Goofball behavior


with Luciano since 12/5/16
Thread starter
Super Cat
Mar 6, 2017
So many of the behavior threads are for negative behavior. I wanted to start a thread about the goofy things our cats do.

The thing that inspired this is something I saw Luciano do for the first time tonight. One of the first things I bought for him was a scratching fabric that fits over the doorknob. He certainly used it quite a bit for the first couple of weeks (tore the green feather off it) and scratched the front to fuzz in places. Lately he's not paid it much attention, until tonight. He scratched and bit at it, and flipped it off the doorknob. Then he took it in his teeth (it's about three feet long) and carried it around the apartment, walking and then running around with it in his mouth. Then he jumped up onto the couch with it and is chewing on one end of it while his back legs scratch at the other end. I've never seen anything like it. What a goofball!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2017
I had a cat Sarah that had a binky. She was a bottle baby. I crocheted this long super soft lap warmer ... and she would drag all 6 feet of that thing around the house & kneed on it (sometimes even nursing on it when she was younger.) That same cat liked to eat broccoli LOL

My current cat Salem is obsessed with water, drinking out the bathroom sink, and Dante is loves to steal my hair rubber bands to play fetch with :)


Adopt don't shop.
Top Cat
Jan 13, 2017
Where do you think?
My Kabby is quite interested by the toilet. Any time someone flushes it He has to observe as the contents swirl around to nothing. He sticks his head right in the bowl.

Funny thing is if someone leaves the seat up he will hop up and climb halfway into the bowl waiting for the toilet to flush.
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TCS Member
Young Cat
Apr 5, 2017
San Jose, CA
Baxter is obsessed with this fuzzy ducky shower wrap I have. Without fail he will find me when I am wearing it and yell at me until I lay down so he can nap on it. 

He also will only sleep (at night) on this crocheted blanket my mom made. Thats how I know it is bed time!

And he loves the laundry basket so much that he will stay in it even when I start throwing clothes to was on top of him. I often have to remove him so I can actually start laundry  



TCS Member
Young Cat
Dec 20, 2016
Cleopatra likes a piece of un cooked spaghetti.

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TCS Member
Young Cat
Dec 20, 2016
I had a cat Sarah that had a binky. She was a bottle baby. I crocheted this long super soft lap warmer ... and she would drag all 6 feet of that thing around the house & kneed on it (sometimes even nursing on it when she was younger.) That same cat liked to eat broccoli LOL

My current cat Salem is obsessed with water, drinking out the bathroom sink, and Dante is loves to steal my hair rubber bands to play fetch with :)

Baxter is obsessed with this fuzzy ducky shower wrap I have. Without fail he will find me when I am wearing it and yell at me until I lay down so he can nap on it. 

He also will only sleep (at night) on this crocheted blanket my mom made. Thats how I know it is bed time!

And he loves the laundry basket so much that he will stay in it even when I start throwing clothes to was on top of him. I often have to remove him so I can actually start laundry  

Cleopatra likes a piece of un cooked spaghetti.
She also carries t shirts and socks up from the basement and leaves them at the door to the basement. I throw them back down, she drags them back up.

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Sent from my MotoG3 using Tapatalk


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Mar 31, 2017
     My kitty, Atlas, is VERY vocal. He lets me know EVERYTHING he's going to do. When he jumps up in front of my computer, he makes a very loud announcement, and as he jumps he lets out a rumble. Every single time. He announces when he uses the litter box. He announces when he's in the bathtub playing with a toy. I absolutely love it, but sometimes it does annoy me. He got sick in January (intestinal blockage), and those 3 days that he was hospitalized made my apartment very quiet. I absolutely missed him and his crazy announcements. I do have to make sure I Atlas-proof the apartment, because he likes to chew on rubbery items (such as electrical cords and hair ties [also the reason why he spent several days being hospitalized and underwent TWO anesthetic procedures]). He's a cuddlebug, and most mornings that I wake up he has nested in the crook of my arm. It warms my heart when I wake up to see him curled up like that.

     Axis, Atlas' sister, likes to meow at her toys or at night when everybody is in bed and she's the only one in the living room. She has the cutest little meow. At night, I just call her and she comes running up on the bed to cuddle with Oliver at my feet. She also does this silly thing when I baby talk her, where she'll hold her tail up and just whip it with excitement. The equivalent of a dog wagging its tail. Freakin' adorable.

     Oliver's nickname is Dennis the Menace, and for good reason. He's always causing mischief. Axis and Oliver are very close and will never be seen apart for too long. They love to cuddle and groom each other. However, in between cuddling and grooming Axis, he is running rampant in the apartment tearing up my toilet paper, jumping up on top of the fridge and cupboards, breaking all of my glass dishes, eating feathers (learned not to decorate with them), and stealing straws. He loves plastic grocery bags, in which he will get in them and run he nose along it to stretch it out. I don't know why he does this, but it's silly. Of course I don't just leave bags around for him to get into, but sometimes he gets excited when I bring home groceries, so I'll let him play in one while I'm able to supervise him. I can't make my bed when he's around because he likes to attack the sheets and me while doing so. He loves clothes fresh from the dryer and will dig into them. He actually tries to attack me when I'm taking the clothes away from him! And I've never seen a cat get hangry until him. If it's time to eat and I'm late feeding him, he starts picking on the other cats and starts to get mean with me (and by mean, I mean he will interrupt whatever I'm doing and if I try to shoo him away, he hisses at me and swipes at my hand). And he also likes to drag one of my cotton blankets around the place. Sometimes I'll find it in the kitchen or the bathroom (eww).

     Last, but certainly not least, is Oreo. Oreo is my old lady whom doesn't like to be bothered by anybody. She stays in my bedroom almost always, on top of the bookshelf in the window. She's very content in the sun. If I'm relaxing and watching a movie in the living room, she will curl up on the back cushions of the couch and watch with me. Her favorite thing is eating catnip leaves that I sometimes treat her with. She hates being held and doesn't like her tail being touched; she has always been like that. That's okay with me, because I still get to cuddle with her at night when she lays against my arm or on my stomach. 

I don't see these behaviors as negative behavior. I see it as normal and quirky kitty behavior. Sometimes it annoys the crap out of me (breaking glass items, constantly meowing when I'm trying to study, not letting me sleep in because it's breakfast time) or scary (chewing on cords or swallowing hair ties [ugh]), but they are all behaviors that I have learned to love (or prevent) because that's what makes them...them.

ps - I'm glad you started this thread. I was about to start one, myself, but saw yours instead!
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TCS Member
Young Cat
Dec 20, 2016
Isn't Cleopatra adorable.
This counts a goody.....

And she's funny in her favorite box.

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TCS Member
Young Cat
Dec 20, 2016
     My kitty, Atlas, is VERY vocal. He lets me know EVERYTHING he's going to do. When he jumps up in front of my computer, he makes a very loud announcement, and as he jumps he lets out a rumble. Every single time. He announces when he uses the litter box. He announces when he's in the bathtub playing with a toy. I absolutely love it, but sometimes it does annoy me. He got sick in January (intestinal blockage), and those 3 days that he was hospitalized made my apartment very quiet. I absolutely missed him and his crazy announcements. I do have to make sure I Atlas-proof the apartment, because he likes to chew on rubbery items (such as electrical cords and hair ties [also the reason why he spent several days being hospitalized and underwent TWO anesthetic procedures]). He's a cuddlebug, and most mornings that I wake up he has nested in the crook of my arm. It warms my heart when I wake up to see him curled up like that.

     Axis, Atlas' sister, likes to meow at her toys or at night when everybody is in bed and she's the only one in the living room. She has the cutest little meow. At night, I just call her and she comes running up on the bed to cuddle with Oliver at my feet. She also does this silly thing when I baby talk her, where she'll hold her tail up and just whip it with excitement. The equivalent of a dog wagging its tail. Freakin' adorable.

     Oliver's nickname is Dennis the Menace, and for good reason. He's always causing mischief. Axis and Oliver are very close and will never be seen apart for too long. They love to cuddle and groom each other. However, in between cuddling and grooming Axis, he is running rampant in the apartment tearing up my toilet paper, jumping up on top of the fridge and cupboards, breaking all of my glass dishes, eating feathers (learned not to decorate with them), and stealing straws. He loves plastic grocery bags, in which he will get in them and run he nose along it to stretch it out. I don't know why he does this, but it's silly. Of course I don't just leave bags around for him to get into, but sometimes he gets excited when I bring home groceries, so I'll let him play in one while I'm able to supervise him. I can't make my bed when he's around because he likes to attack the sheets and me while doing so. He loves clothes fresh from the dryer and will dig into them. He actually tries to attack me when I'm taking the clothes away from him! And I've never seen a cat get hangry until him. If it's time to eat and I'm late feeding him, he starts picking on the other cats and starts to get mean with me (and by mean, I mean he will interrupt whatever I'm doing and if I try to shoo him away, he hisses at me and swipes at my hand). And he also likes to drag one of my cotton blankets around the place. Sometimes I'll find it in the kitchen or the bathroom (eww).

     Last, but certainly not least, is Oreo. Oreo is my old lady whom doesn't like to be bothered by anybody. She stays in my bedroom almost always, on top of the bookshelf in the window. She's very content in the sun. If I'm relaxing and watching a movie in the living room, she will curl up on the back cushions of the couch and watch with me. Her favorite thing is eating catnip leaves that I sometimes treat her with. She hates being held and doesn't like her tail being touched; she has always been like that. That's okay with me, because I still get to cuddle with her at night when she lays against my arm or on my stomach. 

I don't see these behaviors as negative behavior. I see it as normal and quirky kitty behavior. Sometimes it annoys the crap out of me (breaking glass items, constantly meowing when I'm trying to study, not letting me sleep in because it's breakfast time) or scary (chewing on cords or swallowing hair ties [ugh]), but they are all behaviors that I have learned to love (or prevent) because that's what makes them...them.

ps - I'm glad you started this thread. I was about to start one, myself, but saw yours instead!
Atlas sounds like a doll.
Just about every morning I wake up and Cleopatra is lying in me. If she's facing me she puts her head under my hand cause she wants petted.
BUT, I've found is she turns and faces away from me, she just wants to lie there. It I try to pet her, she lets me know she doesn't want bothered.
If I keep petting/Pestering her, she makes a noise and takes off..... Lol

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with Luciano since 12/5/16
Thread starter
Super Cat
Mar 6, 2017
I was afraid there might be an adjustment period or an outright rejection when I removed the original mousey (mouse on wire & wand) from the apartment due to the wire being tangled, frayed & the mouse a lot worse for wear. I got a new one and the moment I took new mousey out to play, it was like original mousey never existed. Luciano is so besotted with new mousey, he reminds me of a married man who was just going through the motions with his wife when suddenly a new woman enters the picture. He jumps higher, swots at it harder, runs faster to chase it & when new mousey is motionless on the ground and I'm not holding the handle, he will just gaze at it lovingly.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Apr 5, 2017
San Jose, CA
I was afraid there might be an adjustment period or an outright rejection when I removed the original mousey (mouse on wire & wand) from the apartment due to the wire being tangled, frayed & the mouse a lot worse for wear. I got a new one and the moment I took new mousey out to play, it was like original mousey never existed. Luciano is so besotted with new mousey, he reminds me of a married man who was just going through the motions with his wife when suddenly a new woman enters the picture. He jumps higher, swots at it harder, runs faster to chase it & when new mousey is motionless on the ground and I'm not holding the handle, he will just gaze at it lovingly.
My Boyfriend's cat loves the same mousey! He will tear it to shreds though if not watched! 