like the first time they lived together. How can I stop her from picking on him right now?

5. She pees on stuff. I think she does this when stressed. She would pee on my bf's bed if he was late from work sometimes or other "disturbing" events. I guess she's very sensitive to things. His bed is gone now but I'm really worried she's going to pee on mine. She's going to the vet in a few days to rule out anything medical as well as get her shots updated because someone has neglected to do so...rawr.

I'm really overwhelmed with life right now and having Miss Angry Pants dumped on me isn't helping matters. I think I just need some pointers and support so I don't start ripping out my hair.

Currently she's isolated in the 2nd bedroom while I'm at work. I let her out when I'm home.

Neither cats are eating very well and I'm worried about that too. I think they're getting about 3oz of wet food per day. Isis also gets some dry (1/4 cup). It's not for lack of trying. I think they're both upset about this whole move.


At Abby's beck and call
Staff Member
May 18, 2005
It's still early days and it will take time for you to build this relationship. :) Ruling out medical issues is a good step. I'm sure she can also sense your stress. I'm sure someone with advice will be along shortly.

Hang in there. :)


TCS Member
Jan 20, 2010
New Brunswick, Canada
Have you tried Feliway hun? You can get it either as a spray or as a plug-in diffuser, and it is a pheremone that helps calm kitties down in stressful situations. Many people have had great success with it, especially with kitties who are peeing where they shouldn't. Might be worth a try.

I know it is hard to be patient with all of this happening, but Isis is really going through a rough time, and she can't speak, so she is doing things to SHOW you how upset she is. I truly believe kitties can sence when we're upset, angry and stressed as well and they will react accordingly.