Grooming Being One Sided? Will It Even Be Both?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 14, 2017
We have two cats one 2year old (Cleo) and a 5 month old (Megara) we’ve had Megara for a month now and they seem to be adjusting just fine, playing, chasing etc etc. Well Megara will go up and groom Cleo when she is either grooming herself or taking a nap, Cleo however does not always enjoy it, she will let it go on for a little bit by then ends up hitting Megara or hissing. Cleo has only licked Megara a few times but only in passing never full on grooming. Will Cleo ever groom Megara, and Why does Cleo get upset when getting groomed? Is this normal? Or aggression ?


Snowshoe Servant
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
Cats are mysterious critters. For whatever reason, Cleo just doesn't like being groomed. As long as Megara stops when told to it will be okay. It may get better with time, it may not. I have a little girl who loves getting groomed by one of the boys, only one the other boy is her play brother and Nightfury is her cuddle brother. Don't ask me why or how that happened but she demands cuddles from Nightfury and looks at him funny if he tries to play, while Link gets the wild crazy moments and if he tries to cuddle she glares at him.

When Rocket first joined us, Nightfury wanted nothing to do with her and hissed if she got within 5 feet. This was as close as she could get after 2 months

She kept going at him and sneaking closer until he started letting her touch him. Then it was all over,

Now he will groom her on demand and they cuddle together,
Which isn't to say he doesn't hiss at her. She is a demanding little bugger and pushes too hard sometimes. I've seen her flop directly onto his head when he is sound alseep and she wants cuddles. I've seen him groom her and fall asleep only to have her nudge him awake because he stopped. In those moments he hisses and bats at her or gets up and leaves. Its been two years (almost three now). It got better over a six month period, it still has moments of annoyance, but it does continue to get better.

Poor Link though, sometimes he wants to cuddle and she just ignores him


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 25, 2007
Beautiful cats you have.

My bollo hates being groomed by himself, us, or my other cats.

My other cats don't mind it, but one has a cleanness disorder (I am sure of it) and will obsessively clean himself, to a point he has no hair on his belly. He loves to groom the others and as he is boss man, he pins down my boys and cleans them, even when they do it. It's as if he senses they have not done a good enough job. He lets me know when to change my bedding as he "cleans" it after a day or 2, only stopping when we fabreez it or wash.

If I am having a bad day and not bothered to shower he even "cleans" me again won't stop until I shower - not that I smell. He loves his bed/mine to be perfectly made too, maybe he has ODC


Top Cat
Feb 20, 2011
It can be that the cat doesn’t like being groomed but in my opinion it is more likely a message that she doesn’t really like the other cat that much, she doesn’t want to be groomed by her and most certainly doesn’t want to reciprocate. Some cat relationships are just like that. They can coexist peacefully enough but one or both just doesn’t want to be friends. Since yours are so new to the relationship, it may change over time.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 25, 2007
Exactly, grooming can be stressful to a cat, as I said, bollo is very affectionate and loves his cuddles, with humans or his litter brother, but if you start grooming him, you can tell he gets so stressed

All our boys have same mum and dad, 3 different litters and nala our sweet girl who we had to save as she was homeless if my sister didn’t keep her (she moved out, got nala, got pregnant and moved back home)